[00:33] Does ufw allow for CIDR, I want to allow only certain IPs access to a port [00:34] Looks like it does.. but I want certain URLs also, may have to brush up on htaccess :D [00:46] ufw won't do urls === JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk [01:41] I broke something and need help. [01:42] I did software update and now Ubuntu Software won't work [01:46] pastebin the command and output? [03:22] is there a reason apt does not install vim 9.1? [03:23] apt installs whatever pacakges are in the repo [03:25] ummmm [03:25] Is there a reason the latest version of vim is not in the repo... [03:25] its pretty old now [03:26] Ubuntu is not a rolling release distro, that would be one reason [03:26] 9.1 waas JUST released [03:27] in January [03:27] well if yo uwant a package thats not in the repos, you can compile it yoruself [03:27] I know... [03:28] it looks liek 9.1 is supposed to be in 24.04 though [03:28] was wondering because it is perhaps the most common bit of software... [03:29] "most common" [03:29] rofl [03:29] !latest | Zed [03:29] Zed: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [03:29] its not any more special than any other package [03:30] thanks Bashing-om - [03:30] Zed: :) [03:31] I suppose it was a silly question... and I guess I deserved that.. === realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx === Guest1 is now known as Guest322 === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === Guest95 is now known as yaman === yaman is now known as nahman === Xard1 is now known as Xard === JanC_ is now known as JanC [06:58] on 23.10 with nvidia driver 545; the nvidia-settings profiles has "intel power saving mode" disabled; only can choose between performance and on-demand modes; how can I enable the power saving one? [06:59] ice9: nvidia-settings [07:00] you can switch between powersaving vs high performance there [07:03] lotuspsychje, ok so how can I enable thw power saving mode at all? [07:04] ice9: sudo lshw -C video, driver loaded correctly? [07:04] lotuspsychje, https://pastebin.mozilla.org/MVEQyL9g [07:05] looks good there ice9 [07:06] i wonder if its a 545 bug [07:06] try switching to your reccomended driver ice9 ? === Guest17 is now known as nahman === alucardromero4 is now known as alucardromero === julian is now known as Guest8720 === tom is now known as Guest7569 [10:12] ali === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === kaj is now known as BluesKaj === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [12:14] others also having big trouble with flatpaks and snaps since some days/since some updates of Kubuntu? [12:14] using 23.10 [12:26] also why the hell is 4.0.0~alpha2-0ubuntu5 in Ubuntu 23.10 Mantic Stable? It seems to be an Alpha Versoin [12:26] Version [12:35] tuxinator, alpha of what exactly ? [12:36] just dumping a version number in here doesnt really tell us anything [12:38] ogra_: thx for the remark, wanted to copy more :D [12:38] it is apparmor 4.0.0~alpha2-0ubuntu5 [12:41] well, its just a version number after all ... noble (24.04) will have beta3 ... [12:41] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor [12:42] especially in apparmor that doesnt tell anything about the stability ... more likely refers to upstreaming into the kernel or so [12:43] (and wont have any impact on snaps anyway, snapd ships its own apparmor userspace inside the snapd snap nowadays) [12:44] ok thx [12:44] anyway will now just reinstall my machine with conserving /home [12:44] and see if everything works again then === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === Bencraft424037 is now known as Bencraft42403 [15:13] hello! i'm getting a lot of "inconsistent package combinations" from the noble repository in the last couple of days. e.g. plasma-desktop depending on an exact version of plasma-desktop-data that isn't in the repository. i don't recall such things in the past. === sotaoverride is now known as Guest9375 [15:14] is that normal during big changes leading up to the release or is it really particularly broken right now? [15:15] Another one is network-manager and libnm0 package versions being incompatible, i.e. it's not limited to kde packages. [15:17] the current development release is having most of its packages deleted and rebuilt, due to xz [15:20] hi, firefox on ubuntu xorg doesn't work well after the last update, try to write a gmail message, keep a key pressed and it's very very slow [15:23] tsimpson: ah cool, thanks! good to know. i had a suspicion but didn't find information about it and didn't know that it has such a big "blast radius". [15:27] it's not that all the packages are truly effected, but package dependencies are complex and better safe than sorry in this case [15:35] ciao [15:39] is `sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless adduser python3>=3.6 procps` correct apt syntax? I executed but it seems to just print `WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.