
=== filo is now known as Filohuhum
Mr_QueueThey never stick around.01:14
Mr_QueueYouTube shorts has migrated to IRC drive by's.01:15
Mr_QueueAttention span of a flea.01:15
kubast2Hey. When I launch powertop it forces my amd ryzen 7 6850u into the lowest cpu frequency.01:32
kubast2amd_pstate=active, energey_power_preference=performance(default)01:32
kubast2ubuntu 22.04 kernel 6.5.001:37
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
Guest16Does anybody know the official minimum system specs for the new Ubuntu release, 24.04 LTS?01:53
ravage_assume the same as for 22.0402:06
Guest16I mean is there any new tech like a new DE or something that requires more pwoer02:10
Guest16Hey guys, I am intersted in running a full Linux  gaming laptop setup, I want to also play Windows-specific games, but don't want to dual boot (to contain the WIndows Spyware OS), can I easily run a Virtual MAchiene to game with good FPS within linux?02:16
lotuspsychjebetter game on a physical install ubuntu Guest1602:17
lotuspsychjeGuest16: these days a lot of software exist to emulate windows games on ubuntu/linux02:19
Mr_QueueGuest16: Keyboard.02:19
XimoGuest16: depends on the game really02:25
XimoGuest16: without the ability to passthrough the GPU (because it's used for dom0) you can expect the performance to be pretty bad02:27
XimoGuest16: so attempting to run whatever game(s) natively a.la protondb/wine/etc is your better bet02:28
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Guest16or dual boot I guess02:29
pycurious@leftyfb Thanks for all the advice for lxd yesterday - I could get the nvidia drivers to show up in the container!02:34
lotuspsychje!cookie | leftyfb02:41
ubottuleftyfb: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:41
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SequentialHi, I keep getting errors when installing mainline kernels04:45
SequentialFresh install, with ubuntu pro enabled. Errors are about dependencies04:45
SequentialI need to install 6.7 for the speakers on this particular computer04:45
lotuspsychjeSequential: mainline kernels are for testing purposes only, not daily use05:02
lotuspsychjeSequential: better file a bug for your speakers, to try fixing it for current kernel05:03
Sequentiallotuspsychje the problem has existed for years now and has only been fixed in 6.7 and above, would a bug release really help?05:23
Sequentialbug report*05:24
SequentialBesides, this is a test anyway. I'm only doing this before installing another more complicated distro, I just want to make sure that 6.7 actually works05:24
lotuspsychjeSequential: if it exists for years, there should be a bug report right?05:24
SequentialI would assume so?05:25
lotuspsychje!mainline | Sequential05:44
ubottuSequential: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:44
lotuspsychjeif its for testing only, its ok Sequential05:45
SequentialWhat is the negative to using a mainline kernel long term?05:45
SequentialI used to use arch and although I know it isn't the newest software, it was still newer software than on ubuntu05:46
lotuspsychjeSequential: there are other ways to use latest kernels on ubuntu, for example use always the latest non-lts05:46
lotuspsychjeSequential: or install !HWE kernels to get a higher kernel for example05:47
lotuspsychjeor OEM kernels05:47
lotuspsychjemainline is for the devs and users to test and add new commits05:47
SequentialOhh. okay05:49
lotuspsychjeSequential: so, my advice would be finding your exact bug ID, and start working from there05:49
SequentialI'm surprised after all my digging I only just found out about HWE05:49
lotuspsychjeSequential: like you say its been fixed since 6.7, you find an url for that05:49
SequentialI have found "fixes" but they have a non zero risk of blowing out the speakers05:49
Sequential6.7 upwards have fixes in the kernel already05:50
lotuspsychjelike ubuntu 24.04 has kernel 6.8 currently05:50
lotuspsychjethats a possible route for you when its out05:50
SequentialHuh. I'm using 24.04.405:51
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic noble05:51
ubottulinux-image-generic (6.8.0-11.11+1, noble): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 10 kB / 16 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)05:51
lotuspsychjethink you use 22.04 Sequential05:51
SequentialOh sorry yeah you're right05:52
SequentialI've been at this for a while I got a little confused05:52
lotuspsychjedont worry05:52
SequentialI'm upgrading to 23.1, will it prompt me to update further once thats done?05:53
lotuspsychjeSequential: 22.04 is LTS, the next version will be 24.04.1 to upgrade05:56
lotuspsychjeSequential: upgrading to the next release is risky, in your case 22.10 is end of life05:57
SequentialCant really run without sound tho05:57
SequentialAnd the fix that doesn't involve kernel updates is risky, as it may damage hardware05:57
lotuspsychjebrb breakfast first05:59
SequentialAll good05:59
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lotuspsychjeSequential: back, what is your device name that works on kernel 6.7 and above?07:14
SequentialZenbook 14 UM3402YAR07:16
lotuspsychjeSequential: and your speakers dont work on it below 6.7?07:17
SequentialSo the internet says07:17
SequentialAlso I have to make a correction, its actually kernel 6.807:18
lotuspsychjeyou need 6.8 right?07:18
