
paperinsarnold: i'll save that package, strange isn't installed by default with nvidia drivers, thanks!00:00
sarnoldpaperin: indeed, that might even be worth a bug report, if you're so inclined :)00:00
paperinwhere to report it?00:01
JanCso I would remove that Oracle Java thing entirely and if later you still need Java 8 for some reason, there is OpenJDK 8 available in the Ubuntu repositories  :)00:01
JanCand hope that one day closed source software companies like Oracle will learn how to package their stuff properly...  ;)00:03
sarnoldpaperin: I think "ubuntu-bug ubuntu-drivers-common" would be 'best' -- it's supposed to help sort out the best set of packages to run00:06
paperinok thanks!00:08
paperinhave a nice day everyone!00:08
bn_workJanC: lol00:09
sarnoldwebchat18: the usual first bit of advice is to disable all the gnome extensions, logout and in again, and then see if it still happens; if it works fine, then start bisecting the list of extensions00:34
JanCis that the default switcher in 23.10 ?00:35
webchat18I disabled all gnome extensions, logged out, logged in, task-switching icons are still tiny01:10
sarnoldwell, that'sd good news and bad news :)01:15
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webchat18are icons when task-switching not tiny for other ppl?01:19
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lmatIn /etc/network/interfaces, I have a "address". It has a network mask of 30 bits, but I'm not sure how that's configured. I changed it to "address" then systemctl restart networking;. The network stack restarted, but the CIDR network mask is still /30. How should I adjust it?03:11
lmatI think the address was originally created with ip addr add dev ...; It appears to be keeping that network mask no matter what I put in /etc/network/interfaces.03:12
lmatOh duh, the next line says "netmask"! Thanks everyone!03:14
sarnoldlmat: don't use systemctl restart networking03:22
sarnoldlmat: instead, use ifdown on the interface, make the changes you want, and then run ifup on the interface03:22
sarnolddoing the network restart thing can bust a bunch of applications that do networking locally :(03:23
lmatsarnold: When you say, "make the changes you want", do you mean using iproute2 utilities, or by modifying /etc/network/interfaces?03:28
ironbearhey guys, quick question, what do i do with vulnerabilities? I have a sub directory under cpu labeled vulnerabilies. In that file are 13 items04:20
ironbearAnyone here tonight?04:28
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NickHWhat is the full path?04:32
NickHleft... some people just don't get irc04:33
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korvohi all, ubuntu studio 22.04, xfce, not showing hybernation option06:15
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FH_thecathow can I install ubuntu when creating new vm with virt-install? What URL do I need to use for "--location" ?08:17
fricklerhow can I restart a snap refresh that was aborted due to a (hopefully temporary) network issue? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5hYDTbRKkS/08:37
ogra_frickler, snapd should keep partial downloads and just pick up where it stopped when you call snap refresh again10:26
ogra_frickler, oh, i see this is after the download ... you can use "snap abort <change id>" to stop it from doing what it currently thinks it does, then snap refresh should work fine again (i'd recommend in general to take a deeper look at "snap help" and the various "snap help <command>" pages)10:28
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fricklerogra_: thx, I tried the snap abort earlier but it didn't seem to have any immediate effect. the issue seems to have resolved itself some time later though, as now the refresh worked10:30
ogra_frickler, yeah, snapd usually doesnt hang but is busy at such a state ... (in olden days you would likely have seen your HDD led busy blinking 🙂 )10:38
lotuspsychjewelcome loris10:42
kajHi all12:19
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effortDee every time i turn laptop on i have to terminal > alsamixer > fn+f6 and enable auto-muting because my headphones plugged in dont turn my speakers off, any ideas to a permanant fix?13:02
mandem0110Wondering if I can get some help :) I can't get strongswan to start. It always says: Stopping strongSwan IPsec failed: starter is not running even though I have it installed: sudo apt-get install -y strongswan libcharon-extra-plugins libstrongswan-extra-plugins libcharon-extauth-plugins14:14
mandem0110sudo apt-get install -y libstrongswan-extra-plugins libstrongswan-standard-plugins libstrongswan strongswan-charon strongswan-libcharon strongswan-starter strongswan-swanctl resolvconf charon-systemd14:14
mandem0110I've been looking on search engines but nothing really matches. This is fresh install of 23.10 on a Raspi5.14:15
rnadon't really how irssi work so14:19
akikirssi -n nick -c irc_server14:25
mandem0110Anyone going to help?14:48
mandem0110I found this, doesn't help though. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074037/starting-ipsec-command-hangs14:48
mandem0110Failed to start strongswan.service - strongSwan IPsec IKEv1/IKEv2 daemon using swanctl.14:54
lorishlello there15:00
mandem0110This is really annoying me!!!!15:01
mandem0110Stopping strongSwan IPsec failed: starter is not running keeps saying this -.-15:02
mandem0110Really getting me angry now........ :/15:07
