
vorlondbungert: ok don't filter out rejected_permanently, those are *more* likely to require attention00:13
vorlonRAOF: indeed, fine to remove things that should be removed00:14
dbungertvorlon: got it, fixing00:14
dbungertcpete: this list may be more actionable as it is more focused on regressions and less on missing builds https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KBtbw5Hctr/00:15
cpetedbungert: great, thanks!00:17
vpa1977ppp is missing include for sif6down. Anyone working on it?00:29
mwhudsoncpete: so are you working on a package?00:37
cpetelooking at accountsservice00:37
mwhudsonshould this be like the pre-armhf thing where we say in here which package we are looking at?00:38
cpeteworks for me00:38
vpa1977mmm, taking cdrkit?00:39
mwhudsonoh that's a fairly short list!00:39
dbungertoh, needs to be longer sorry00:39
mwhudsondidn't cjs get removed on armhf?00:39
mwhudsondbungert: boo!00:39
cpeteI skipped abseil because I think I read something in scrollback about updates to it? needs checking00:39
dbungertmwhudson: I need a newer yaml00:40
dbungertmissingbuild only entries are likely to have been retried00:40
mwhudsonah but cjs has binaries in updates now00:40
mwhudsonvorlon: remove cjs/armhf from noble-updates?00:41
dbungertI wonder if I should filter missingbuild entirely, it seems unhelpful and people's retry scripts seem effective enough there00:45
* mwhudson glares at i386 regressions00:48
mwhudsoneh these just need to be retried i think00:49
mwhudson(looking at alsa-lib)00:49
dbungerttaking alsa-utils00:51
arraybolt3another armhf evaluation party?00:52
dbungertlooking at actionable things related to seeded packages.  The definition of "actionable" is still being worked out00:53
mwhudsonarraybolt3: this is more amd64 focused thanks to xz-utils00:53
dbungertthis list might be pretty good: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ktsBMt4rmT/00:53
vorlonmwhudson: can't remove from noble-updates because launchpad lolz, but I will hint it, thanks00:54
dbungerttaking apache200:55
liushuyuAre we having another combing through the -proposed?00:56
mwhudsonvorlon: hnngh00:56
* arraybolt3 is wondering the same thing - preparing to try and help with it if possible00:56
liushuyuAlso I proposed the SRU for a GDB fix (regression since GDB 10) https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+git/gdb/+merge/463546 ...00:57
liushuyu... the accompanying SRU bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/205985600:57
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2059856 in gdb "gdb 10.0 fails to examine any global variables in D programs" [Medium, Confirmed]00:57
dbungertarraybolt3: liushuyu: the list I posted has autopkgtest regressions blocking seeded packages.  Consider looking at those regressions - do they just need a retest click?  Do they have a queued test already?  Real regression?00:58
arraybolt3I'll tentatively grab apparmor then00:58
mwhudsonhaha awesome is a source package but not on the list00:58
liushuyudbungert: okay, so it's indeed the same activity, with a different set of packages00:58
vpa1977ok, grabbing appstream00:58
mwhudsoni'll look at apr00:58
liushuyutaking apr-util00:59
arraybolt3update-excuses is more trustworthy than last time this time I assume?00:59
arraybolt3apparmor seems to be hung up trying to install libvirt 10.0.0-2ubuntu6 rather than 10.0.0-2ubuntu701:02
arraybolt3in the arm64 autopkgtest01:02
arraybolt3so I *think* it probably needs retried against all-proposed since the time it was triggered by the newer libvirt, it passed01:02
vpa1977appstream, tests queued.01:04
vpa1977taking apt (line 8)01:04
liushuyufor apr-util: I think it's LP was having a stroke at that moment, some packages have mismatched versions01:04
arraybolt3and the i386 regressions are just a mess, tons of installability weirdness01:04
arraybolt3(for apparmor)01:05
liushuyuare we going to have a re-test or ask someone to hint the test?01:05
arraybolt3who do I ping to ask for a test retry in a Main package?01:05
sarnoldis there a 386 apparmor? o_O01:06
arraybolt3sarnold: yup :)01:06
sarnoldI wonder if that's intentional :)01:06
sarnoldsure there's a libapparmor for things but I thought our 386 packages in noble basically existed just for games or something like that01:06
liushuyuarraybolt3: many people in this channel can do that. Just ask away01:06
arraybolt3sarnold: well games need confined too don't you think? (not sure if apparmor works that way but whatever)01:07
liushuyutaking aptitude01:09
mwhudsontaking argyll01:10
arraybolt3Please retest against all-proposed apparmor. Looks like it's missing needed deps that are still in -proposed.01:10
arraybolt3taking aribb2401:10
liushuyuHmm... Are we just going to re-queue the tests this time?01:10
liushuyuarraybolt3: Will re-try your test01:10
liushuyuarraybolt3: ... also against which trigger/package?01:11
arraybolt3ah, I guess you need a trigger package too01:12
arraybolt3in that case trigger it against libvirt01:12
liushuyuarraybolt3: done. Retried apparmor/4.0.0-beta3-0ubuntu2 vs 4.0.0-beta3-0ubuntu2 w/ all-proposed=1 on i38601:14
sarnoldI clicked a few buttons onthe apparmor thing let me know if I clicked the right ones or not :)01:14
liushuyu... also done on amd6401:15
arraybolt3liushuyu: I think it also needs done on arm64 and s390x01:16
vorlonare these regressed tests being retried?01:16
arraybolt3and armhf01:16
arraybolt3These are all regressed, yes.01:17
arraybolt3amd64 actually wasn't regressed, and i386 wasn't going to be considered a regression, I was looking at other things testing against apparmor with my comments about i386 earlier01:17
arraybolt3sorry, I should have been more clear01:17
liushuyuarraybolt3: someone else probably already queued those01:19
vorlonsarnold: you can look at the germinate output if you want to see why apparmor is there on i386; basically we have to have the closure of build-deps of the things we actually care about01:19
liushuyuaptitude tests retried w/ all-proposed=101:20
arraybolt3aribb24 seems to not need any action, all the failures look to be because of other archive in-flux issues01:20
wgrantGardened the riscv64 build farm a bit, and we're now looking at about 21h to clear the queue. s390x about 15h.01:21
liushuyutaking arpack01:22
arraybolt3taking atkmm1.601:22
vpa1977apt - tests failing due to uninstallability, retried with all-proposed01:22
vpa1977taking at-spi2-core01:23
liushuyuarpack retried w/ all-proposed=1 due to archive fluctuations01:23
liushuyutaking "audit"01:23
arraybolt3atkmm1.6 seems to have nothing that's directly its fault going on, moving on01:24
arraybolt3taking avahi01:24
liushuyuretried tests from "audit" w/ all-proposed (unable to install test-depends)01:28
arraybolt3(I'm assuming a package only needs action taken if there's something directly wrong with *it* causing problems - I think that might not be right in retrospect?)01:28
arraybolt3(like should I be asking for mass retries for things where all the regressions are just because of badpkg fails?)01:28
liushuyuarraybolt3: some of those badpkg fails are hard to tell (it might get past the package installation step and failed somewhere in the actual test)01:29
liushuyutaking base-files01:30
vpa1977retried all-proposed for at-spi2-core01:30
vpa1977taking bash01:30
vpa1977bash/dkim-rotate is failing on armhf due to faketime, please mark as non-regression01:31
liushuyubase-files tests retried01:31
liushuyutaking bc01:31
liushuyuarraybolt3: asking for mass retries for things where all the regressions are just because of badpkg fails? > on the second thought, this may work, although I am unsure it's acceptable to just blindly retry them w/ all-proposed=101:34