` and then not do anything for a long time (ie: no CPU usage) and then after 10 mins exit with RC=0? [15:40] bn_work: that warning message is exactly that [15:40] leave out the > [15:41] though I don't think that's right either [15:41] bn_work: why do you think you need python 3.6? [15:42] bn_work: you should really look into ansible if you're going to be automating this much [15:43] and adduser is already part of the default install of ubuntu server and desktop [15:43] as is procps === gschanuel5 is now known as gschanuel [15:45] leftyfb: I need python >= 3.6 [15:46] which includes python python3.10 which is installed by default [15:46] leftyfb: you're making too many assumptions, I'm not "automating" it, I just ran it from the CLI, lol [15:47] I'm just puzzled by the lack of other output too, but it returned RC=0, so presumably it installed it? 🤷 [15:47] bn_work: bn_work the only package you've specified that isn't installed by default is openjdk-11-jre-headless [15:50] ok, but is this normal output for apt? typically I always see many lines of activity [15:50] can you pastebin "this"? [15:51] Re. python: wasn't there a way to specify to apt a >= version req? or does it only support foo=version? [15:51] the ">" in your original command redirected all the output to the file "3.6" [15:51] that's why you didn't see it asking for your password [15:51] bn_work: > is not valid when specifying versions of packages [15:52] bn_work: but again, you do not need to install pythin >= 3.6 since 3.10 is installed by default [15:52] leftyfb: there's nothing to see, I ran `sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless adduser python3>=3.6 procps` and it literally only printed `WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.` then returned to prompt after 10 mins (with RC=0, when I checked $? in bash) [15:52] tsimpson: ah, you're probably right [15:53] you said "RC=0" that is not a valid output of any commands I know which is why I asked to see the actual messages [15:56] tsimpson: thanks for pointing that out, yeah, it outputted it fine, and just logged it to a file named `=3.6` (that was my fault) [15:56] bn_work: the only command you need to run is sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless [15:56] the rest of your command is pointless and won't actually do anything [16:07] there is indeed nothing to see because you redirected stdout to =3.6 ... look for a =3.6 file in your current dir, that should have the output [16:21] cia [16:21] ciao [16:22] help! [16:22] one: hello. What is your Ubuntu support question? [16:22] wi-fi [16:23] thats a technology, not a question 🙂 [16:23] they left [16:24] maybe their wifi died [16:29] hi ubuntuers === enesc is now known as enestekin2 === ben_ is now known as ben_r === sonOfRa_ is now known as sonOfRa === Quark is now known as Fastidious [17:41] sorry can i install ubuntu (server) without changing my efi? [17:42] i mean without adding boot entries [17:42] fweht: without changing the EFI partition? sure [17:43] fweht: The installer will add boot entries. To run the image just go to the UEFI boot manager. [17:43] bprompt: nono i want to install it to an external drive it can wipe the whole drive i just want to make sure i can boot the internal drive like before [17:44] fweht: You can have multiple disk, where each disk has an ESP. [17:44] xypron: ok but cant i just tell the installer dont touch my efi? [17:44] fweht: hmmm do a manual install, as opposed to an automatic, and from there specify where will the boot be, and the partition for root [17:46] maybe i misunderstand something but i could manually boot from an external drive without the boot entry right? just like i can boot from the live usb without a corresponding boot entry? [17:49] fweht: if the HD is bootable, yes, UEFI wise, I'd think it'd show up in the menu as an option for booting, you may have to first plug it in, then boot and go into UEFI/BIOS and pick the device from the boot sequence [17:50] exactly thats what i want for now [17:57] fweht: that's how I boot in UEFI with my LiveUSB, boot, go to UEFI/BIOS boot sequence, it shows up, pick it, save and reboot === V1A52 is now known as V1A [18:04] i think ill just delete the boot entry afterwards... then everything should be as before (uefi wise), no? === Guest91 is now known as nahman === sem is now known as Guest8849 [18:44] hello all [18:44] how to enable mod rewrite for nginx on 22.x LTS? dumb Q. still asking [18:44] does it come as a separate pkg? its not installed by default I think [18:46] Haris_: https://tech.sadaalomma.com/ubuntu/how-to-enable-rewrite-module-in-nginx-ubuntu/ [18:46] Haris_: first result on google when searching for "enable mod rewrite on nginx" [18:51] Haris_: ahemm, there's an #ngix channel btw [18:51] well, #nginx for that matter [18:51] thanks! [18:52] or you could just read the link I provided which tells you how to rewrite URL's [19:01] yes. already done =) [19:01] nginx comes pre-loaded with its mod rewrite [19:01] it's not a module [19:01] thye just needed a different try_files line in location / {} section for rewritten URLs to work [19:01] all done =) [19:02] yep. its not a mod that gets added separately. its already pre-loaded in core [19:02] in or as [19:03] thank you all [19:05] Do we have reason for concern about the backdoor that was just found in xz? The xz-utils package is installed. [19:06] Elliria: did you install the daily image of the unreleased ubuntu 24.04 or enable proposed on 24.04 and update packages from it last week? [19:06] I'm using Kubuntu 22.04 LTS and it's up-to-date. [19:06] then no [19:07] So all is well? [19:07] yes [19:08] Thank you. [19:28] Greetings. 