
holmanmeena: mergex19:31
meenaI'll run give it another twirl 19:32
holmanthanks meena19:47
holmanmeena: also we got a freebsd PR19:50
meenaholman: yeah, I don't even know howto repro that, I'll ask in #freebsd again20:16
meenaoh, i missed the context in the pr20:18
meenathat's… old stuff,,,20:18
meenalet's see how quickly this gets merged… https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=27770822:48
-ubottu:#cloud-init- bugs.freebsd.org bug 277708 in Ports & Packages "net/cloud-init: new release: 24.1.1" [Affects Only Me, New]22:48

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