* arraybolt3 just remembered that for non-main things I can actually do retries myself01:37
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
mwhudsoni'm yet to see a "real" failure tbh01:43
arraybolt3just threw aribb24's fails back into the fray, some with all-proposed and one with targeted triggers01:44
vpa1977bash is failing tests due to faketime, badpkg regressions retried with all-proposed01:44
vpa1977taking bind901:45
mwhudsontempted to say we should take the list, mash retry and go to bed01:50
dbungertmwhudson: that may well be correct.  I went through a lot of filter iterations before I came to something that was actionable at all01:51
arraybolt3Pretty much everything I'm doing is mashing retry01:53
arraybolt3I found *one* strange-looking lxc thing a bit ago but I wasn't sure if it was a false positive or not01:54
arraybolt3Need someone to hit libreoffice:armhf with an all-proposed hammer with trigger avahi01:55
liushuyuarraybolt3: done01:57
dbungertmwhudson: so you tell me - do you think we should feed this list into a query on retry-autopkgtest-regressions ?02:00
mwhudsondbungert: i don't know. the queues are pretty long already :/02:01
arraybolt3also need nss-mdns:i386 retried, trigger avahi/0.8-13ubuntu5, all-proposed=102:01
mwhudsondbungert: but i also don't feel like this analysis is doing anything useful02:01
arraybolt3ditto with pulseaudio02:02
vpa1977i kind of seeing badpkg, retry with all-proposed ...02:02
dbungertok, pull the plug I say, I'll try to slice the data another way02:02
vpa1977arraybolt3: done02:03
* arraybolt3 waits to snag a package until the next list revision appears02:04
dbungertarraybolt3: see mwhudson's comments above, I think the suggestion is to pause and see if we can get better data02:05
arraybolt3that sounds like a decent idea02:06
arraybolt3there are an awful lot of tests in progress, I was starting to wonder if I was just going to bog down the already slammed infra more02:06
arraybolt3(part of me wishes I had a local build farm and fiber internet so I could do things locally and know if they were going to work or not in the archive. Alas, I don't have either of those :P)02:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libvirt [source] (focal-proposed) [6.0.0-0ubuntu8.18]02:07
vorlondbungert, mwhudson: is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ktsBMt4rmT/ still the list being worked from?03:19
vorlonvpa1977: fwiw bash was resurrected in the release pocket so is not critical path anymore03:20
mwhudsonvorlon: i think so03:23
dbungertvorlon: when I excluded autopkgtests the missingbuild items remaining were largely in a state of build pending or in progress.  AFAICT update_excuses.yaml isn't showing something that FTBFS.  And if I focus on autopkgtest to the exclusion of missingbuild, people felt like it was retry bait.  I found one lone item which didn't fit these two categories, libgpod which looks like it needs a MIR03:43
dbungerton a dependency.03:43
vorlonwhich probably means what it actually needs is a change backed out, since it's late to be introducing new MIRs03:47
vorlonbut hang on, libgpod is a no-change rebuild vs the release pocket03:47
dbungertlibgpod-dev/amd64 in main cannot depend on libimobiledevice-dev in universe03:48
vorlonso how does it have this dep now if it didn't before03:48
vorlonit did have it before so how did it get into the release pocket like this03:49
vorlondig dig03:49
vorlonit was in main, and doko demoted it; unfortunately there's no 'reason' field for override changes. I'll put it back to main03:50
vorlonso the thing about the missingbuild packages all being build pending or in progress is that they're likely to be in that state because I'm retrying the builds hourly... but that doesn't mean they're going to succeed any time soon.  I think I'm going to back that off now to 4 hours04:00
vorlondone. I can bring it back up to 1h after folks have had a chance to actually look at the build failures; but at this point I suspect it's probably only the riscv64 qt dep chain that will fix itself with blind retries and everything else needs attention04:02
mwhudsonhaving them be in needs build all the time does make diagnosing issues hard04:02
mwhudsonanyway i have to go collect a child04:02
dbungertok, I can produce a new report of those missingbuild items04:03
vorlonI also appear to have a list of 3000+ packages that are no-change rebuilds against the release pocket and so are candidates for hinting through without waiting for tests04:04
vorlonmake that 420004:16
vorlonand that list is missing some04:17
dbungertso if we wanted to chase those missing builds then something like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zr4r2PvXfV/04:20
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nullboot [source] (jammy-proposed) [0.5.0-0ubuntu0.22.04.1]05:05
vorlonok, now 4907 packages05:10
dbungerthttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jFkWdk9k5X/ - build focus, urls, explanation of the filter05:14
vorlonhere is the list of packages I'm proposing to skip tests for based on them being no-change rebuilds vs the release pocket. I have not cross-checked this against the list of seeded packages https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu/+merge/46355905:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cockpit-podman (jammy-backports/universe) [84-1~bpo22.04.1 => 86-1~bpo22.04.1] (no packageset)05:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cockpit-podman (mantic-backports/universe) [84-1~bpo23.10.1 => 86-1~bpo23.10.1] (no packageset)05:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cockpit (jammy-backports/universe) [311-1~bpo22.04.1 => 314-1~bpo22.04.1] (no packageset)05:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cockpit (mantic-backports/universe) [311-1~bpo23.10.1 => 314-1~bpo23.10.1] (no packageset)05:29
vorlonthis looks like britney queuing tests in a loop again. :/ https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/a/apache2/noble/arm6405:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted software-properties [source] (xenial-proposed) []06:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted initramfs-tools [source] (jammy-proposed) [0.140ubuntu13.5]06:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted initramfs-tools [source] (focal-proposed) [0.136ubuntu6.8]06:47
wgrantI'm manually chasing the ppc64el/riscv64/s390x KDE build chains this evening, as they're going to take a couple of weeks otherwise.07:18
RikMillswgrant: kubuntu has a semi smart retry script that I can set going on a loop07:32
wgrantRikMills: Oh, handy :)07:37
RikMillsour build stacks have so many tiers that we need that to get things built in a reasonable time07:38
wgrantYeah, I've run into it when bootstrapping new archs. Glad there's some automation now!07:39
RikMillsset it to check and retry candidate builds every hour for now07:41
RikMillsmay result in some email spam where things are ftbfs due to deps instead of reporting a depwait in LP07:45
wgrantHeh, I'm already getting about 1000 failure emails an hour anyway :)07:46
RikMillsthat figures!07:46
jamespageHi release team - I am working through issues in the openstack package set and I need to sync cloudkitty from debian experimental - along with two new deps which are both in unstable already - to resolve incompatility with python-oslo.db >= 15.0.0 (as in noble)09:18
jamespageI've tested everything here - https://launchpad.net/~james-page/+archive/ubuntu/caracal/+packages09:19
jamespageOpenStack Caracal also releases today so I'll be working through final release uploads for the leaf packages in the OpenStack package set this week09:20
