
patdk-lapyou have to use acl's01:26
patdk-lapand have the linux server bound to AD01:26
patdk-lapwhen you use acl, it will ignore the unix permissions01:26
patdk-lapso that whole 770 wont matter01:26
patdk-lapmake sure acl is enabled on your filesystem01:27
patdk-lapand enabled in samba01:27
ShadowLabsThe systems is bound to AD. Ive tried setting the acl but root seems to overwrite and put the files as executable when writing 01:31
patdk-lapI think that has to do with the acl01:32
patdk-lapI do remember they look funny01:32
patdk-lapI haven't had a server setup like this since 2016, it worked fine for a decade for a large company01:32
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patdk-laplots of shared, and multiuser access permissions and management from windows01:33
ShadowLabsI’ll have to double check I guess. Just not sure since getfacl shows correct groups 01:37
patdk-lapif I remember right when acl is active it does show like +rwxrwxrwx or something like that01:38
patdk-lapwhre the + means acls are active01:38
ShadowLabsOhh good to know. I’ll double check but I haven’t seen that before 01:44
patdk-lapit might very by filesystem too01:48
patdk-lapI was using ext4 and zfs at the time (zfs on solaris)01:48
ShadowLabsI’m using zfs on truenas FreeBSD and btfrs for my Ubuntu servers 01:51
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mybalzitchapril 25th, what a wait.17:39
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