
lagunaloire123well i am going to trash that updated garbage since opengl no longer works and a host of programs that make of it won't work either because the shitheads changed from version 1 to opengl version 2 and plus opengl versions >201:34
lagunaloire123just forget xbuntu ill just use the outdated cd for what few apps it has as a rescue disk01:35
lagunaloire123i just can' stand all these opengl problems and printer problems brought on by the hardware creeps that keep trying to write code for newer hardware and obsoleting the older hardware01:36
lagunaloire123those bastards are trying to ruin their customers' returns on their investments of the products while at the same time trying to boost the returns on their own investments of materials to make the product....by increasing sales of newer hardware01:38
lagunaloire123its utterly ridiculous that newer code does not run on ancient hardware01:39
lagunaloire123obvious case in point...final fantasy 7 rebirth code will not run on the atari 2600 hardware....which further destroys the return on investment to buyers that puchased an atari2600 since it can't run some of the latest code....while at the same time it boosts the sales and return on investment of producers of playstation 501:44
lagunaloire123why should people desire to be customers and thus purchases of a product from a producer that places their own returns on investment above their customers' returns on investment01:49
lagunaloire123and especially if they seek to raise their own return on investment while simultaneously lowering the return on investment of their customer01:51
lagunaloire123what if Jesus Christ had said i am more interested in my own welfare than your welfare01:54
lagunaloire123who would want to be Christians then, if he behaved like some of these coders01:55
rolikanyone chatting???13:02
rolikok bye13:02
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
Siri-PiellHello, Im having trouble with my Xubuntu OS. I cant get my game controller to work, nor can I login to spotify app (snap)23:06
=== Blade is now known as BladeZero

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