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ice9when plugging an external monitor to laptop, the opened apps windows are misplaced, and to fix that, I have to restore the window size then maximize it for every app; is there solution to this? this issue has been there for very long time and i'm running the latest gnome-shell03:48
=== Dieu is now known as yuta
=== aiena is now known as Guest3813
Guest3813I am using ubuntu 22.04 on 2 systems. Both systems have vim installed via apt. On one system vim --version |grep clip shows +clipboard and on the other it shows -clipboard. Why is there a difference. AM I missing some package to make the vim clipboard feature work on one system?06:24
CosmicDJGuest3813: ls -l /etc/alternatives/vim  shows what on both systems?06:46
nteodosioGuest3813, if you try 'apt list --installed | grep ^vim' you will most likely note that in one system you have a GUI version of Vim installed (say, vim-gtk3), and in the other, not. So install a GUI version to have +clipboard.06:57
gebbionehi one of the monitor seems to be dead (led light blinking but not detected), right click on the desktop and clicking on display settings shows nothing  and sound is dead too ... not a great morning so far :(07:40
hexa-hi, is there a way to upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 beta right now?08:16
hexa-I'm trying with do-release-upgrade and I can't get it to do that with neither Prompt=normal/lts or with/without -d08:17
lotuspsychjehexa-: -d is disabled right now08:18
lotuspsychjehexa-: the devs still working to finalize the xz exploit08:19
hexa-I'm not worried about that, this is a test environment and I require some new packages, but the machine was set up with 22.04 by mistake08:19
lotuspsychjehexa-: also, the lts route is waiting for upgrade until 24.04.108:20
hexa-not a production machine08:20
lotuspsychjehexa-: join #ubuntu-next and wait until things are fixed08:20
lotuspsychjeor clean install 24.0408:20
quazimodois it appropriate to ask kernel questions here?09:09
quazimodoi'd like to apply a patch that lets the kerner reorganise IOMMU groups, my motherboard is a bit annoying & is putting both my graphics cards into the same group no matter what I do in bios09:10
ogra_quazimodo, as long as they are about supported ubuntu packaged kernels, sure ... but your chances for answers are probably higher in #ubuntu-kernel09:10
quazimodoi have a patch known to work with 6.3 but jammy is on 6.5, i guess i could just apply the patch & go but I am a littel fearful of doing something stupid, i don't know how much i don't know in this space09:11
quazimodoah ok i didn't know about that channel09:11
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quazimodoany reason why apt-get remove linux-image-5.15.0-102-generic would leave files in /boot ?10:15
ogra_quazimodo, like every remove it will not remove generated files without --purge10:19
Guest67hi to create a win live usb by ubuntu? i know it's win but i ask here coz i need to do that by ubuntu and i don't know how10:35
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lotuspsychje!usb | Guest6710:42
ubottuGuest67: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:42
gebbionehi all10:44
lotuspsychjeGuest67: you need windows on the stick?10:44
lotuspsychjewelcome gebbione10:44
gebbioneif i right click and select display settings on the desktop to open monitor settings nothing happens ... any suggestions?10:45
lotuspsychjegebbione: graphics driver loaded correctly?10:47
gebbionelotuspsychje, I am checking things out. Not the first time I have problems. I moved the PC from one house to another and sound is not working. Second screen was not working and I realise now that I am still using kernel 5.15 through mainline. I guess i need to update the kernel too10:48
gebbionedsmesg has a lot of errors from nvidia too10:49
lotuspsychjeyour ubuntu release gebbione ?10:49
gebbionejammy 22.04.410:50
lotuspsychjegebbione: check, sudo lshw -C video10:51
lotuspsychjegebbione: jammy should have 5.15 already, not needed mainline10:52
lotuspsychjeok, driver is loaded10:53
lotuspsychjegebbione: to check wich driver version, nvidia-smi10:54
lotuspsychjegebbione: 535, maybe your card could benefit a latest driver check ubuntu-drivers list10:56
gebbionethat gave me the versions but a lot of warnings10:56
lotuspsychjelets have a look10:57
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gebbionehttps://termbin.com/ncfe the warnings are not shown as they are not piped to nc .... they say dpkg: warning: version 'unsigned-6.1.11-060111' has bad syntax: version number does not start with a digit10:58
lotuspsychjegebbione: did you mess with mainline kernels?11:01
gebbionemost likely11:01
lotuspsychjeuninstall those11:01
gebbioneeverytime i use it I need to remember how to check what is available and what to switch to11:01
lotuspsychjethats for testing purposes only11:02
lotuspsychjegebbione: lets have a look first at you sudo dmesg11:04
