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quazimodoah discourse hey09:11
quazimodoso I was talking in #ubuntu & referred here; I'd like to apply the IOMMU ACS patch to the kernel so that I may reorganise my IOMMU groups for virtualisation purposes; my motherboard just doesn't want to give me usable groups no matter what UEFI settings I play with09:13
quazimodoI have a patch known to work with 6.3 but jammy is on 6.5, i guess i could just apply the patch & go but I am a littel fearful of doing something stupid, i don't know how much i don't know in this space09:13
quazimodoI'm a programmer but the last time I did C was > 8 years ago; i've inspected the source in Linus's repo (before i knew about the ubuntu kernel repos) and the patched code wont work directly, but that's fine i'm used to working in a git repo so no trouble there. Really the only thing i'm worried about is trying to build this & destroying something09:14
quazimodoare there any big warning bells?09:15
nils_quazimodo, which patch is it? The one by Mark Weiman based on https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/5/30/513 ?09:23
nils_quazimodo, do you want to submit the patch so Ubuntu integrates it or do you just want to comfortably run a kernel including the patch? If the latter you may want to check out xanmod, they offer a kernel including this patch as a deb repo, works fine with ubuntu.09:24
quazimodonils_: comfortably run a kernel that's got the patch. Patch code is at https://github.com/benbaker76/linux-acs-override/blob/main/6.3/acso.patch . I'll check Xanmod09:36
quazimodoI don't think the patch can be submitted, in general this ACS patch is not a good idea for purpose built hardward - it appears very much to be a hack for homelabs09:36
quazimodonils_: yes it does look very similar to that one by Mark Weiman09:37
nils_quazimodo, there is a patch included in xanmod, latest non-edge kernel version for xanmod is 6.7 so you're getting a fresher kernel as well. 09:38
quazimodoi don't typically use kernels not distributed by a well known organisation09:43
quazimodoi hadn't heard about xanmod09:43
quazimodoahhh fun for me for some unknown bloody reason I didn't give my boot partition enough space :(09:49
quazimodonils_: so xanmod kernel turns on good11:33
quazimodotthanks for showing that to me11:33
quazimodofantastic, IOMMU groups are usable11:47
quazimodonils_: you're a legend11:47
nils_quazimodo, hardly, all credit goes to whoever made those patches11:48
quazimodoit's a really big deal11:52
quazimodothough part of me is unsatisfied that i still have not figured out how to compile an ubuntu kernel with the patch applied11:52
quazimodoin fact, i don't even know why, but make would fail really early without sudo11:53
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