
guivercgreat & most interesting podcast amurray (ubusec 224)00:39
amurraythanks guiverc 00:40
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blahdeblahamurray: +1 to that - I think there'll be ongoing fun from this one.01:36
blahdeblahAlthough I would probably nitpick your characterisation of it as the biggest Open Source issue since Meltdown/Spectre.  What about log4shell?  Much more widely exploited...01:36
amurrayblahdeblah: oh indeed, log4shell was more exploited, but I don't think I have seen an issue get so much n news coverage so quickly as this 02:08
blahdeblahIn terms of hype it's definitely up there. :-)02:08
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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