lotuspsychjegebbione: right yeah, thats not jammys kernel, purge that one11:05
gebbioneshould i switch back to 5.15?11:06
gebbionestrange, i tried to remove unsigned kernels but mainline cant do it11:09
gebbioneis there a page on the ubuntu website that states the official kernel in use?11:12
lotuspsychjeinfo linux-image-generic jammy11:13
gebbionethat shows me -> info: No menu item 'linux-image-generic' in node '(dir)Top'11:15
gebbionethis article says 6.5 should be out :)11:15
lotuspsychjethat was for the bot here gebbione11:15
gebbioneohh i see11:15
lotuspsychje6.5 is !hwe kernel for jammy11:15
lotuspsychjestock is 5.1511:16
guivercLTS releases have kernel stack choice (default set by your install media), 5.15 is the GA kernel, 6.5 the current HWE kernel (at 22.04.4, it'll be 6.8 at 22.04.5)11:16
guivercsome hardware can also benefit from OEM kernel stacks too11:16
lotuspsychjegebbione: dpkg --list | grep linux-image , to easy see your kernel list on system11:16
gebbionewith the official kernel in the past i had some problems with nvdia11:17
gebbionethats why i tried mainline11:17
lotuspsychjegebbione: then you should have filed a bug11:17
gebbioneversion 6 is running https://termbin.com/d84w3 . i guess i should remove it11:19
gebbioneand just revert to 5.1511:19
gebbioneI am going to restart hoping it gets better11:24
gebbionethank you11:24
gebbioneok if i boot from 5.15 my displays do not work at all11:29
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lotuspsychjegebbione: switch a driver version to see11:30
lotuspsychjegebbione: lets say one higher up then 53511:30
gebbioneyes i ll try 45, others have server or open in the name .... not sure11:33
lotuspsychjegebbione: yeah try 54511:35
gebbioneif i install a driver now in kernel 6.1 but then boot with another kernel should i then manually update initramfs ?11:51
Guest67lotuspsychje yes i need win live usb but i have to create it by ubuntu coz now i haven t any other OS11:56
lotuspsychjeGuest67: woeusb or ventoy to make win usb's from ubuntu12:01
Guest67it doesn't work12:03
akikGuest67: i can help you12:05
akikGuest67: do you mean a live windows or windows installer?12:05
Guest67i need a live usb, because i don't want to cancel the OS on the other PC which have LUBUNTU12:06
akikGuest67: try making a bit more sense12:06
Guest67i need a live usb, to use win from a live usb12:08
akikGuest67: ok you can do it like this: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2023/06/18/how-to-create-a-windows-10-installation-on-a-usb-stick-in-uefi-mode/12:09
Guest67akik coz ubuntu give me some problems, for example sometimes some folders don't open in stead by win they works12:09
Guest67oh my GOD, i read it, so difficutl for me12:10
akikGuest67: yes it's not double click and voila12:11
Guest67woeusb works now, i just wann to use graphical way12:11
Guest67but when i add iso file, it don't works12:11
Guest67maybe i found a wrong iso12:11
akikGuest67: woeusb creates the windows installer on the usb stick12:13
akikGuest67: the docu i linked above creates a live windows installation on the usb stick12:14
Guest67yes but how to do by woeusb?12:15
akikGuest67: you don't12:15
Guest67which iso do i have to download?12:16
LuckyManwhen will the 24.04 beta be out?12:16
akikGuest67: microsoft has something called win pe that is similar12:16
akikGuest67: but win pe is not the same as a proper windows installation12:20
Guest67akik i don't want to install win, i wan to start it as live usb and continuing to use LUBUNTU on the other PC and UBUNTU on this i'm using now12:22
leejonesI often see "New Folder" folders on my desktop.12:25
akikGuest67: you can't do it12:26
Guest67akik why?12:31
akikGuest67: there's no iso image that would give you a proper windows runtime without installing12:31
Guest18Hi, I need to have a website with logins and other fancy stuff with databases and so on, on my ubuntu server; for testing puposes12:37
Guest18Do you any such thing? I would like to save me sometime and not design a website12:37
Guest67articles on internet which talks about live usb windows are false?12:38
BluesKajHi all12:39
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akikGuest67: i think rufus can also do it, but it's for windows12:44
akikGuest67: so ask a friend who has windows to help you12:44
Guest67woeusb do the same thing of rufus but on ubuntu, the problem is which iso i have to use or if there's something other to do over this operation by woeusb,12:46
akikGuest67: no it doesn't12:47
akikGuest67: get a friend who has windows. download rufus. run rufus. use it to create a windows-to-go usb stick installation12:47
Guest67i found on google articles which talks about WINDOWS PE and WIntToGO but are articles for win, i have to do all by ubuntu12:48
akikGuest67: i don't know what to say. you said the docu i linked to is too diffiuclt12:53
Guest67i'm a simple user, i can't do difficutl operation on pc, i just need a live usb because sometimes ubuntu gives me problems, especially opening folder and after i can't access my files12:55