RikMillsbeta delated until 11th https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-beta-delayed-xz-liblzma-security-update/4382711:16
sil2100I need to coordinate with other release team members, but the Beta freeze will be delayed by a week possibly as well (...so till Monday?)11:23
sil2100But I need to double check with everyone11:23
sil2100For now the rebuilds are looking fine, we're trying to migrate them swiftly11:24
sil2100It's another huge huge huge effort, so it's hard to say anything for certain. But we aim to get the archive cleared our till Friday11:24
sil2100cjwatson: hey hey! Do you still have the powers to moderate ubuntu-devel-announce@?11:26
sil2100Since I think my mail is stuck there in moderation11:26
cjwatsonsil2100: done11:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tracker-miners (jammy-proposed/main) [3.3.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 => 3.3.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.3] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntugnome)11:31
jbichagnome-tweaks migrated yesterday out of noble-proposed even though it depends on pygobject 3.48 which didn't migrate yet. I guess it's because tweaks is arch:all & some guardrails were turned off for arch:all for xz-utils mitigation11:58
jbichaI guess amd64 has widespread uninstallability so probably not much of a concern since we should be able to resolve things later this week12:00
wgrantvorlon: Turns out that t* onwards actually never got to build because of the frequent retries. I'm giving everything with a reasonable score that hasn't ever been dispatched a score bump.12:27
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
wgrantKDE is nearly there -- kwallet-kf5 is building now and kxmlgui will build after this publisher run, which gives us kio.12:37
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: lxml-html-clean (noble-proposed/primary) [0.1.0-0ubuntu1]14:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-shell-pomodoro [source] (noble-proposed) [0.25.1-0ubuntu1]14:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted jami [sync] (noble-proposed) [20231201.0~ds2-1]14:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-online-accounts-gtk [source] (noble-proposed) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1]14:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: gnome-online-accounts-gtk [amd64] (noble-proposed/none) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)14:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: gnome-online-accounts-gtk [armhf] (noble-proposed/none) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)14:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: gnome-online-accounts-gtk [arm64] (noble-proposed/none) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)14:41
kanashiroRAOF I am not sure if you saw the ping from Steve about the runc-app package in NEW for Jammy, Focal and Mantic, would you have the time to take a look at it in your next shift? TIA!15:09
athosHi ubuntu-archive, could anyone please remove php-oscarotero-gettext from the sync blocklist? This no longer FTBFS and blocks symfony migration. https://code.launchpad.net/~athos-ribeiro/+git/sync-blocklist/+merge/46360215:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: gnome-online-accounts-gtk [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/universe) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)15:19
LocutusOfBorgathos, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-oscarotero-gettext/4.8.7-215:56
LocutusOfBorgI didn't unblocklist15:56
LocutusOfBorgjust syncd15:56
athosThanks, LocutusOfBorg15:59
schopinwhere can I find the list of packages that are allowed to build on i386?16:08
schopina11y-profile-manager is blocked in noble-proposed because of a missing i386 build but according to LP, it was never attempted.16:09
Eickmeyerschopin: It's a packageset, I believe. i386-whitelist.16:11
schopinALright, subsidiary question: how does one look at packagesets on LP? I don't believe I've ever needed to before.16:12
EickmeyerHuh, that's an excellent question! (I forgot!) XD16:13
cjwatsonedit-acl in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools can show them16:14
cjwatsonedit-acl -S noble -P i386-whitelist query16:14
cjwatsonIt's built from lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/i38616:15
cjwatson(I believe)16:15
schopinAh, perfect, exactly the info I wanted.16:15
schopinSince it's computed from seeds, I'm wondering if the whole binary removal  didn't screw it up somehow?16:18
EickmeyerIt's probably just not there yet?16:19
EickmeyerBut I don't see it in the seed.16:19
EickmeyerProbably needed by something that's seeded there but isn't built yet.16:20
* Eickmeyer is guessing16:20
RikMillsschopin: you can also see the generated packagesets here; https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/packagesets/noble/16:23
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: 23.10 Mantic Minotaur, 22.04.4 Jammy Jellyfish | Archive: Feature Freeze | Beta Freeze delayed till 8th of April | Highlight ubuntu-archive for archive admin help | We accept payment in cash, cheque or scotch | melius malum quod cognoscis | infinity, you are missed
Eickmeyer^Thats what I couldn't remember!16:25
Eickmeyersil2100: BTW, I locked your post on discorurse as is customary for announcements (noticed you couldn't?).16:25
EickmeyerBTW, my spelling for discourse was horrible right then.16:26
sil2100Eickmeyer: thank you! Yes, I seemed to have no powers to do that!16:30
sil2100Or at least lacking in knowledge on how to do it, but all the places where I'd expect to see the features were missing it16:30
Eickmeyersil2100: Right, I'm showing you have no moderator privileges there, which is required to lock posts.16:31
EickmeyerI'll fix that to give you mod privs in the Announcements category.16:32
Eickmeyersil2100: Strange, as a member of the release team, you should've been able to do it using the wrench icon in the lower left-hand corner of the post. Either way, it's done.16:35
vorloncpaelzer: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/noble/lubuntu/+build/60021916:49
schopintsimonq2: are you on top of calamares-settings-ubuntu FTBFS ? I have zero experience in golang...16:50
vorlonfyi I'm going through https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fTBTWsTBnD/ and looking at the packages blocked on i386 only, these are likely noble-updates issues that need hinting, so confirming and adding those hints16:51
schopinif anyone is looking at that list, I've already taken care of accountsservice and am looking at calamares-settings-ubuntu16:54
ahasenack_vorlon: I'm trying to troubleshoot https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/2058576, but I can't get the noble build-deps installed in armhf, either release or proposed pocket17:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058576 in sssd (Ubuntu) "FTBFS: armhf: build-time test failures" [High, In Progress]17:09
ahasenack_wait a bit more? Or is there a trick?17:09
* ahasenack_ -> bbl, dentist17:13
bdmurrayI jumped down the list and mpg123 ftbfs on armhf again after a retry17:27
bdmurrayIf somebody could take an in depth look at it that would help17:27
liushuyubdmurray: seems to be due to time_t transition: debhelper is complaining that it can't find the expected 32-bit symbols17:30
schopinbdmurray: I'll take a look.17:43
dokolooking at ppp17:53
liushuyuare we looking at this FTBFS list from top to bottom or picking items at random?17:59
bdmurrayI picked something at random so don't follow my lead. ;-)17:59
dokoharuna/riscv64 is waiting on KDE18:00
