
Prunersthat's 11 yr old post, I don't even know what the "super" key is....00:02
oerheks"I want to return to the Terminal window I was just using" - alt + tab00:03
oerheksonly if that terminal window is not closed.00:04
PrunersAlt + Tab + T opens Terminal, but a new window, which doesn't get me back to my work...00:05
PrunersI said wrong.  I mean Alt + Ctrl + T00:06
PrunersYes, Alt + Tab is my favorite all time keyboard command, and it works on Mac, Windows, and Linux!@00:07
PrunersHowever, if there's a bunch of open windows it gets tedious and demanding to work through them all.00:07
oerhekson gnome windows + 1 shows the 10 short keys00:09
oerheksmaybe if terminal is 1, you could bring it to focus?00:09
oerheksterminal is one on your panel*00:10
PrunersHMM I feel like I'm in a foreign country I don't know the language... but i used Ubuntu 3 yrs now...00:12
Prunershere's a 30-second vid about the shortcut I mentioned;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phdKj3z2xm8&pp=ygU5dWJ1bnR1IEN0cmwrQWx0K1Qgc2hvdyB0aGUgdGVybWluYWwgdGhhdCBpcyBhbHJlYWR5IG9wZW4_00:17
PrunersSuper is the Windows key00:26
leftyfbPruners: that video shows how to create a CTRL+ALT+T shortcut to open gnome-terminal. Some that is already setup by default in the default install of ubuntu desktop and also what you said isn't sufficient for your needs00:28
leftyfbPruners: I don't know of any shortcut that will open your last active terminal window other than ALT+TAB00:28
tomreyna bit of an ugly workaround (there are likely better approaches) would be to run    gnome-terminal --tab    ("Open a new tab in the last-opened window with the default profile"), then close this new tab, which should bring you back to where you left off.00:34
JanC"gnome-terminal --tab" will open a new tab in the last active terminal window, if that is what you want00:35
PrunersI just found From settings -> keyboard -> keyboard shortcuts -> additional keyboard shortcuts you can add a keyboard shortcut for a command.00:35
leftyfbPruners: you mean just like the video you posted?00:36
PrunersI don't know the language commands used there... I'd like to add more, one for Sublime text editor, how would I do it?  does anyone know?00:36
PrunersHmmm I don't know how the command I mentioned before works... technically,...  Alt + Ctrl + T   but since that one opens a new window, I don't care to learn more about how that particular command is implemented, since it doesn't serve my need.00:37
leftyfbgnome-terminal --tab just keeps opening new windows for me00:39
oerheksswitch to tab 1 - alt+100:39
leftyfbterminator --new-tab does open a new tab in the existing open window but doesn't bring it to focus00:40
leftyfboerheks: gnome-terminal --tab  just opens a new window00:40
oerheksor just dont open too much windows00:40
leftyfbI don't, just trying to replicate the suggestion solutions00:40
oerheksopen terminal on next workspace.00:40
leftyfbI don't personally have a need for any of this00:41
oerheksme neither, actually00:41
leftyfbI tend to only have 1 terminal window open ... usually with 1 or 2 tab, sometimes up to 3 or 4 but not usually00:41
leftyfbbut each tab usually has the window split a few times in either direction :)00:41
leftyfband to get back I ALT+TAB till I see the black window highlighted00:42
PrunersI wonder if there's a guide to understanding that command language used in From settings -> keyboard -> keyboard shortcuts -> additional keyboard shortcuts you can add a keyboard shortcut for a command.00:47
leftyfbPruners: there's no "command language" you just type the name of the program you want the shortcut to run00:47
PrunersI'll try...00:48
PrunersThank you01:16
PrunersI'll try again tomorrow01:17
=== jake1 is now known as sybariten
alecsmeloHi there02:40
alecsmeloso, which kind of talking still rolling here02:49
oerhekssupport, but low on friday night02:49
alecsmeloare you using nala as a solution to apt, its running?02:52
oerheksNot me, nala is available in univere02:57
alecsmelobut does read something good about the project?02:58
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oerheksjust a tool for apt, not snaps, i guess02:59
oerheksmulti tread download, not needed in ages.02:59
alecsmeloI got it02:59
oerheksit is no war anymore, apt-get over aptitude03:00
