
wxl503 at u.c discourse19:37
wxlchat-server too19:37
wxldoes anyone know if there's a way to quickly alert someone in IS? i don't feel like a ticket would help much here19:38
arraybolt3Matrix seems down19:45
wxlyep, 'tis19:45
wxlas is discourse19:45
wxlsee above :)19:45
arraybolt3discourse works for me19:45
arraybolt3and the Synapse server seems to be running somehow?19:46
wxlit wasn't19:46
arraybolt3oh it's back up19:46
arraybolt3and down again19:46
wxli think we're back yeah19:46
wxland down19:46
arraybolt3something's going wrong19:46
arraybolt3anyways, from what I heard someone apparently joined the Matrix HQ room and now the infra is having some trouble19:47
arraybolt3up again for now19:48
wxlugh i got logged out of discourse in the middle of a draft which i don't think it saved ugh19:48
wxlwell it KIND of saved it19:53
wxlanywho it's a little odd that they went down at the same time19:54
wxli can't imagine them being on the same machine19:54

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