liushuyuopencv failed to build due to numpy removing numpy.distutils (Python 3.12 transition), a patch is needed18:00
vorlonI've stopped my rebuilds in a loop. Especially if the Kubuntu team have a smarter script, it's better at this point to just run that, and triggering other retries at this point just gets in the way18:03
dokosynced vorbis-tools18:04
dokoginggs: ^^^ could you look at opencv?18:04
ginggsdoko: sure18:04
liushuyudoko: if it is not a very big ask, can you update the gdb 15 snapshot to b1741ab0dafd899889faab6e862094a325a6b83c (committed 22 hours ago)? It contained at least two regression fixes18:06
liushuyuAlso, can anyone from the SRU team take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/2059856?18:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2059856 in gdb (Ubuntu) "gdb 10.0 fails to examine any global variables in D programs" [Undecided, New]18:08
liushuyuOkay... I am going to go through the list from top to bottom18:12
liushuyu... accountsservice: time_t 64-bit issue on armhf, patch required18:13
dokosynced sdl-mixer1.218:13
liushuyuappstream-glib: i386 not built (not on the allowlist)18:13
liushuyuark: still building18:13
liushuyuaudiocd-kio: still building18:14
dokoliushuyu: this one not good enough? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/
liushuyudoko: let me check, one second18:15
schopinliushuyu: accountsservice is already fixed.18:15
schopinsee backlog :)18:15
liushuyudoko: This one is good enough, sorry did not check the snapshot version18:16
liushuyubluedevil: still building18:16
liushuyuschopin: Okay, the backlog is a bit messy this time around due to non-alphabetic ordering18:21
dokosynced qm-dsp18:21
liushuyuhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-good1.0/1.24.0-1ubuntu6/+build/27980479 needs a retry, no log output provided18:22
ginggsliushuyu: retried18:23
liushuyuginggs: Thanks!18:24
dokomerging policykit-118:26
vorlonathos: php-oscarotero-gettext unblocked18:33
vorlonahasenack_: surely the sssd build-deps should be installable from the union of (noble,noble-updates,noble-proposed) since it built on all other archs?18:35
vorlonall the packages that were blocked by missing i386 builds have been hinted now.  These are cases where copying to noble-updates brought back i386 binaries which had been deleted, which britney now sees; and they can't be deleted from -updates.18:36
kanashiroIs there anything specifically that I can help with? Or should I just go through the list and pick something?18:38
vorlonkanashiro: help figure out why livecd-rootfs is uninstallable in livefs builds https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/noble/lubuntu/+build/60021918:38
vorlonRUN: /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/bin/builder-prep18:38
vorlonlivecd-rootfs itself isn't seeded in images so isn't currently on the list of targets18:38
vorlonand in my noble chroot it is installable so I have too much stuff preinstalled to reproduce this18:39
vorlonmaybe you can reproduce it using https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/buildd/daily/noble/current/18:39
kanashirovorlon ack, let me try to reproduce the build failure18:39
dokofixing openldap18:47
schopinfixed mpg123 (and started its t64 transition)18:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mpg123 [amd64] (noble-proposed/main) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, ubuntu-server)18:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mpg123 [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/main) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, ubuntu-server)18:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mpg123 [i386] (noble-proposed/main) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, ubuntu-server)18:48
schopinliushuyu: were you working in order? Which package are you at? :)18:50
vorlonschopin: I'm going to back this upload out for right now and instead break mpg123 on armhf18:50
vorlonschopin: then restore your build18:50
RikMillskde frameworks is getting there: https://people.ubuntu.com/~rikmills/pdf/2024-04-03-19:21:43-933666.pdf18:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mpg123 [armhf] (noble-proposed/main) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, ubuntu-server)18:50
liushuyuschopin: Yes, I am currently starting from color-kde18:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mpg123 [s390x] (noble-proposed/main) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, ubuntu-server)18:50
schopinvorlon: ACK, fair enough.18:51
vorlonschopin: but we don't have time to do these things in the "clean" order18:51
liushuyuI am trying to find a way to filter out all the pending builds18:51
vorlonschopin: sorry, I should've realized the reason you were asking about this is because it's seeded18:51
vorlonschopin: so, in particular DON'T start doing any no-change rebuild uploads for the new abi :)18:52
schopinSo does that mean that when the armhf build is broken we just hint it through somehow?18:53
vorlonin britney this is a 'force' hint18:53
vorlonthere's also a 'force-hint' hint, which means not just to ignore out-of-dateness but to ignore regressions in installability18:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mpg123 [arm64] (noble-proposed/main) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, ubuntu-server)18:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mpg123 [amd64] (noble-proposed) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1]18:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mpg123 [armhf] (noble-proposed) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1]18:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mpg123 [ppc64el] (noble-proposed) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1]18:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mpg123 [arm64] (noble-proposed) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1]18:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mpg123 [s390x] (noble-proposed) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1]18:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted mpg123 [i386] (noble-proposed) [1.32.5-1ubuntu1]18:57
sergiodjhello, I can spare some time now to help with whatever is needed.  is there anything I can do?18:58
dbungertsergiodj: I'm working on some update_excuses analysis focusing on seeded packages.  Here is a list of "missing" builds as of the last excuses run - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pM3FvW55Xm/19:02
schopinengrampa should be hinted, armhf-only FTBFS. I think it only needs a 'force' rather than 'force-hint'19:02
vorlonkanashiro: if you need it, apparently https://launchpadlibrarian.net/694289600/livecd.ubuntu-base.rootfs.tar.gz is the actual tarball currently in use by launchpad (livefs builds happen in a container rather than a chroot but the contents should be the same)19:02
schopindo we have a RT member to ping for quick hinting?19:02
sergiodjdbungert: thanks, I can take one from the list.19:03
dbungertsergiodj: cheers19:03
schopinall the Ds as well as elisa-player are waiting on builds19:03
sergiodjlet me check what's not being worked on (based on the backlog)19:03
schopinsergiodj: I've just finished engrampa19:04
sergiodjschopin: ACK.19:04
schopinevolution-data-server is a case of ghost i386, skipping.19:04
sergiodjI can take fcitx-cloudpinyin19:04
kanashirovorlon thanks for the pointer, I started by trying to install livecd-rootfs in a clean lxd container and it worked, I am starting to take a look at the git repo that builds the images. I'll play with this tarball19:04
* schopin takes a food break.19:05
sergiodjschopin: oh, is fcitx-cloudpinyin also a case of ghost i386?19:05