oerheksapt is superiour03:00
alecsmeloisnt about war or something else, i just learned about nala at a uk page, but without snap or flatpak, sound unuseful03:02
oerheks!info nala jammy03:05
ubottuPackage nala does not exist in jammy03:05
oerheksoh mantic does03:05
oerheks!info nala mantic03:05
ubottunala (0.14.0, mantic): Commandline frontend for the APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by nala. Size 137 kB / 651 kB03:05
harishHo w to fuck a girl03:07
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant03:07
vivahi all, had a debian crash on a tower dual (now tri-booting) windows/debian, im shrinking the windows partition and adding ubuntu, i just got a error installing "apt-dpkg-install-zcrh4i/74-linux-hwe-6.5-headers-6.5.0-26_6.5.0-26.26~22.04.1_all.deb corrupted fs tarfile in package archive: invalid tar header checksum03:54
vivait appears this might be a dependency and can be corrected with apt --fix-broken install ?03:56
oerheksnot sure ..03:57
lotuspsychjeviva: your full apt logs in a paste might help perhaps?03:58
vivai just took a quick glance, should i finish install then follow the suggestions?03:58
vivaim installing ubuntu baremetal from usb03:58
oerheksautoclean, update lists and try again03:59
vivafrom an interceding terminal or after the install finishes?03:59
oerheksoh from usb, best is start over again03:59
vivaok so something corrupted during writing?04:00
oerheksyou'll be back in here in 15 minutes?04:00
oerheksviva, if this keeps happening, run memtest04:00
vivai should be, ill need to pop over to windows try and re-write the usb image, perhaps using a diff usb stick if i can find one then return when i get back to this point04:00
vivaor maybe i can find a spare usb and write it with dd here04:01
vivawell.... i wonder if i can find a place to put it let me see what i got going on04:01
oerhekscould work, yes04:01
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu04:02
vivaah, classic mistake.04:02
Ximomd5 O_o04:02
oerheksbut 256 is a better choice indeed04:02
vivathanks for reminding me... im too old to be forgetting to do that04:02
Ximodo not trust md5 hash04:02
oerheksbut the iso would be verified with dd,.. weird04:02
vivai wrote it in windows with rufus04:03
vivaim being lazy and pissed04:03
vivai had a kali install that i was trying to use like ubuntu and it t0rched04:03
vivabtw is ubuntu using wayland? i have had two separate debian based installs utilizing wayland behave poorly (correlation is by no means causation) but im startng to get leery04:04
vivaor is wayland a kde only thing? sorry all that GUI stuff is outside my wheelhouse... this appears to be gnome04:05
oerheksjust start over, you could have been halfway now04:06
moonstrikeHow do I get in?04:15
oerheksmoonstrike, dunno, do not share password.04:16
moonstrikeam i already in? it asked for a password..04:18
oerheksthe 1st account created, is also root ..04:18
oerheksso, your password, or if you login automaticly, think hard, or04:19
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords04:19
oerhekssee lostpassword04:19
moonstrikei meant this irc group thing04:20
oerheksoh that password/registration04:20
oerheksjoin #libera for that04:20
oerheksemail accept something04:20
moonstrikei was on kali linux for my first time trying linux i messed somthing up bad now i switched to lubuntu04:21
oerhekswe do accept volunteers, register on launchpad04:21
vivaok back, wrote a sha256 verified image to a diff usb using dd and just now getting back to it, hopefully for real this time04:55
Bashing-omviva: \o/04:58
vivaany suggestions for getting a windows style taskbar at the bottom of the screen? i'd be happy if the left mount panel and the activity panel could be combined into one on the lower portion of the screen windows style. thats always been a struggle for me with gnome05:01
vivabrb final reboot05:02
vivaok the install was a success, i'd like to get VS Community installed, do you suggest i install it via apt or the website? (Or this "ready to go!" popup which has a code (vscode?) icon05:17
xanguaviva: sound like a more traditional desktop would be more appealing to you05:17
vivayes, i had a gnome extension that seemed to work well i just dont remember the name05:17