20.04 in WSL2, $ sudo apt update or # apt update  give me: W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.HqmdO4 for passing config to apt-key [19:29]  /tmp has 755 perms, belongs to root:root. so what's wrong there? [19:30] deadrom: /tmp should be 1777 [19:31] did you run out of space, perhaps? [19:33] geirha, thought crossed me, too, but nah [19:33] oh yeah, probably what CosmicDJ pointed out. It probably tries to create that tmp file as a non-root user [19:34] CosmicDJ, the 1 worries me. It's like proto-matter, it quickly solves certain problems but ultimately becomes unstable [19:35] the interblogs pointed out 777 might do, lemme try... [19:36] no, never 777 [19:36] yup, 0777 worked just as well. It shouldn't have, though, I'd say whan I sudo -i or sudo bash the 7 in 755 should grant me write access for my root-y tasks [19:36] 1777 [19:37] geirha, why? [19:38] deadrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit [19:38] It's called the sticky bit, and it's very important that you include it on /tmp https://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions#Sticky.2C_setuid_and_setgid_bits [19:38] eh, come to think: sudo bash might need more params to actually spawn a root shell, not just run bash in a root context [19:41] "...sticky bit on /tmp. This is important, because we don't want users to be able to delete other people's temporary files and screw up their programs that need to use them." Makes sense. === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [20:05] LOL people need to not use /tmp for anything that needs to be kept around [20:42] is it good idea to use new ubuntu version on laptop with 4 GB of RAM [20:43] i made this bug report last year (i provided the solution) but it hasn't been fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glmark2/+bug/2025684 [20:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025684 in glmark2 (Ubuntu) "glmark2 packages are missing dependencies on GL libraries" [Low, Triaged] [20:43] luksi: try it and decide if it works for you. Maybe try lubuntu [20:43] good idea === jfsimon1981_c is now known as jfsimon === Guest91 is now known as nahman === paulo is now known as Guest4406 === paulo is now known as Guest1847 [21:29] akik: I would always use the latest version.....but 4 GB is not much memory [21:30] plastikman: i didn't understand [21:30] akik: sorry wrong person [21:32] akik: i read your post as from luksi. I have no idea on your post [21:33] plastikman: it's just about missing dependencies for glmark2 and glmark2-wayland [21:41] once you install both libgl1 and libegl1 in wsl 2, both of them start working [21:41] I actually rather like WSL2 :/ [21:42] why the :/ ? [21:42] Some people tend to frown upon it, LOL [21:42] Still has some networking bandwidth issues for me, got better from WSL 1 though [21:43] yea it's amazing [21:43] if you only have windows [21:43] Or its a secondary machine you still need to compile and test simple apps on :) [21:43] I'm bummed they are removing Android app support... I use it for a few apps that are only available to mobile/tablets. Now I'll have to make my own VM for that lol [21:44] But anyhow enough Windows talk ;) [21:44] it's 100% ubuntu user land [21:46] and even the linux kernel with wsl 2 === ancientz3 is now known as ancientz [22:37] guten morgen [22:51] is this a correct outlet to ask for a feature for Ubuntu? (I don't think it's a bug). If not, a suggested outlet would be most appreciated. Cheers [22:57] webchat18: Use ubuntu bug reports for that and label it as a feature request [22:58] <`ryban> Greetings! [23:12] Is there a way to force snap to uninstall docker? It keeps giving excuses like "INFO Waiting for "snap.docker.dockerd.service" to stop.", but I don't care whether it's stopped or not, I just want it to uninstall. [23:13] calamari: can't you just stop it? [23:13] is there a way to find out where an environment variable was getting set from? ex: apparently $JAVA_HOME is defined but it's not coming from ~/.profile, nor ~/.bashrc, nor /etc/profile, nor /etc/bash.bashrc. Currently running `sudo grep -IRwins 'export JAVA_HOME' / | egrep -v ".log"` but it's been running now for ~24 mins and not finding anything (on a 194/237GB drive) [23:13] s/defined/set when I echo $JAVA_HOME/ [23:14] cbreak: I think I might have finally managed to do it. Now the next excuse is "Save data of snap "docker" in automatic snapshot set #13" [23:16] solved it... have to add --purge .. because snapcrap, I guess.. sudo snap remove