[19:32] This looks interesting https://www.opentech.fund/funds/free-and-open-source-software-sustainability-fund/ [19:35] Friendly reminder that I am out tomorrow for my son's funeral. Have a blessed weekend everyone and get ready for power testing next week ( with the assumption archive is back in order and we have ISOs ). [19:36] Scarlett I shall carry a good thought for you and your family, and you will be in my prayers this evening. [19:44] The OTF Fund looks very interesting, however it plans to support just 4 projects, so it'll be a challenging contest. I'd very much like Valorie to take a look as I think she has valuable experience to advise us whether we should make an application. Thanks for sharing this Scarlett, well spotted. [19:49] {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}] to @sgmoore [19:50] Thank you everyone. Your support means the world to me. Much love to all. [19:55] that looks like a really cool possibility, @sgmoore & @Rick_Timmis [19:55] I thought so! [19:56] both Scarlett's work for us *and* the Snap work could be mentioned, along with some of the new stuff that KDE is funding and which we use [19:56] because we're part of more than one ecosystem [19:57] We could have a crack at Stage 1 [19:57] Applying for the FOSS Sustainability Fund is a two-stage application process: [19:57] Stage 1: Submit a Concept Note through OTF’s online application system in which you tell us about your project idea through a short form. [19:57] Would you be willing to Lead on it Valorie <3 ? [19:58] May 17 seems doable - it's after the LTS release [19:58] not sure I can lead, but I can certainly participate [19:58] and do some of the writing [19:59] I'm defintely up for participating too, I don't have any experience of fund applications. [19:59] huh, it rained and I didn't notice [20:00] I have a bit of funding app experience, but more for other sorts of applications [20:09] Rick, what email shall I invite to the doc I just started? [20:09] ricktimmis68@gmail.com please Valorie [20:10] sent [20:11] for now it's just a text grab of the website - I find it is best to directly use their own language in part [20:11] if it fits [23:19] really good beginning; if anyone else wants in on the doc please tell me your email and whether you want editing or just commenting rights - both are wanted