
=== JanC is now known as Guest4893
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
elhoirhello RikMills lotuspsychje may i?07:44
elhoirgood morning btw07:44
lotuspsychjemay i what?07:44
elhoirask xd07:45
elhoirmy problem seems to be with there two libraries - libelf1t64 and libllvm17t6407:45
elhoirapt seys they conflict with their respective non "t64" packages07:46
elhoirthat is, libelf1 and libllvm1707:46
elhoirapt says, sorry07:46
lotuspsychjethe devs are still busy sorting things on noble elhoir 07:46
lotuspsychjethink we need patience 07:47
elhoirso it may be normal?07:47
elhoirok then07:47
lotuspsychjeright now there are a lot of apt conflicts going caused by this yeah07:47
lotuspsychjerik explained that ysterday right07:47
elhoirokay, great to know07:48
elhoirthank you so much, and sorry07:49
elhoirat least i have been able to boot into normal mode :) no more recovery mode07:50
guivercelhoir, just FYI, but the xz/libzma (xz-utils) exploration is also happening this long-weekend so devs are busy..  ( https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/xz-liblzma-security-update/43714 )07:54
elhoiri read something about it, but i have no warnings about any xz / lzma package07:56
lotuspsychjeshould be in your updates07:56
lotuspsychjebut maybe something else blocks your apt first07:56
elhoiryeah, the "t64" thing07:59
elhoirits very annoying07:59
elhoirand i dont know where is the root cause07:59
elhoirthis is the laptop where i faced the radeon bug in mesa, i updated mesa packages manually via dpkg and mess happened08:00
elhoirin the other computer i had no problems with the bug as it uses amdgpu, not radeon08:01
elhoirand everything seems ok08:01
elhoirwell.. i mean... no apt -f install needed08:04
=== JanC is now known as Guest4539
elhoirlotuspsychje, i have this, i guess that is the fixed package --> https://pastebin.com/02Mm2t8f13:49
lotuspsychjeyeah it is elhoir i got that update yesterday13:50
lotuspsychjeelhoir: just installing new packages on noble will be tricky for a while, aka dependency conflicts13:50
elhoirheheh, tell me :P13:51
lotuspsychjeelhoir: normaly your apt should be clean by now, give no errors so that means your dpkg mess aint solved yet13:55
lotuspsychjedid you check your sources.list.d ?13:57
lotuspsychjeelhoir: what you can try to do, if you are sure your ppa's are removed + packages too is dpkg forced purge your mesa packages13:58
lotuspsychje(with the risk of not be able to reinstall them, due the xz cleanups)13:59
elhoiri can do a "apt full upgrade" but mostly all GUI system goes away14:01
elhoironly console is left14:01
elhoirlet me show yo the result14:01
lotuspsychjeelhoir: then you can try recoverymode from grub with networking enabled=> drop to a rootshell14:02
elhoirah nah, i cant do it now - dependencies again14:02
elhoirsame again and again14:03
lotuspsychjeelhoir: did you read what i just said?14:03
elhoirlotuspsychje, what ppas should i disable? all of them?14:04
lotuspsychjewe already talked about this, revert your ppa's to the vanilla ubuntu sources14:05
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:05
elhoirthy aready are vanilla ubuntu sources :)14:06
elhoiri took packages from the launchpad webpage and installed via dpkg14:06
lotuspsychjeyeah but you still got packages leftovers from it14:06
elhoirsorry i tont understand "packages leftovers"14:07
elhoiri dont*14:07
lotuspsychjeelhoir: your apt output shows your conflicts, meaning whatever you did conflicts with the packages on the ubuntu sources14:08
lotuspsychjeelhoir: wich guide did you follow anyway regarding mesa?14:09
elhoirno guide14:09
lotuspsychjeelhoir: then explain what you did exactly?14:09
elhoiri checked installed packages with "apt list --installed | grep mesa" 14:10
elhoirthen searched for them in launchpad 14:10
elhoirdownloaded and installed via dpkg14:10
lotuspsychjewich launchpad14:10
elhoirthis --> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa14:10
elhoirfirts i took packages from -proposed14:11
elhoirbut not now, they are in -release14:11
lotuspsychjeelhoir: whatever packages you downloaded and installed from the ppa', try to dpkg purge forced14:14
lotuspsychjedpkg --purge --force-all your-packagename-here14:15
elhoiroki will try later14:17
ChmEarlt64 lib packages are appearing in proposed again (400+)16:31
elhoirChmEarl, awesome news!17:05
elhoirer... can anyone explain one weird thing?17:45
elhoirfor example, libllvm17t64 - it IS here --> https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=libllvm17t64&searchon=names17:45
elhoirbut NOT here ---> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libllvm17t6417:46
webchat77Hey, I just tried to install ubuntu-desktop but it seems like gnome-shell has some dependency issues due to there only being a 45.3 which requires yaru-theme-gnome-shell that breaks with gnome-shell < 4618:09
elhoirwebchat77, there are dependencies issues everywhere in noble now18:12
webchat77oh ok so I will just wait until its updated18:13
webchat77nice thanks18:13
=== JanC is now known as Guest2711
mhansi12I am trying to install ubuntu server 24.04 via a bootstrap environment, similar as descibed at https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2022.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html.21:39
mhansi12My current problem with this version:21:39
mhansi12debootstrap installes only a small list of required packages. Package List for this release has to be updated.21:39
mhansi12(I am using the Ubuntu daily-live ISO for AMD64 from 29 March 2024):21:39
mhansi12only 37 .deb packages will be installed with current, with "22.04" there about 200 backages ( amount many others "bash" will not be installed" )21:40
Bashing-ommhansi12: See https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/whats-happening-in-noble-repositories/43729 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2024-March/042955.html?_ga=2.44859044.1494544449.1700780807-1801317718.1696462138 . Currently our builders advise "don’t use Noble in production right now."21:58
mhansi12Thank you for your answer.21:59
mhansi12Of course - this is only  a test to see what has changes21:59
Bashing-ommhansi12: in the midst of time_t transition, XZ is Struck By Malicious Code. Really fouled up the works. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-833/43631 .22:05
mhansi12Thank you, I think I understand the situation. It is not a good time for such tests  :-)22:06
mhansi12I know already, how to see if the list of packages for debootstrab is complete again, so I wait  until I see progress22:06
=== JanC is now known as Guest8317
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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