docker --purge [23:17] yes, --purge, because of data persistence [23:17] hmm, I did find `/var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst:37: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/$jvm` but wouldn't that be a one-time thing? [23:20] Hello. Is it possible to run wayland with nvidia proprietary drivers? [23:20] that script only runs on install indeed [23:22] i've found this but it's for arch https://forum.manjaro.org/t/howto-use-wayland-with-proprietary-nvidia-drivers/36130 [23:23] paperin: it is, it's just not working that great [23:24] might also depend on the wayland implementation... [23:24] with ubuntu 23.10, you can select between X11 and Wayland based desktop environments on your login screen, if your system supports multiple [23:24] I think that was also possible with 22.04 [23:25] im asking this because i noticed lags in gnome-terminal when typing. i thought was my liquorix kernel but it's happening in stock kernel too. i thought running wayland may fix [23:25] (running already nvidia beta drivers) [23:26] I have worse performance with wayland, and some other bugs [23:26] bn_work: is it important to know where that gets defined? you can easily override it if you want to... [23:26] hoping 24.04 fixes that [23:26] :( [23:26] JanC: I can right now, but worried it will get set again upon reboot [23:26] from ... somewhere [23:27] I'm using KDE Plasma, your DE might work better with wayland [23:27] changing DE may work? im using gnome [23:27] JanC: it's clearly wrong and pointing to an old version, so want to resolve it at the source [23:28] paperin: you can install multiple of those if you have space [23:28] bn_work: is that old version still installed or not? [23:28] yes [23:28] what's good beside gnome and kde? [23:29] apparently some people like tiling window managers like i3 or hyperland. I'm not a fan of those. [23:29] but I don't know if ubuntu already has any of the wayland ones [23:30] i was checking hyprland but it's for wayland [23:31] i used wayland on the login page in gdm, but it's using cpu's integraded gpu, not the nvidia one [23:32] hmm, you have a multi-gpu setup [23:32] if you have multiple versions installed from the repositories, you can almost certainly switch what is the default one using 'update-alternatives'... [23:32] maybe that will also set the right $JAVA_HOME then... [23:33] cbreak, yes and no, i have 13700k, it's the intel gpu embedded in the cpu [23:33] you should have display ports on your GPU, and on the mainboard. The GPU ones should use the GPU, the mainboard ones should use the built-in [23:34] if you have a laptop, then I don't know how the switching works [23:34] hold on [23:35] brb [23:37] bn_work: did you check in /etc/profile.d/ if there is a Java-related fragment there? [23:38] JanC: oh! there is an /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh, so I guess rename to jdk.sh.disabled or so? [23:39] it's possible update-alternatives links the right one there, so still useful to look into that [23:39] JanC: (inside it it is setting 4 Java-related env vars + PATH) [23:39] paperin: I'm normally not a fan of webforums .. but this one https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2490293 says to install libnvidia-egl-wayland1 and see what happens [23:39] see? https://imgur.com/a/vlzYgyb if i use xorg, it uses the nvidia card, with wayland it uses intel one [23:41] bn_work: if you rename it it will almost certainly just come back on the next package upgrade... [23:41] JanC: how to see what put that there? I'm guessing the java8 package? [23:42] sarnold: ty! let's try [23:42] if this is a symlink (which I assume it is), you should almost certainly use update-alternatives to change the default to the one you want... [23:46] sarnold: ty settings now say nvidia [23:47] bn_work: also, "dpkg -S /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh" should tell you which package placed it there, but that will not work if it is managed by the "alternatives" system [23:50] https://imgur.com/a/GvVq5uZ should be running now, yes? [23:50] JanC: looks like it's from `oracle-java8-set-default` [23:51] sounds like that is some third party package? [23:51] JanC: so just remove that package? or replace it with the equivalent for v11? [23:51] if you don't need it, just remove it, I guess [23:52] JanC: hmm, not finding an equivalent for 11 [23:53] ? [23:53] why would you need that? [23:53] not sure [23:53] are you using openjdk 11? [23:54] yes, but good to have 8 as a fallback on the system [23:54] s/have/still have/ [23:55] openjdk-8 is available in the Ubuntu repositories too [23:55] seems it sets things like the following https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/eDYoSAeP/%2Fetc%2Fprofile.d%2Fjdk.sh [23:55] but maybe it's unneeded since java gets symlinked from /usr/bin or so [23:56] paperin: awesome! thanks for reporting back :D [23:58] bn_work: you had Oracle Java 8 installed, it seems; for most things OpenJDK would be fine too I think [23:59] long ago [23:59] switched to openjdk