
zph1nxis there a way to have the storage part pick the first biggest possible disk as part of the path: option when partititioning? trying to set up an automated ubuntu installation, which has the partition path set to /dev/sda, is there anyway to "wildcard" this?15:27
zph1nxis there a catch all for disk path under the storage key?15:32
zph1nxhttps://pastebin.com/eBAZLuRb is the user-data15:36
dbungertzph1nx: I think you want `match: {size: largest}` - https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-reference.html#disk-selection-extensions - this is more autoinstall then cloud-init though, we should move to #ubuntu-server if there is more to discuss15:40
zph1nxdbungert: im there, the problem here if you've noticed my user-data is that i have a very specific storage layout. and the problem atm is that autoinstall is bugging out on me as soon as /dev/sda is not a valid path15:56
zph1nxmy layout dont really follow the preordained simple gpt -> lvm/direct layouts15:58
dbungertright, so the idea is that you remove the `path` declaration from the `type: disk` object and use the `match` instead15:59
zph1nxto * ?15:59
dbungert{ ptable: gpt, match: {size: largest}, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, name: '', grub_device: false, type: disk, id: disk-sda }16:00
zph1nxso the logic would be that path would get changed to match: {size: largest}16:01
zph1nxand type_ disk, id: largest would be the proper naming also16:02
dbungertthe value of id is arbitrary, just needs to be consistent with the other objects referring to it.16:04
zph1nxso the id can be anything16:09
zph1nxas long as the other partitions reference it carving in lvms?16:09

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