sergiodjlet me check19:05
brycehvorbis-tools 1.4.2-1build5 FTBFS looks like it should be resolved by 1.4.2-2 which is already in -proposed, but pending publication on riscv6419:06
sergiodjit seems to be; there's no i386 build failure for fcitx-cloudpinyin on LP.  moving on to "folks" (I skipped fcitx-fbterm because I don't have easy access to an armhf)19:06
schopinsergiodj: see my conversation with Steve around 15mn ago wrt armhf FTBFS :)19:08
sergiodjschopin: reading19:10
sil2100dbungert, vorlon, schopin: are we going in a particular order? Are we coordinating work here?19:10
* schopin goes back to cooking.19:11
sil2100Or should I just go through the list and act on the first thing I see?19:11
schopinsil2100: alphabetically.19:11
sil2100Are we doing the same 'taking' approach? ;)19:11
schopinbut some folks skipped ahead.19:11
dokoso, I synced all packages, which were marked ftbfs on armhf, and had a patch in Debian19:11
dokoand merged a few19:11
dokoscored l-z* packages up on riscv64 and s390x19:12
sil2100Is folks the last one?19:13
sil2100Taking geary19:13
sergiodjI'm starting to look into folks19:14
sergiodjvorlon: fcitx-fbterm is FTBFSing on armhf and apparently we're supposed to force-hint these cases, so here's a heads up19:18
sergiodjlet me know if you'd like me to look further into the failure19:18
dokowe can't hint ftbfs19:18
schopinmight want to open a bug19:18
brycehhi, I can spare some time too, would you like my help with anything?19:19
sergiodjschopin: according to your conversation with steve above: "So does that mean that when the armhf build is broken we just hint it through somehow?", and the answer was "yes"19:19
dokosergiodj: removing the fcitx-fbterm armhf binaries, no rdeps19:19
sergiodjI'm probably misunderstanding something then19:19
sergiodjdoko: thanks19:19
sergiodjI guess that will do it19:20
dokowait, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fcitx-fbterm/0.2.0-5 I just synced it19:20
sil2100Ok, geary is actually blocked on folks it seems, so hopefully sergiodj can resolve that and it should just build normally19:21
sergiodjdoko: ah, even better then19:21
sergiodjand I see that armhf built there19:21
dokosil2100, sergiodj: I had ignored test results, but then reverted that. maybe do it again?19:21
schopinsergiodj: I think I used slightly wrong terminology. Steve probably meant "if there are armhf test failure", as in "if the armhf package is broken"19:22
sil2100I'll take geocode-glib in the meantime19:22
sergiodjdoko: how much effort should we put into fixing these tests? ignoring the failures seems like a last resort, but if that's the recommended action now then I'm OK doing it19:23
sil2100doko: you mean there was a skiptest?19:23
sergiodjschopin: ah, thanks for the clarification :)19:23
schopinsergiodj: we need to build images as soon as possible19:23
schopinIf a test is failing, open a bug and hint it.19:24
schopin(unless it seems REALLY bad)19:24
sergiodjthis is not a case of hinting, but rather a case of override_dh_auto_test19:24
sergiodjbut yeah, I get what you mean19:24
sergiodjOK, let me see what I can do here19:25
vpa1977Good morning, what list are we working off?19:25
sil2100vpa1977: hello! Welcome to the fun!19:26
sil2100vpa1977: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pM3FvW55Xm/19:26
schopinsergiodj: I think we don't want to skip the broken tests in d/rules, but rather to just hint that specific version through. Again, unless it's really bad.19:26
sil2100vpa1977: basically we want to resolve the FTBFSes for the listed packages there, since ADT's we'll most likely hint19:27
sil2100But we need to deal with other stuff that blocks migration, starting with lack of binaries19:27
sergiodjschopin: but the package is FTBFSing. without ignoring the test results on d/rules, there's no way to hint the package, right?19:27
vpa1977looking at gimp-plugin-registry, then19:27
athosbryceh: from what I understood, we are going through https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pM3FvW55Xm/ top-down19:27
sergiodjschopin: that's what I understood when doko said he had ignored test results from the package19:27
jbichasergiodj: I did open a bug upstream for folks so I think ignoring the test results for now is ok-ish19:28
athoslast one taken is gimp-plugin-registry, you take the next and let ppl know here :)19:28
sergiodjjbicha: ACK, thanks19:28
jbichabug 206007319:28
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 2060073 in folks (Ubuntu) "folks build test failures with glib 2.80" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206007319:28
sil2100Ah, from what I see all i386 based issues we can handle as resolved, right?19:28
sil2100Then I'll be moving on19:28
vpa1977athos: ack, taking gnome-contacts19:28
sergiodjOK, I'm running a test build here and should be ready to upload soon19:28
athosI am joining the fun as well I suppose :)19:28
athosvpa1977: I used that as the last one taken becaouses you took it :x hhehe19:29
sil2100gnome-desktop is i386 related, skipping19:29
sil2100Taking gnome-remote-desktop19:29
vpa1977athos: ok, a race condition - would you like contacts, or plugin-registry? =)19:30
athosvpa1977: pick one, I will have the other19:30
vpa1977gnome-contacts - build dep on folks, which is being worked on19:30
vpa1977athos: plugin registry for me then19:30
sergiodjOK, folks uploaded. test results ignored for now. thanks schopin jbicha doko for the discussion19:31
athosack, taking gnome-contacts here19:32
athossomeone re-triggered those (build is running). skipping gnome-contacts for now19:33
schopinIt's fine to remove armhf binaries when the only rdep is lxqt, right?19:34
sergiodjgnome-shell seems to be resolved, too19:34
sergiodjgnome-desktop doesn't have an i386 FTBFS listed (I think that's what schopin meant with "ghost i386")19:35
sil2100jbicha: hey! Just to know some context: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-remote-desktop/+bug/2059076 <- is anyone on the desktop team working on the FTBFS on armhf?19:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2059076 in gnome-remote-desktop (Ubuntu) "proposed-migration for gnome-remote-desktop 46~rc-0ubuntu2" [Undecided, New]19:35
sil2100I guess I can unblock it anyway, I see the previous version got pushed to the release pocket without armhf as well19:36
jbichasil2100: yeah, gnome-remote-desktop was removed on armhf for time_t so maybe that helps?19:37
sergiodjsomeone retriggered gst-plugins-good1.0/arm64.  we'll have to wait and see if the new build fails19:37
jbichasergiodj: that was me, gst good has a flaky test that passes eventually :(19:37
liushuyuI quickly cobbled together a script to scrape the latest build status in that FTBFS list, here is the result: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/33yQPKk95C/19:37
brycehI'll look at gtk-sharp319:37
sergiodjjbicha: ACK, thanks19:37
sergiodjlooking at gtk2-engines-murrine19:38
liushuyu(here is the script: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/x8RmJMSSVs/)19:38
sil2100jbicha: ah, indeed! Thanks19:38
athoslooging at gtkmm2.419:38
athosghost i38619:39
brycehare there tips for handling armhf specific issues?19:39
athostaking krita19:40
liushuyubryceh: They need to be handled on a case-by-case basis, there is unfortunately no silver bullet or one-size-fits-all solution19:40
liushuyutaking gwenview19:41
schopinbryceh: for that one I'd add the relevant -Werror flag to DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND on amd64 to fix it locally.19:41
liushuyugwenview was being re-queued19:41
liushuyutaking indicator-bluetooth19:41
liushuyuthis one is fully built19:42
