[04:20] man this xubuntu is the worst nightmare ever [04:21] whats with all this gvariant errors of whatever when you just try to get a database for apt [04:21] it took about 100 packages to get rid of that damn error [04:22] and now it wants to put in another 586 packages to get an apt database for installing a couple of things besides just the xubuntu cdrom packages [04:24] fortunately xfce is working ok and the basic accelerated rendering is working ok but they did not put in hardly any codecs on the xubuntu cdrom....so now i have to wait for 586 more packages to install before i can get a couple of codecs [04:26] also i can't hardly read what is minimized in the top panel [04:26] bad color choices all around [04:27] and unfortunately the mate ubuntu cdrom graphics does not work at all [04:27] man these people really know how to screw everything [04:31] is this the right channel to desribe one's experience with xubuntu...because the install procedure said to check in here to mention how installation went [04:32] and i still don't know if i can get the remaining 586 packages in to see if it can install a couple of codecs [04:34] man its hard to believe they screwed apt from the get-go...but they did [04:40] i don't know how these people expect anybody to watch any of the myriad of videos on the internet using all kinds of containers and encoders without any damn codecs on the cdrom [04:43] what kind of joke is it to issue a cdrom that can't even decode wmv or mpeg4 or ogg-theora or mkv or av1 or webm or even several other typical video codecs [04:43] because people never know what kind of video encodings they are going to run into on an open web [04:45] what kind of joke is that...it sure aint funny to have to fix it [04:49] how can the web remain open to everyone if people can't decode every conceivable video codec anyone might want to use on the internet [04:52] that is one sick sick demented joke [04:53] i would give that cdrom a negative...as in below zero rating [04:59] well let me reboot after nearly 700 package changes and see if anything works at all...so i can try to get at least a couple of codecs [15:24] well there is still a few things not working after almost 700 patches to programs [15:24] at least finally got it to boot after all that mess [15:27] but a lot of the boot process is completely invisible...nothing but an empty black screen until the logon greeter comes up...don't get to see the grub boot menu at all [15:31] the state of software these days is pathetic except maybe for people who have the latest most expensive hardware [15:32] which i sure don't [15:36] its almost as if some programmers were spending their time trying to write code to support new hardware instead of the old junk pile trash....its pathetic....seems like a bunch of pimps for new hardware trying to get people to spend money on new hardware like the playstation 5 for example [15:53] its disgusting to think some of these software people are really trying to promote new hardware such as the nintendo wii or switch or the playstation 5 or the xbox one or the damn 64 bit processors that noone can afford....there are just so many software turds trying to lure people into spending money on new hardware that most people can't afford [15:54] or the damn opengl version 2 instead of opengl version 1 with a few hardcoded pixel and vertex shaders [15:55] the world is being bombarded with a bunch of hardware sales shitheads [15:57] and the damn pci-e bus software code when noone can afford any damn pci-e bus graphics cards [15:58] and the damn steam deck software code [16:01] how is the internet supposed to be an open platform to anyone using any old piece of junk hardware they can find...and still be able to view all of the various video codecs and audio codecs that might be used here and there by somebody wanting to put oddball stuff on the internet [16:03] whats the point of having an internet that requires the latest hardware or Operating System from this or that specific vendor [16:03] ayyy hi everybody [16:03] hello barney86 ...just bitching about all kinds of junk not working worth a damn these days [16:04] wow you're doing literally what i do everyday of my life! [16:06] barney86 what brings you here today...are you curious about the differences in the various gui platforms such as xubuntu [16:08] nah, just logged on for no reason [16:09] barney86 oh ok [16:09] im working on a whole operative system in fricking SCRATCH rn (and yes, that scratch, where 9 year olds make squares out of cast) [16:10] wait how did i not get banned for marketing or smth cool [16:11] bayney86 SCRATCH...i have not heard that in a long time....why not write the whole damn operating system in forth or pl1 [16:12] because im smooth brain sadly [16:12] and plus because why not lol [16:13] just got furios (pun intended) because of kids making fake systems in scratch (since you cant actually program anything on them, its all just pre-built), so just wanted to make my own ACTUAL os [16:13] oh well its a free world for people to test out all their various ideas and work for the few years each of them have on this earth [16:14] there's already stuff like that (for example originOS, it is very nice looking), but just wanted to make it like linux - more customizable and silly lookin' [16:14] i personally am amazed at how many different things people like to create and tinker with in this world, given that each of them only have so many years to live on this earch [16:14] earth [16:15] it has a whole programming language with it - teasharp, which is basically an old project of mine recycled to be something useful [16:15] hey thanks! [16:16] btw it's called visiOS, it doesn't has many screenshots or something online, most you can find is a github repo (basically dead because i forgot my 2fa) and a neocities page, since it's real beta and nothing *that* interesting [16:17] all this tinkering with all kinds of stuff reminds me of galileo building his own telescope to tinker with because he was curious about the stars with the few years he had to live on this planet [16:20] barney86 why do you need 2 factor authentication to post a few things on the internet [16:21] i had to use it because github is so hard on security, and it has no other way around it if you set it [16:21] so im just probably going to make a new account [16:21] peace! [20:06] HI