lotuspsychjeSequential: yeah found something similar, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ASUS_Zenbook_UM3402YAR07:21
SequentialAs per the arch wiki, I could damage something trying it the other way07:23
lotuspsychjeSequential: i think we got several routes for you here, or you install 24.04 early on final release, or you keep using latest ubuntu releases always, keeping you to latest kernels07:24
lotuspsychjeor use !HWE kernels on other ubuntu versions when they hit 6.807:25
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 jammy07:27
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-6.5. Size 3 kB / 22 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)07:27
lotuspsychjecant do it on jammy yet via HWE07:27
lotuspsychjeunless 6.8 shows on an oem kernel07:27
lotuspsychjethink you best wait for 24.04 final Sequential07:30
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atreopeople this command for some reason does not work (produces no output in the saved file) in ubuntu 22.04: n="$(awk '/PS1=/ { $0 = "PS1=\x27\\[\\033[0;33m\\][\\W]\\$ \\[\\033[0m\\]\x27" } 1' .bashrc)"; echo "$n" > 1.txt     why? the exact same command with other distros including other ubuntu version     why?11:01
CosmicDJatreo: maybe there is no PS1= in your .bashrc11:22
atreoCosmicDJ:     but i am initially trying to output to a text file just to see what is going on, and nothing is being outputted11:23
atreoCosmicDJ: what can i replace it with?11:24
sahinhello before it has an ubuntu online shop but its not possible to order there somethin does it have an alternative?11:31
lotuspsychjesahin: there were plans to restart the online shop, but dont know the progress on it11:32
sahini hope it will come soon i miss the old ubuntu backoak11:33
Bl3nd3rhello i have the xz (XZ Utils) 5.2.5 am i not affected?12:15
tomreyni responded to Bl3nd3r in #ubuntu-de - please don't cross-post.12:28
BluesKajHi all13:00
Guest94hi evry one i am intalled virtualbox inside ubuntu last version but i am try installed apache server this problem!! user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported ??13:25
Guest94I encounter this every time it asks me for the admin password? What is the admin password for new Ubuntu?13:26
Guest94I cannot install anything into the system. I am asked for the Administrator password every time. However, it says that the password I entered is invalid and this error appears.13:27
Guest94user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported13:27
Guest60i like my ubuntu13:32
thisisjaymehta,b 2413:32
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Guest24how do i learn how to use kubuntu 23.10 keystrokes?13:36
Guest12any good ubuntu cheatcodes ?13:56
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leftyfbGuestTree: for what exactly?13:57
GuestTreedirectory sharing globally14:02
akikGuestTree: what's that?14:03
GuestTree anonymous lala transgher motogol14:05
leftyfbGuestTree: you've been banned here before. please troll elsewhere. This isn't the place for it14:05
leftyfbit's just a regular troll14:06
coz_I believe "trolls" belong under a bridge, yes?14:07
BluesKajjust the homeless ones14:11
notauthorizedcan somebody help me setup nvidia optimus for a dual monitor output. I cant make it work both my tv screen and laptop screen at the same time.15:41
=== Bl3nd3rl__ is now known as Bl3nd3r
jlas9Using Mantic here. Triying to do a 'do-release-upgrade -d' to upgrading the system to Noble... Don´t work. The answer is 'The development branch must be get from the last supported release'. ????, till now i could use 'do-release-upgrade -d' with the CURRENT release, which is Mantic right now?. Correct?. Any help very appreciated.15:59
porchawhat happened with the openshot package? sudo apt-get install openshot isn't working15:59
porchahas it a different name15:59
chico_hello porcha15:59
porchahello chico_15:59
porchaoh it is a ppa. i didn't recall that being the case16:00
zniavreopenshot-qt *16:01
porchais there a non-free of some sort i can add to get it from official sources? i don't much wanna use software not from ubuntu's mirrors16:01
porchaoh ok that makes sense thank you zniavre16:01
chico_porcha: openshot is also available as an appimage16:02
porchachico_: that's a new concept to me "appimage"16:02
porchais that related to docker? or what is that if you don't mind16:02
ravagealso https://snapcraft.io/openshot-community16:02
chico_porcha: an appimage is basically a self contained app like an exe is to windows16:03
porchai've not studied on linux for about 5 years16:03
porchachico_: oh ok. so what we would have called a .deb16:03
porchaok thank you16:03
chico_correct but an appimage is not installed like a "portable app"16:03
ravageso all you really need to do to get the latest version is: sudo snap install openshot-community16:04
porcharight. is ran from user land16:04
porcharavage: ok i see thank you16:04
porcharavage: may i ask, you joined upon conversation? you are a bot or?16:05
chico_download it and use it but you will need to make it executable first16:05
porchachico_: i see. thank you16:05
ravagei use a bridge from Matrix. my user parts after a while and rejoins on a new message16:05
chico_porcha: or snap install openshot-community16:08
chico_jlas9: what is shown in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:13