brycehgtk-sharp3 issue matches deb #106794019:42
schopin... which doesn't have a patch :)19:42
brycehschopin, ok thx19:42
liushuyuplasma-framework: dependency problem on riscv6419:43
sergiodjschopin: I have a tentative patch for gtk2-engines-murrine, are you guys using PPAs to check before uploading, or just upload to the archive and deal with failures as they occur?19:43
sergiodj(asking because I don't want to impose more on the infrastructure, but OTOH I don't have an armhf machine to test things locally)19:44
schopinI upload directly.19:44
schopinYour PPA is on the same infra, after all :)19:44
athoskrita was waiting on libimath-3-1-29; retrying and moving on19:44
sergiodjexactly why I asked :D19:47
sil2100Ok, libgweather4, liboauth, liboobs and libphonenumber are all i386, skipping19:47
sil2100Taking libquicktime19:47
lvoytekI can also join in now :)19:49
liushuyulibreoffice: riscv64 waiting on KF5 stuff19:50
sergiodjgtk2-engines-murrine uploaded19:50
dokojust skip the riscv64/s390x stuff for now, the kde stack is not yet ready, and people are running kde specific retries. see backlog19:51
lvoytektaking thin-provisioning-tools19:52
liushuyutaking libcdio19:52
sergiodjtaking mpg12319:53
liushuyulibcdio seems to be a time_t issue19:53
dokoliushuyu: then make it a transition19:54
dokosergiodj: no, in NEW19:54
sergiodjdoko: OK, moving on19:54
cpetestill going through?19:54
cpeteif so I'll take nas19:54
athostaking opencolorio19:55
sergiodjtaking opencv19:55
cpeteoops paste didn't work but seems like it!19:55
schopintaking openimageio19:55
dokosergiodj: I was wrong about mpg123. and ginggs fixed opencv19:56
schopinsergiodj: I had to start the t64 for mpg123, maybe by now the new binaries are published and we can start uploading rebuilds of rdeps?19:57
sil2100Okay, syncing libquicktime to fix the armhf issue, basically a patch for the missing include19:58
dokovorlon removed the new mpg123 upload instead, to let the existing package migrate19:58
sergiodjschopin: sure19:59
sergiodjschopin: sorry, where are the new binaries?19:59
sergiodjI only see 1.32.5-1build2 on LP19:59
sergiodjah, OK20:00
schopinoh well :)20:00
sergiodjOK, moving on, then20:00
sergiodjopencv is fixed according to doko.  taking openldap20:00
vorlonand I've now added the hint to ignore the missing armhf binaries20:01
schopinathos: I think yours is waiting on mine.20:01
jbichabryceh: I can take gtk-sharp320:01
athosyup, just realized that20:01
athosI will move on then, schopin20:01
bryceh@jbicha, ok thanks20:02
athostaking overlay-scrollbar20:02
sergiodjI'm retriggering openldap's armhf build because it's failing due to the testsuite, which is a bit flaky on armhf20:03
brycehtaking policykit-120:03
schopinvorlon: could you hint opencolorio and openimagio? I think they need bootstrapping on armhf.20:03
vorloneew? how can they still need bootstrapping20:03
vorlonI'll take a look at them but am currently in standup, and then I need to redo my script for requeuing tests to make it not terrible20:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-online-accounts-gtk [amd64] (noble-proposed) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1]20:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-online-accounts-gtk [armhf] (noble-proposed) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1]20:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-online-accounts-gtk [arm64] (noble-proposed) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1]20:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-online-accounts-gtk [ppc64el] (noble-proposed) [3.50.1-0ubuntu1]20:04
sergiodjtaking ppp20:04
sergiodjI'll sync ppp from experimental.  it seems to fix the problem we're seeing in Ubuntu20:06
sil2100python-wrapt is i386, skip20:09
sil2100Taking qm-dsp20:09
dokosergiodj: already fixed.20:09
dokosil2100: already fixed20:09
sil2100doko: thanks!20:09
sergiodjdoko: ppp?20:09
sil2100Taking sdl-mixer1.220:09
dokosil2100: already fixed20:09
dokosergiodj: yes20:10
vorlonsergiodj: woah. why do we need to get a sync from experimental to fix a problem with a no-change rebuild?20:10
sergiodjah, I see, thanks20:10
sil2100doko: can you mark those already fixed somehow?20:10
sil2100Maybe create another list?20:10
dokosil2100: are you subscribed to noble-changes?20:10
brycehok policykit-1 needs a patch already in debian.  Could either be cherrypicked, or the new version merged.20:10
dokobryceh: already fixed20:11
sil2100ok, nvm then20:11
brycehdoko, oh?20:11
sil2100Taking thunderbird20:11
dokobryceh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-1/124-2ubuntu120:12
sergiodjtaking vorbis-tools20:12
dokosergiodj: already fixed20:12
sil2100sergiodj: check noble-changes to see if package is fixed20:12
brycehdoko, alright20:12
* bryceh --> lunch20:12
sergiodjalright, only sssd remains.  I'll have to get an armhf to debug that one20:12
dbungerthere is a different sort of log, it shows packages that block other packages, presumably on ADT regressions.  It's a bit different than the previously posted autopkgtest log I did.20:14
sil2100I'll force thunderbird, the set of binaries built in -proposed = the ones in release (+ amd64 of course)20:14
sergiodjI know ahasenack_ is looking into sssd, so I'll defer to him20:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [sync] (noble-proposed) [1.3.1-1]20:18
schopinAlright, new list then :)20:21
schopinLooking into peony20:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [amd64] (noble-proposed/none) [1.3.1-1] (no packageset)20:21
dbungertI think there was one straggler from the last list, xsynth-dssi, unless someone has that20:22
schopinI think it's another case of removed i386 binary.20:23
dbungertnice.  I'll post an updated missingbuild log when this updates https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.yaml.xz20:24
vorlonyeah xsynth-dssi is done20:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [amd64] (noble-proposed) [1.3.1-1]20:24
schopinpeoni is waiting for riscv64 and s390x builds.20:24
schopintaking libplist20:25
dbungertschopin: I should be able to drop waiting/blocked items from the autopkgtest list, would that help?20:27
schopinI think waitdep could be of value, but those only waiting for builders should probably be dropped.20:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [arm64] (noble-proposed/none) [1.3.1-1] (no packageset)20:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [armhf] (noble-proposed/none) [1.3.1-1] (no packageset)20:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/none) [1.3.1-1] (no packageset)20:30
mwhudsonvorlon, kanashiro: livecd-rootfs seems to be installable now https://launchpadlibrarian.net/723008228/buildlog_ubuntu_noble_amd64_test_BUILDING.txt.gz20:33
vorlonmwhudson: oh, hurray20:34
schopindo we just skiptest packages when the rdep tests fail because of badpkg?20:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [arm64] (noble-proposed) [1.3.1-1]20:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [ppc64el] (noble-proposed) [1.3.1-1]20:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted rust-proc-macro-crate-1 [armhf] (noble-proposed) [1.3.1-1]20:38
schopinAlso, do we want to re-enable all-proposed?20:38
kanashiromwhudson vorlon yay. It is not installable in the chroot I am running with the tarvall Steve gave me, but if it is working on LP that's good enough I guess20:40
mwhudsonkanashiro: i had to remember to set up the preferences to allow it to install packages from -proposed but after that it appears to be installable locally20:41
kanashiroYeah, I installed it fine in a lxd container and I think it was configured that way20:42