lotuspsychje!patience | mandem011015:08
ubottumandem0110: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:08
mandem0110lotuspsychje: cool...15:12
mandem0110Trying to follow this: sudo aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.ipsec.charon but it says: ERROR: Include file /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/firefox not found what the hell does firefox have to do with it?15:14
mandem0110from: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074037/starting-ipsec-command-hangs15:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:17
mandem0110what's the command for termbin?15:18
diogenessmandem0110: command | nc termbin.com 999915:21
diogenessmake sure you have netcat installed.15:21
mandem0110https://termbin.com/mzg7 error in full......15:22
mandem0110I'm running out of !patience tbh!!!!!!!!!!!!15:23
plastikmanmandem0110: I dont have the answer, but can you try to start with apparmor disabled?  what "guide" were you following to try to get it to run?15:31
mandem0110Can't even disable app-armor which I'm positive is causing the issue. Ubuntu 23.10 is brokem... /lib/apparmor/apparmor.systemd: 258: printf: printf: I/O error15:31
mandem0110plastikman: I pasted it already:- https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074037/starting-ipsec-command-hangs15:33
mandem0110Good riddance...15:33
mandem0110Oh dear...15:34
plastikmanmaybe try to re-install apparmor15:37
plastikmansudo apt purge apparmor15:37
plastikmansudo apt install apparmor15:37
plastikmanyou can also try to strace the process.  if its a permission issue you can probably use something like this `strace -e trace=open -F -s 100000000 <pid>`15:39
ElliriaIs letting this update happen a good idea? https://imgur.com/a/ambv9R8 I don't see new linux-modules-nvidia- files in the installation list, yet it wants to remove two files like that to install all the others.15:41
mandem0110plastikman: that command doesn't work!15:41
mandem0110strace: Can't stat '1350': No such file or directory15:42
mandem0110strace -e trace=open -F -s 100000000 135015:42
plastikmanps auxw | grep -E 'pid' | awk '{print"-p " $2}' | xargs strace -e trace=open -F -s 10000000015:43
plastikmanwhere pid is the process you want15:43
mandem0110strace: attach: ptrace(PTRACE_SEIZE, 4180): No such process15:44
plastikmanessentially you can strace the process to see if you can see any reason its stuck15:44
mandem0110I'm getting the pid from the systemctl status........15:44
mandem0110How tf do I get the pid if it won't run? :D15:45
plastikmanthat pid its probably done15:45
mandem0110Idk how to get the pid then lol15:46
plastikmancan you run the sudo ipsec start --nofork15:46
plastikmanif so, then you can run the strace in front of the ipsec part to trace the pid as it starts15:46
plastikmanthat says line 6 missing token.  not sure that is the _reason_15:47
mandem0110missing *what* token?15:48
plastikmansudo ipsec start --nofork15:48
mandem0110plastikman: again, missing *what* token?15:52
plastikmancan you post your sanitized config?15:52
mandem0110My what?15:52
mandem0110No I can't, it's got my password in it.15:53
plastikmanremove your password from the file15:54
plastikmanchange your IP, your username, your password15:54
plastikmani dont care about anyof that15:54
mandem0110even without a config, ipsec should *still* stop/start. it's not!15:55
mandem0110Forget it. I give up.15:56
mandem0110plastikman: omg! thank you!16:02
plastikmangood luck16:10
mandem0110plastikman: how did you find that?16:11
plastikmangoogle for "strongswan failed to load 1 critical plugin feature" was teh second hit16:12
mandem0110Wow! Thanks again 😌16:24
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FroMasterThere's an open bug for Mantic (23.10) that still exists with Noble (24.04). Is there a way to update the existing Bug to tag Noble or should I file a new Bug so it gets tracked as impacting Noble?19:11
arraybolt3FroMaster: I can update it.19:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039206 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu Mantic) "open-vm-tools 'hwclock' needed for VM guest customization not available" [Undecided, Confirmed]19:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2037412 in ubuntu-seeds "hwclock is not found in a fresh installed ubuntu 23.10." [Undecided, Confirmed]19:16
arraybolt3open-vm-tools updated19:17
arraybolt3the ubuntu seeds bug, I'm not sure is something that should be updated in that way.19:17
arraybolt3and indeed, the button isn't even there to do it.19:18
arraybolt3So the ubuntu seeds bug is fine as it is. The open-vm-tools bug has been targetted to Noble as well.19:18
FroMasterWhere's the right place to log the bug so it gets triaged against Noble?19:18
arraybolt3It already is. You've done everything you need to.19:20
arraybolt3(For future bugs, you could ask for help with it in #ubuntu-devel potentially, but I am a developer and may be able to help there.)19:20
arraybolt3(I can't upload to the main component of Ubuntu *yet*, but I know people who can.)19:21
FroMasterIs there a specific bug tracker for Ubuntu "Cloud Images"?19:24
sarnoldFroMaster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bugs19:26
sarnoldlmat: sorry to bail at a bad time last night .. I meant to edit the /etc/network/interfaces19:26
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cbreakHmm... Noble Numbat in 20 days it seems.20:18
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