
valorie+1 from me on the extension as well, @RickTimmis03:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> We also need to start thinking about renewing Scarlett03:18
valorieI'd like to hear from our treasurer; if we have the $$$, +103:43
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I have sent an extension proposal to the KC ML, needs a seconder, and a vote.05:00
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I will proceed wth the contest extension, and announce that on the website.05:01
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Contest Extended: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-brand-graphic-design-contest-deadline-extended/05:31
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> KC - Here is a short presentation of the designs submitted so far.06:41
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mS_5-0SrWDHgaORCoc3lBaCMkXkt5NKIrhnUX2Twy9o/edit?usp=sharing06:41
valorie@Rick_Timmis your website link still doesn't work, LOL06:42
valoriethe one labeled Graphic Design looks like it was made by Bing Image Creator (AI)06:44
valorieI use it occasionally to generate images for our genealogy blog06:44
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I know, I'm still juggling between Work, Kubuntu, Motorhome Club - I am migrating from AWS to Hetzner with the Motorhome Clubs infrastucture, and ricktimmis.com is part of that stack. I hope it'll be online soon06:44
valorieI guess we didn't make using AI against the rules....06:44
valorieI sympathize06:45
valoriemy todo list keeps getting longer instead of shorter!06:45
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> No, and I think AI is something we have to embrace. I have been using it with my Dev/Eng team on a daily basis, for Code development. I am lso quietly working in the background on a Secret Squirell project for Kubuntu called 'Klara'06:46
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Trouble is I am a starter, but not much of a finisher06:46
valorieI'm the opposite -- a completionist06:46
valoriedrives me nuts if I don't follow all my rules whilst doing my genealogy, at least06:47
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Maybe I need you as my Mentor/Coach help me finish something, anything06:47
valorieand I keep making myself more rules06:47
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Ahhh you're trying to get a Complete set of rules06:48
valoriewell, the pros have all those Rules ingrained06:48
valorieI'd like to do pro-level work, while working for myself06:49
valorieIMO that's what makes Free Software so good -- all those perfectionists06:50
valorieand when it's crap -- those who don't both writing tests, etc.06:50
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Which is why ricktimmis.com is still offline!! Arghhhh!06:50
valoriewhile I was still active in GSoC, I ran across a writer who said that the tests should be written *first*06:51
valorieand I use that principle now -- I write my citations first06:51
valoriemuch more efficient06:52
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I am not quite that much a Test driven purist. I'm OK with Tests then Code or Code then Tests, and I think it's OK to mix those up, as this can help solve the problem domain06:52
valorieit's amazing how the same principles travel across domains like that06:53
valoriemost of my work is not well documented because I used to abhor writing citations06:53
valoriebackfilling is fine as long as it gets done before publishing06:54
valoriemidnight, so I guess I should go brush my teeth and go to bed!06:59
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you Rick07:00
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Thanks Valorie {{{{hugs}}}}} goodnight, sleep well 🥰07:00
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Hello KC, and here is the link for the Wallpaper Contest. We can judge that on Sunday too.07:22
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rF8vQch2kH8GDDzQrg1sR3eJz6z5rllXGhR4VDSguhc/edit?usp=sharing07:22

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