[04:56] If RonDesmond comes back, please let him know we are investigating his oval report. === JanC_ is now known as JanC [20:38] georgiag: hi, quick q [20:38] georgiag: when I have a profile file that defines child profiles, [20:39] profile { [20:39] ...rules... [20:39] profile { [20:39] } [20:39] ..more rules.. [20:39] } [20:39] is that "more rules" bit allowed there, after the child pofile is defined? [20:39] I still want it in the context of the parent profile [20:40] ahasenack_: yes [20:40] yep, it shouldn't matter [20:40] ok [20:40] I need to add the missing #include line [20:40] that usually goes at the end [20:40] but here, "the end" is after other child profiles were defined