vorlonschopin: I wouldn't say that we should categorically skiptest rdep failures.  I'd like to see what things look like after we properly requeue running tests without duplicates; any retries of failed tests are going to end up queued behind those anyway...20:42
vorlonschopin: (and the only tests I'm requeuing are precisely those that block seeded packages)20:42
schopinlibsmf can be skiptest, the denemo tests passed with the new version installed (the runner gave up with pinning and enabled all proposed)20:47
dokovorlon: libphonenumber had dependencies on the removed libabsl20230802, blocking libreoffice. please could you check on other deps on libabsl20230802? I'm afk now20:48
ahasenack_is "do-release-upgrade -d" from mantic to noble blocked, perhaps by accident due to the current state of affairs?20:52
bdmurrayNot by accident20:53
ahasenack_ok, so since canonistack has no noble images, just mantic... no arm64 in canonistack for me20:53
mwhudsonwell you can always edit sources.list20:53
ahasenack_noble arm64, that is20:53
bdmurrayAfter juliank's emails and the flux in the archive due to xz-utils we disabled dist-upgrades20:54
mwhudsonwith a freshly booted mantic that should work20:54
bdmurrayalso yes, remember the old ways20:54
ahasenack_mwhudson: ok, will try that20:54
vpa1977I have launched canonistack mantic and then ubuntu-daily:noble lxc container20:57
ahasenack_ah, indeed, I think I don't need the noble kernel for these tests20:58
dokovorlon, mwhudson, vpa1977: please after kbookmarks is available on riscv64, retry kdeclarative, then when this is available, retry haruna and libreoffice21:02
dokonow really afk21:02
mwhudsondoko: ak21:03
athosjbicha: overlay-scrollbar ftbfs due to an implicit declaration introduced in a patch we carry in gtk+2.0 adding some ubuntu_* functions. Have you handled these ones in some specific fashion (supposing we saw the same issue somewhere else)?21:07
jbichaathos: I wasn't aware of that issue yet. I can add it to my plate though21:08
dbungertupdated missingbuild log, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nDWDp3jJqv/   7 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)21:10
dbungertno new packages, just build state changes on a few, and many disappeared so nice work21:11
vorlonschopin: so the problem with "opencolorio and openimagio need bootstrapping" is that I already bootstrapped them :| where did that go21:14
athosack; thanks, let me know if you want me to file a bug or just declare those in that gtk+2.0 patch :)21:15
athosack qm-dsp21:16
athosoh, it was taken :)21:16
liushuyulibcdio fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/libcdio/+git/libcdio/+merge/46362921:19
liushuyuFor the new list: dep wait packages: cinnamon krita geary opencolorio21:22
vpa1977retried kdeclarative https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeclarative/5.115.0-0ubuntu5/+build/2797452021:25
liushuyutaking overlay-scrollbar21:27
jbichaliushuyu: I'm handling overlay-scrollbar21:29
liushuyumore recent build state table https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Nhn8zwh7rH/21:29
liushuyujbicha: ah sorry, I will find another one21:29
jbichaathos: I believe we want gtk+2.0 to migrate first before doing another upload. I suggest we also remove overlay-scrollbar/armhf for now since it has no rdepends, only 1 reverse recommends21:30
vpa1977jbicha: same for gimp-plugin-registry? I have a fix now, but it will impact the migration.21:33
sergiodjbtw, openldap/armhf is built21:33
liushuyugnome-system-tools seems another GTK+ API change21:34
liushuyushould I hand this over to the desktop people?21:34
liushuyuIt seems like we have cleared the current list21:36
jbichavpa1977: gimp-plugin-registry also only have reverse recommends (& it has an autopkgtest) so yes I suggest it be removed on armhf for today21:36
jbichagst good has passed its build tests now21:37
jbichavpa1977: you can take gnome-system-tools if you want. I have enough for today and it's not a desktop owned package21:39
vpa1977jbicha: ack21:39
cpeteunexpected afk. Back now. nas looks good.21:54
cpeteliushuyu: >cleared the list. are we on to missing builds then?21:55
vorlonschopin: opencolorio reuploaded to https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+archive/ubuntu/archive-bootstrap/+packages21:55
vorlondoko: I don't see any other revdeps of libabsl2023080221:58
ahasenack_vpa1977: that lxd trick didn't work in canonistack :/21:58
ahasenack_$ lxc launch ubuntu-daily:noble/armhf n-armhf21:58
ahasenack_Creating n-armhf21:58
ahasenack_Error: Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Requested architecture isn't supported by this host21:58
liushuyucpete: the list was about missing builds, all of the items are now either held by someone in this channel for further investigation or already done21:59
ahasenack_oh, wait a sec21:59
cpeteliushuyu: ack thanks21:59
lvoyteksolved the issue with thin-provisioning-tools, I'll upload the fix22:05
vorlonahasenack_: ... on arm64?22:08
ahasenack_no, that was the mistake. Bitten by shell history, I thought I was just trying again to launch the arm64 instance that had failed before, but I actually launched ppc64el22:09
jbichagtk+2.0 is staged for upload after proposed gtk+2.0 migrates to fix overlay-scrollbar/armhf build22:20
liushuyujbicha: It's very strange that the -Werror is only triggered on armhf (the same warnings are also present on other architectures)22:21
vorlonhmm why was rasqal on the latest list, I thought I hinted it for i38622:21
vorlonoh, no, I tried to use a 'forec' hint22:22
vorlonI don't see anyone mentioning they were looking at caja-extensions?22:23
jbichaliushuyu: that's intentional to try to limit how much work we have to do right now. it will be an error on all architectures for 24.10 and already is for Debian Unstable22:23
liushuyujbicha: I see22:24
vorloncaja-extensions fixed in Debian, looking at a sync22:24
vorlondoko already did without mentioning, ok22:25
liushuyuvorlon: so all that we can do is to wait at the moment?22:27
vorlonkicking off image builds for all flavors so we can possibly get some interesting build logs22:28
vorlonliushuyu: I don't know22:28
vorlonI don't have a big picture view at the moment to say what can or can't be dune22:28
vorlonthe last list from dbungert is 2 hours old :)22:29
vorlonwait no 1 hour old22:29
dbungertright, I updated shortly after the new update_excuses was available22:29
dbungertthe missingbuild log looks pretty good, people here took action on the entire list22:29
vorlondbungert: does that mean everything else that's blocked is blocked by tests, not by missing builds?22:31
dbungertvorlon: for the missingbuilds log, I only reported if there were missing builds on things other than risc-v or s390x.22:32
dbungertI can remove that filter but the result is probably many cases of waiting for those two arches.22:32
vorlondbungert: well I'd like to see that list, s390x is not slow and I can bump build priorities22:32
vorlonmwhudson: so there may have been one livefs build that got past livecd-rootfs uninstallability but not this one? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/noble/ubuntukylin/+build/60029022:33
vorlonmwhudson: were you building with -proposed22:33
mwhudsonoh maybe i wasn't22:33
vorlonmwhudson: well I'm wondering if -proposed is what made your build *work*22:33
jbichavorlon: please remove gtk-sharp3 & gbrainy on armhf; they were removed last week for time_t . I have gtk-sharp3 on my todo list for tomorrow22:33
mwhudsonvorlon: oh22:34
mwhudsonvorlon: no proposed here https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+livefs/ubuntu/noble/test/+build/60027422:34