Guest67i don't wanna have data loss, and impossibility to open my files12:55
akikGuest67: let's try to fix that problem then12:56
akikGuest67: where are the files you can't access?12:56
gebbionelotuspsychje, i tried a few things ... kernel 5.15 does not load the wifi adapter. I am not a wizard but it looks like it was not recognising it. I tried kernel 6.8. It didnt fix anything . I am back to 6.1 and it all works but only with nvidia 535. Not sure what i can report as a bug12:58
Guest67akik on external hd13:01
akikGuest67: where is it mounted? it probably just has wrong owners for the files13:02
Guest67it's mounted by usb13:03
akikGuest67: df -h | nc termbin.com 9999 # that transfers your disk status to termbin13:03
akikGuest67: if this happens again, you just need to remember these commands: "id", "echo $USER", "chown -R username /path/to/dir"13:08
akikGuest67: the chown command changes the file ownership to you. run it with sudo13:09
Guest67akik https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CffCwAl_lyvIO1-iWZM-oSiB9xsAjvQ5/view?usp=sharing13:12
Guest67usually it shows me "Input/output" errors13:12
Guest67few minutes before the folder when i was using it, works perfectly13:12
akikGuest67: so see first "echo $USER" then: sudo chown -R username '/media/user/Disco esterno 2'13:13
akikGuest67: after that, everything on that disk is owned by you13:13
Guest67there's some problems to read and write on external hds, i don't know if it depends on lenght of paths, because some files they don't open then i have to copy and paste on desktop to open them13:14
akikGuest67: you really have a dir there called "[[[[[ Archivio (prova)" ?13:16
vltGuest18: Have a look at https://www.djangoproject.com and the great tutorial.13:16
Guest67akik user@user-X580VN:~$ echo $USER13:16
Guest67i don't know what i did13:16
Guest67sudo chown -R user '/media/user/Disco esterno 2'13:17
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
Guest67is this i have to write in terminal?13:17
akiktry starting the line with akik:13:18
akikGuest67: replace user with the output from "echo $USER"13:19
Guest18vit I don't want to do any tutorial I want a dummy website.13:20
Guest18That is all13:20
vltGuest18: Then https://www.wix.com might suit you, perhaps.13:21
akikGuest67: ok maybe ubuntu is not for you then13:22
Guest67akik excuse me, it's just because I rarely use this feature13:23
Guest67akik do u see the image?13:23
Guest67this one13:23
leftyfbGuest18: if you have no interest in building a web server and maintaining all the pieces that go into it, then do not run your own web server. Go with a hosted solution, as has been mentioned13:24
akikGuest67: yes. how far in the path you can go and if you reach the target dir, can you copy the file?13:25
leftyfbGuest67: I think akik meant to mention Guest18, not you13:26
Guest67akik do u see this image? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CffCwAl_lyvIO1-iWZM-oSiB9xsAjvQ5/view?usp=sharing13:26
Guest67it doesn't let me oper the folder anymore13:27
akikGuest67: yes. how far in the path you can go and if you reach the target dir, can you copy the file?13:27
Guest67however after command u told me it appears some messages like these:13:27
Guest67chown: cambiamento del proprietario di '/media/user/Disco esterno 2/[ Copia D, 11-08-2023, 12-46/[[[[[ Archivio (prova)/Immagini/Sfondi/IMG_20200813_154846.jpg': Errore di input/output13:27
Guest67chown: cambiamento del proprietario di '/media/user/Disco esterno 2/[ Copia D, 11-08-2023, 12-46/[[[[[ Archivio (prova)/Immagini/Sfondi/IMG_20200815_125333.jpg': Errore di input/output13:27
Guest67about 8 messages like these13:27
Guest67in different folders13:28
vltGuest67: What does `journalctl --dmesg` tell you at around the matching timestamps?13:28
Guest67vlt so much lines, how to stop it?13:34
vltGuest67: You should be able to use the PageUp, PageDown or End keys to navigate.13:34
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vltGuest67: To reduce the number of lines you can tell it something like `journalctl --dmesg --since=-10min`.13:37
vltGuest67: Attento, there’s a "-" before the "10min".13:38
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Guest67vlt which are end keys?13:46
Guest67it doesn' stop13:46
vltGuest67: End might be "Fine" on your keyboard.13:49
vltGuest67: If your keyboard lacks these keys, "Inizio" is "g", "Fine" is "G", the Pagina keys are "f" and "b". "q" exits the view.14:03
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
Sahinwhen can we download offical Ubuntu 24.04 lts?14:18
vltSahin: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-schedule14:20
toddcif it is ready14:20
mybalzitchoof, don't visit ubuntu dot org16:02
maggamy battery just died with the my usb-c power connected :O must be something with TLP :S16:08
johnfg_hi folks16:28
johnfg_my daughters laptop just upgraded to 22.04.16:28
