zhsj | hi, could someone retry this build? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-1.22/1.22.2-1/+build/28024275 it looks like a known flaky test | 02:00 |
dbungert | zhsj: clicking | 02:07 |
zhsj | dbungert: thanks | 02:10 |
zhsj | sad, same test fails | 02:25 |
wooosaiiii | Hi, I have issues with pppd and have found a patch here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ppp/+bug/1858349 | 08:51 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1858349 in ppp (Ubuntu) "EAP-MSCHAPv2 support" [Undecided, Confirmed] | 08:51 | |
wooosaiiii | is there some documentation or howto, on how to build pppd with applied patch for 20.04? | 08:52 |
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mkukri | tree mir patch was causing an autopkgtest regression. can someone sponsor this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tree/+bug/2056099 | 13:08 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2056099 in tree (Ubuntu) "[MIR] tree" [Undecided, In Progress] | 13:08 | |
schopin | mkukri: this should have been filed in a new bug rather than squatting the MIR bug :) | 13:20 |
mkukri | okay point taken. in this case it took less time to fix this then filing a bug would have :) | 13:22 |
mkukri | also it's stopping the patch wanted for the MIR from migrating | 13:22 |
schopin | mkukri: sure, but now any sponsor will have to deal with skimming through the entire MIR to find your patch at the bottom. Also, if nobody picks it up before the freeze where would you put your FFe? ;) | 13:24 |
schopin | mkukri: (looking at it, btw) | 13:26 |
mkukri | thanks | 13:26 |
schopin | what fresh hell is that? oO | 13:26 |
mkukri | there is an autopkgtest that basically 'expect's on the output of the tree on the tree source tree itself. | 13:27 |
mkukri | the previous patch added a new file to the source tree but not to the expected output | 13:27 |
mkukri | it uses this thing btw https://github.com/aureliojargas/clitest | 13:28 |
schopin | Like I said: fresh hell. Using its own source tree as its test data is horrible for anyone coming into the codebase. | 13:31 |
mkukri | dont get me wrong im with you on that, but it's not my design, or not even ours either, that part comes from debian | 13:33 |
schopin | I know :) | 13:39 |
schopin | mkukri: sry, it took a bit of time, but tree is uploaded. I amended a bit the changelog to add a bug ref (and created said bug) | 15:11 |
mkukri | schopin thank you | 15:15 |
schopin | yw | 15:16 |
bdmurray | "what fresh hell" ;-) | 15:29 |
LocutusOfBorg | schopin, a bit of time_t you mean? :) | 15:31 |
LocutusOfBorg | SCNR | 15:31 |
schopin | No, it wasn't related to time_t at all. Nor xz-utils, for that matter. | 15:32 |
ogra_ | dang ... and it was such a nice joke ... | 15:34 |
schopin | oh wow. That flew right over my head. | 15:36 |
ahasenack | I still didn't get it | 16:05 |
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mkukri | it was a random easy bug i found while looking through update excuses | 17:49 |
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=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A |
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