liushuyuaccording to LP stats, arm64 has a backlog of 935 jobs; armhf 450 jobs; ppc64el 24 jobs; riscv64 1421 jobs; s390x 1600 jobs22:34
mwhudsonthere was a ppa enabled though22:34
jbichavorlon: please remove overlay-scrollbar/armhf & gimp-plugin-registry/armhf as discussed here22:34
vorlonjbicha: removed last week from where?22:34
mwhudsondon't think it took any packages from there though22:34
jbichavorlon: removed from noble/universe (release)22:34
dbungertvorlon: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zgkBwkCbNk/ - missingbuild log with the risc-v / s390x arch filtering removed22:35
jbichavorlon: oops I misread. But could you remove them?22:35
vorlonjbicha: well gbrainy/armhf is already removed from noble, it grew back in noble-updates and is built in noble-proposed; but yes I'll remove gtk-sharp3 since it has no other revdeps22:37
vorlonjbicha: didn't I remove gimp-plugin-registry once before?22:39
vorlonjbicha: I did - that's another case of it growing back in noble-updates. so needs a hint rather than a removal; doing22:39
mwhudsonvorlon: well i don't know what's going on. https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+livefs/ubuntu/noble/test/+build/600274 says "pocket release" the build log is clearly looking at updates and proposed22:39
mwhudsonvorlon: if i restrict my local chroot to release only i get a failure like the one in that build log22:41
vorlonmwhudson: possibly related to the configuration of the ppa you're building in?22:41
vorlonif your devirt ppa says 'depends on proposed' that probably does it22:41
mwhudsonit does22:41
mwhudsonbut i am still a bit surprised that would make the difference22:41
vorlonwell I expect livecd-rootfs to be installable with -proposed enabled22:42
vorlongiven that we've already rebuilt ~everything22:42
mwhudsonso the question i guess is which packages does livecd-rootfs depend on that are not on images22:43
mwhudsonlike one of the issues is wget, but that's seeded22:43
mwhudsongnupg2 might be one of the interesting ones?22:44
mwhudsonah no gnupg is seeded22:44
vorlonmaybe there's random perl modules22:44
vorlondebhelper showed up in the list?22:44
mwhudsonit does?22:46
mwhudsoni can't see any dependencies not covered by other work in a few minutes of poking22:46
vorlonoh sorry, debootstrap not debhelper22:47
mwhudsondeboostrap is because wget22:47
mwhudson+t as usual22:47
kanashiromaybe devscripts' dependencies?22:48
kanashirothere are some perl modules22:48
mwhudsonkanashiro: it's only complaining about gnupg{,2} and python3:any22:49
kanashiroFWIW this was the installability error I was getting when trying to install livecd-rootfs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MnWv73bJxN/22:49
vorlonhmmm why did initramfs-tools not end up in my skiptest hint list22:53
vorlonbecause a bug means it doesn't handle multi-digit extensions sigh22:54
kanashiromwhudson is there a way to check the logs of the error you are seeing? I am not proficient regarding image building but I can try to help/spot something22:55
vpa1977fixed gnome-system-tools - will upload after testing ppa build22:55
vorlonok more skiptest hints incoming (wget is already skiptested)22:56
vorlon+force-skiptest activity-log-manager/0.9.7-0ubuntu3122:57
kanashiroare you guys still using this list? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fTBTWsTBnD/22:59
kanashirois there an order to pick packages?22:59
* vpa1977 afk lunch22:59
cpetevorlon, dbungert: So is there anything I can do right now to help with xz related rebuild things?22:59
cpeteI think the list has been cleared23:00
dbungertcpete: So here is a missingbuild log that added builds only missing on risc-v / s390x.  It's bound to be very noisy but there may be some real things in there.  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zgkBwkCbNk/23:01
kanashirocpete thanks for the info (and good news :)23:02
dbungertcpete: I also have this log of test regressions that could be analyzed.  I'm still iterating on that log to see if I can filter for more interesting things   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fyKKh92r7s/23:05
cpetedbungert: Thanks for the lists. I'll start combing through.23:11
kanashiroI am going through the first list and so far I think just folks can be fixed (failing everywhere)23:19
kanashirobut I recall someone looking at it earlier today, not sure about the outcome23:19
cpeteLooking at the same list. I think calamares-settings-ubuntu needs a rebuild on riscv6423:20
kanashiromost of the packages are waiting for build on s390x and riscv6423:20
dbungertkanashiro: yes, that's expected in this more recent list.  The one I posted earlier had those filtered out, where it seemed to be just waiting for s390x/riscv64.23:21
wgrantUgh sorry, power failure overnight killed my libkf* rescoring loop, but should be making progress again now.23:22
kanashirocpete not sure if someone triggered the rebuild of calamares-settings-ubuntu on riscv64 but it is already in the queue23:29
kanashiroI triggered some rebuilds on riscv64 which seem to be solved already23:30
cpetekanashiro: must've, I see it queued now! thanks for the bump23:30
kanashirocpete if you need something feel free to ping me, I'll be working a bit more tonight23:31
cpetekanashiro: Thanks! Will do. I have couple hours left in my day still23:32
mwhudsonkanashiro: i have just beem mutating the sources.list in the noble chroot and running "chroot . apt-get install --dry-run $foo"23:42
kanashiroI went through the list and apparently what requires more attention is folks and opencv which are failing in all arches23:42
mwhudsonkanashiro: i thought someone uploaded an "ignore the test results" version of folks?23:42
mwhudsonyeah https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/folks/0.15.9-1ubuntu523:43
sergiodjmwhudson: I did23:43
sergiodjopencv is also fixed, btw23:43
mwhudsonopencv is bulding23:43
kanashiroah ok :) the report did not catch that yet23:43
kanashiroso I think we just need time to make it all build23:44
sergiodjthe list is pretty much done.  they're now working on another list which refers to autopkgtest problems23:44
kanashiromwhudson I'll try to reproduce that in a chroot23:44
kanashirosergiodj do you mean this list? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fyKKh92r7s/23:45
sergiodjkanashiro: yes, I think that's the last version of it23:45
cpetethat looks right. I've been going through the first list but I think Kanashiro's analysis is correct. just waiting on builds for those packages23:46
kanashiroit was good to make another pass in the first list because I found some build failures on riscv64 which required a rebuild23:46
kanashirowell, I am going to have dinner now and then get back to this23:47
sergiodjme too23:47
vorlondbungert: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zgkBwkCbNk/ generated right before update_excuses published again23:52
dbungertsure, I'll redo both versions23:52
dbungertmissingbuild with riscv64 / s390x hide_arches https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dZTF4sN2V9/23:55
dbungertwithout https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Kggk7HvBdJ/23:55
vorlonbtw initramfs-tools and gnupg2 both got picked up in the new list for skiptesting so maybe livecd-rootfs will be clear after this23:55
vorlondbungert: hmm that still looks out of date, alsa-plugins was in particular the one I noticed was no longer missing a build23:56
dbungerterr, I had old data23:56
dbungertcorrection: hide arches https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tmfydV9SSs/23:58
dbungertno hide arches https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H8dDpTvFRN/23:58

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