vivahmm maybe im mistaken and only vscode is available for ubuntu? swore i saw a msdoc maybe i didnt read it careful enough05:22
lotuspsychje!info plank | viva05:23
ubottuviva: plank (0.11.89-4ubuntu1, mantic): Elegant, simple, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Built by plank. Size 97 kB / 474 kB05:23
vivathx taking a look05:24
=== alucardromero2 is now known as alucardromero
CosmicDJany idea how I could fix this? "dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/ksmbd-tools_3.5.1-1build1_amd64.deb (--unpack): unable to open '/usr/lib/systemd/system/ksmbd.service.dpkg-new': No such file or directory"06:54
vincejvis ubuntu 22.04 safe from CVE-2024-3094 or the recent XZ backdoor? were the malicious code not backported to LTS?06:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Malicious code was discovered in the upstream tarballs of xz, starting with version 5.6.0. Through a series of complex obfuscations, the liblzma build process extracts a prebuilt object file from a disguised test file existing in the source code, which is then used to modify specific functions in the liblzma code. This results in a modified liblzma library that can be used b... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-3094>06:57
leejonesDo any of you use a wireless Logitech keyboard?06:57
leejonesMine is connected via Bluetooth.06:58
lotuspsychjevincejv: thing the xz exploit, was only for ubuntu 24.04 devel07:06
=== mark_ is now known as Deacon
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elhoirapt -f install broken again lol09:16
elhoirwtf re ubuntu devs doing?09:16
lotuspsychjeelhoir: this channel is not for complaints, but to solve issues09:18
elhoirhehe i know09:19
elhoirwell my issue is the same as yesteerday, which is the same as the other day....09:19
elhoirthe f**ng "t64" migration stuff09:21
lotuspsychjeif its the same issue as yesterday, you're in the wrong channel elhoir09:21
lotuspsychje!next | elhoir09:21
ubottuelhoir: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.09:21
elhoirouch! didnt realize! sorry!09:22
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giuseppe_ciao a tutti11:50
lotuspsychje!it | giuseppe_11:50
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)11:50
BluesKajHi all12:37
lotuspsychjewelcome thisisjaymehta13:07
thisisjaymehtaThank you13:15
=== cubox is now known as cubo
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BtbNIs there some issue with cmake in the 24.04 repos? A simple apt-get install cmake fails: cmake : Depends: cmake-data (= 3.28.3-1) but 3.28.3-1build5 is to be installed13:48
leftyfb!next | BtbN13:49
ubottuBtbN: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.13:49
vlmis it not possible to download images with zsync? tried follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage but keep getting "could not read control file from URL https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/noble-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync"14:31
tomreyn!next | vlm14:35
ubottuvlm: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:35
vlmtomreyn, thanks when i tried with lts release it worked, just i tried some other earlier release also and it also didnt work and also not the noble one14:39
tomreynvlm: i'm afraid i don't have a direct response to your question, only the suggestion i provided in -next14:40
=== JanC is now known as Guest7099
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
vivalast night a few helpful fellas here helped me sort a botched ubuntu install (that was supposed to help relieve my torched kali install, which i had been using as a debian install). everytthing went well but after the ubuntu install wizard finished it said to restart and i got sent back to kali's grub loader with debian missing... effed around in17:27
vivathe grub cli for a few not having any luck but was able to get far enough back into my kali install to run update-grub cmd and ubuntu was detected and listed17:27
vivasay all that to say that im trying to fully get rid of the kali install, get rid of kali's grub (or just reset it to defaults?) and  ultimately delete the partitions and return the disk space17:28
vivaanyone know what the best way to go about that is?17:28
vivaerrr.. kali install that i had been using the way one would use an ubuntu install (office, browser, etc.)***17:28
