=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [10:31] Hello [10:31] I was looking at checking if it would still be possible to upgrade IPRoute2 packages for Noble ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iproute2/+bug/2051672 ). [10:31] IPRoute2 has Ubuntu specific modifications. The merge was not difficult, I can share what I have. [10:31] But when I had to resolve a conflicts with the last patch in include/uapi/linux/if_link.h, I checked this file in the Linux kernel source for Noble, and it looks like the support for FAN in VXLAN (v4) is no longer in Noble. Same for the v3 in the tunnel. [10:31] I guess this is normal, right? [10:31] All the modifications that are specific to Ubuntu in IPRoute2 are linked to this FAN support. Could we then drop them all, and simply sync with Debian (and upgrade it, not to have an old version linked to the kernel v6.1 while the v6.8 is being used in Noble :) ) [10:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Launchpad bug 2051672 in iproute2 (Ubuntu) "Merge iproute2 with the latest Debian version: 6.8.0-1 from testing/unstable (main)" [Undecided, Confirmed] [10:47] hi matttbe, ubuntu-fan has been temporarily dropped from the noble kernel (see the discourse post https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/introducing-kernel-6-8-for-the-24-04-noble-numbat-release), we're still trying to figure out if there are still some users that rely on this feature, if not we can definitely sync with Debian & upgrade [10:50] arighi: Hi! Thank you for this reply! Great, I missed that info. Do you know if this decision will be taken in time for IPRoute2 to be updated to v6.8 in Noble? [10:57] matttbe, good question, we're a bit short on time, final freeze is Apr 18 and the current situation of the archives doesn't help... I'll ask around and will try to figure out if it's doable [10:59] arighi: thank you! Just in case the patches for FAN are still needed, I just pushed my WIP version there: https://code.launchpad.net/~matttbe/ubuntu/+source/iproute2/+git/iproute2/+ref/merge-lp2051672-noble [13:15] matttbe, ack thanks! [16:13] https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/jammy/tree/debian.master/config/annotations [16:13] I am unable to figure out, where in the Ubuntu package source, VIRTIO_BLK is set to *y* for the *linux-image-kvm*. [16:14] https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/jammy/tree/debian.master/config/annotations#n611 only is a note. [16:15] Does the *annotations* format imply, that just listing the config option name is going to select that option, that means it ends up with `=y` in `.config`? [19:14] PaulePanter, that's the generic kernel, for linux-kvm you should check here: https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-kvm/+git/jammy/tree/debian.kvm/config/annotations?h=master-next#n476 [20:20] arighi: Thank you. === john-cabaj1 is now known as john-cabaj === JanC_ is now known as JanC