pycurioussomething bizarre is happening my lxc ubuntu container.  I run a set of commands (including installing docker). Once I run it, I do have docker executable in /usr/bin (I know because I do ls -la /usr/bin/docker*). But when I exec bash and get inside the container, no /usr/bin/docker - any ideas what might be going wrong?16:36
pycurious@leftyfb any chance you are around?16:38
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mcphailpycurious: from what you've posted, it sounds as if you've installed docker outside the container but not inside. Have I picked you up wrongly?17:07
pycuriousmcphail: yes, that was the issue. Sorry !17:08
mcphailpycurious: easily done!17:09
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ComputerTechAnyone know why my software i made once i click it on the dock it still opens another thing but shows as a cog and not using my software icon?: https://share.computertech.co/Screenshot_from_2024-03-31_20-02-30.png18:04
porchaComputerTech: try looking for error logs and stuff like .jog not found18:18
porchapssibly starting it in a terminal or looking in dmesg. but you should see something about it if the settings are in place18:19
porchaim just an ubuntu user not an admin here. i do a lot with file resolution though. and it's pretty standard to have error messages like this18:20
ComputerTechty <318:20
kostkonComputerTech, have you created a desktop file for it?18:21
ComputerTechkostkon: Yeah18:21
ComputerTechthe icon in the dock is correct, it's  when i click it, it opens another thing but shows as a cog is the problem18:22
kostkonComputerTech, make sure the StartupWMClass= is set to the name of your app's process name. Run eg top/htop to find it18:23
ComputerTechokay let's see18:23
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Guest5169the channel is quiet18:37
=== JanC is now known as Guest2711
flashmanirc... DANG it's been a while.. :P19:40
Bl3nd3rall just dead bots19:40
flashmanWhat are we then? :P19:41
wdbNot all!19:42
flashmanwdb - you HAVE to say that... It's all part of your programming..19:43
wdbOop, you caught me.19:43
flashmanMatrix is real ;)19:44
flashmanAnyways... Anyone know anything about the AT3IONT ? I'm having shit luck trying to repurpose the thing..19:45
rboxis there a question?19:45
flashmanI was just wondering if I'm the only idiot trying to find some usefullnes for it.. Sure Google is giving me hits, but they are all ancient..19:47
rboxso no... gotcha19:47
wdbWell the AT3IONT is ancient too :p19:49
flashmanIndeed it is.. But I just HATE throwing stuff that works away...19:49
flashmanI WANT to find something that it's still good at, but I'm failing hard19:50
flashmanI mean.. It can barely run a damn youtube video19:50
wdbtorrent box, diy NAS, host a website, ...19:51
flashmanhow about nope..19:52
flashmanCan't even get 100mbit out of it19:52
flashmaneven though it has Gbit ethernet19:52
wdbSentimental keepsake19:52
flashmanyeah guess so.. Frustrates the hell out of me19:53
flashmanIt's kind of like an old ipad mini I got laying around...19:53
wdbI was tinkering with an old Samsung tablet just this morning19:54
flashmaneven with it jailbroken, there's close to NOTHING I can use it for.. It doesn't even have a calculator19:54
flashmanDid you find any use for the Samsung tablet?19:57
flashmanI can't imagine reflashing android is just as big of a headache as ios19:58
wdbI'm gonna turn into a control panel for a friend's sim racing setup19:58
wdbreflashing android is peanuts :p19:59
wdbApple is stubborn with those things.19:59
flashmanI think we're waaay beyond stubborn..19:59
flashmanWhich is really stupid, since the screens on the old Ipads are really good...20:00
leejonesHow much should an ubuntu installation package cost, these days?20:57
leejonesWhat's the going price?20:57
jeremy31leejones: I thought it was free?20:57
mybalzitchit should cost as much as you're willing to pay.20:57
leejonesIt could be free. But complete with support andd repository access?20:58
mybalzitchif you want to buy support from canonical, contact them20:58
mybalzitchotherwise google has yet to charge per query.20:58
wdbUbuntu Pro for personal use is free21:00
leejonesGoogle somehow charges? fo what?21:01
leejonesGoogle somehow charges? for what?21:01
arraybolt3leejones: Ubuntu itself is free. Ubuntu Pro is free for personal and commercial use for up to five machines. Commercial support requires purchasing Ubuntu Pro licenses as the free licenses do not come with support.21:04
leejonesOK. So, what  is that purchase price?21:06
arraybolt3leejones: Currently the price of an Ubuntu Pro license is $150/yr per desktop, and between $885 and $1,700 per physical server with unlimited Pro-enabled VMs. Individual VM licenses don't seem to have pricing on https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe21:07
arraybolt3(with support included - the price without support is lower)21:07
leejonesAnd where would I get Ubuntu Pro for the price you described?21:08
arraybolt3The link above takes you to the portal for doing that21:09
solsTiCehi. anyone knows why http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/shim-signed/shim-signed_1.57+15.8-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb is gone? is this related to the xz-backdoor thing?21:47
jeremy31solsTiCe: Must have been buggy22:00
Mr_QueuesolsTiCe: Wasn't that only in tarballs from Unstable?22:12
ravageNo package of released Ubuntu versions are affected 22:17
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