vivai had tried to be a cool kid and customize my grub loader with fancy wallpapers and text color and fonts and stuff and i realize when i got sent to grub cli it was a pinstripped walpaper on a white text background, couldnt read a thing. so hoping to either torch that and reinstall from scratch or figure a way to default it back to default settings17:29
rfmviva, would it just be easier to back up your user data somewhere and do a fresh "erase whole disk" install from the installation disk?17:37
vivaman it sure would but the windows install is what im fretting over... it just takes so long -_-17:39
vivai may end up having to go ahead with that tho >_<17:39
vivasorry i didnt clearly mention the issue17:39
vivai had a dual boot kali/windows running... kali b0rked and i decided to go with ubuntu this time17:39
vivasince i was using kali like one would use ubuntu anywatys17:40
rfmviva, if you can boot into the ubuntu install, you could try running grub-install /dev/<whole disk> and then update-grub from there. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing is kinda old but looks ok to me (not that I've had to do this since I gave up on multi-boot systems ages ago)17:47
rfmviva, also I think this is the case where you want to reenable os-prober before update-grub:17:54
rfmviva https://askubuntu.com/questions/1502947/how-to-enable-it-when-grub-disable-os-prober gives instructions17:54
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Grapefruit2003hi, currently i am using a Celeron n4020 and 4gig ddr4 ram, its enough for Lubuntu, but will the new kernel Noble Numbat need more powerful specs?20:59
rboxGrapefruit2003: why do you think the answer here is going to be different?21:00
jeremy31Grapefruit2003: Double the RAM21:01
jeremy31Grapefruit2003: I see bad reviews for that CPU21:01
Grapefruit2003yeah I'll probably get an 11th gen i3 w 8gb ddr421:06
Mr_QueueI've been off IRC for a while now. Where did all the kiddos go? Discord? I am surprised this channel is this idle.22:03
novaTopFlex"sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64" succeeds, but the following "sudo apt update" command results in "Ign:" at the beginning of every line involving the foreign arm64 architecture. How do I fix this?22:07
=== quix is now known as quique
oerheksIgn ignore ..22:09
oerheksthat means it is ignored, not found, so it carries on, no worries22:10
oerheksbut to be sure, pastebin the full output?22:11
oerheksif it happens with other repos than ours, hard to tell22:11
=== quique_ is now known as quique
Mr_QueueProbably lines in /etc/apt/sources.list can be removed.22:24
Mr_Queueoerheks: ^^^22:24
pycurioushttps://developers.yubico.com/SSH/Securing_SSH_with_FIDO2.html - I'm trying to generate a ssh key for my yubikey, and keep getting this error from this command : ssh-keygen -t ed25519-sk -O resident -O application=ssh:raider -O verify-required —> Key enrollment failed: device not found —> Any ideas on how to fix this? ykman info - shows yubikey detected and fido2 enabled22:44
rboxsounds like a question for yubico if their instructions are faulty22:44
pycuriousI was hoping - Perhaps someone here uses yubikey on ubuntu.22:46
Mr_QueueI'd just make a key and skip all the fun jazz someone that probably doesn't know anything about decided would be good options. Then copy the key over.22:50
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nunyasuddenly I can't write to my usb flash drive. When I try to change permissions I get error can't change permissions read only file system. How do I get this back to a writeable drive without losing data?23:46
rboxits probaly corrupt or dead23:46
rboxyo ucould try unplugging it and replugging it23:47
nunyarbox: I've tried ejecting and replugging it. The files can be opened just none edited or added to flash drive23:48
rboxprobably corrupt fielsystem23:48
rboxyou could try running fsck23:49
rboxbut it might make it work23:49
nunyarbox: fsck and what options mount point is /media/nunya/128_GB/23:52
rboxwhatever the devicce is23:52
leftyfbnunya: it's a flash drive, I would recommend backing up what you can from it and spending $10 for a new one23:52
nunyaleftyfb: more like $20 but I hear you. Thanks23:53

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