johnfg_Now, when it comes up, it's asking to set up a new user, but will not accept her current user.  I had this trouble before, and looked  back through my logs, but don't remember the resolution.16:29
johnfg_at present, I logged in through tty2.16:29
johnfg_neither power off or restart has made any difference.16:30
leftyfbjohnfg_: to be clear, Ubuntu will never automatically upgrade releases16:30
leftyfbjohnfg_: you can login to tty2 using her user?16:30
johnfg_leftyfb: Yes, exactly.16:31
leftyfbjohnfg_: sudo apt remove --purge oem-config*16:32
johnfg_So, it must have been another major upgrade.16:32
tyklinghello, does anyone know if 24.04 server installer will have zfs as a filesystem option in the installer? thanks!16:32
johnfg_leftyfb: Before I do that, what are you thinking?16:34
leftyfbI’m thinking you have oem-config installed16:34
johnfg_leftyfb: Ok, I'll give that a try.16:35
johnfg_I'll be back after a reboot...16:36
lotuspsychje!next | tykling16:37
ubottutykling: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.16:37
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luksihello there!17:09
lotuspsychjewelcome luksi17:09
luksilotuspsychje: thanks17:10
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hiyaWhat kernel do we currently have on Ubuntu 23.10?17:27
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic mantic17:28
ubottulinux-image-generic (, mantic): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 10 kB / 16 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)17:28
leftyfbhiya: run: uname -a17:28
hiyaleftyfb: except I am on Debian :P17:28
hiyahence I am asking17:28
pragmaticenigmahiya: It's the same command, but if you need help with Debian, there's a channel for that.17:28
hiyaI don't need help with Debian17:28
hiyaI am asking for the kernel version on Ubuntu 23.10 currently17:29
pragmaticenigmahiya: That depends on updates and configuration17:29
hiyapragmaticenigma: So there must a latest release for standard configuration17:31
hiyaI think it is 6.5.x17:32
pragmaticenigmahiya: There's the kernel that the install image was released with back in October of 2023. That wouldn't have changed, but system updates would have applied updates depending on the user's preferences. What exactly are you trying to figure out?17:33
hiyapragmaticenigma: latest kernel version for 23.1017:33
hiyaI think it is
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hiyaplastikman: Thank you17:37
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vroomtapei new17:50
vroomtapei mean im new17:50
lotuspsychjewelcome vroomtape17:50
vroomtapeso how do we game here?17:50
lotuspsychje!ask | vroomtape17:51
ubottuvroomtape: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:51
pragmaticenigmavroomtape: no, this is a support channel, for getting assistance with issues related to Ubuntu17:51
vroomtapeok ty17:51
=== miceiken89 is now known as miceiken8
hackermanIs there any way to disable power to a usb port where a device is connected that is only charging (ie. there is no data communication -> no id is assigned by which to disable it)?18:21
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pragmaticenigmahackerman: I have not heard of such a feature, only some motherboards that will continue to supply power when the system is in a powered down state18:28
hackermanpragmaticenigma, ok and when I do a unbind does it disable power?18:29
pragmaticenigmaI'm not sure, I would assume power is still delivered but it if there's any feature to request higher amperage (like for PowerDelivery cabable ports and devices) they may not work18:30
pragmaticenigma*may not work => max amperage 500 mA18:30
hackermanI understand18:30
hackermanWell I will try and come back and say the outcome18:31
pragmaticenigmaThere are adapters on the market where the data pins are disconnected in the cable, or with small adapter that sites between the computer and the cable18:32
pragmaticenigma* sites => sits18:32
hackermanWhat I am trying to do is control a led with usb18:33
leftyfbhackerman: only certain chipsets support controlling power to USB ports. Most don't18:35
leftyfbhackerman: https://github.com/mvp/uhubctl18:35
hackermanleftyfb, mine is actually there18:39
leftyfbthen try uhubctl18:39
leftyfbsudo apt install uhubctl18:39
hackermanyet it says "No compatible devices detected!" lsusb: https://termbin.com/xskj18:43
lord_robHi! I'm trying to install wine-devel (official package which comes from winehq repository). I can't satisfy depency "libc6 (>= 2.38)", as the version in ubuntu distro is 2.35 ... Isn't there a more recent repository?18:59
pragmaticenigmalord_rob: support for 3rd party repositories has to be addressed by the repository maintainer. Focus here is the primary repositories included with Ubuntu releases.19:01
lord_robok, is there a repository for development version of Ubuntu?19:04
lord_roblike sid in Debian?19:04
CosmicDJlord_rob: the next LTS release (noble) will ship with libc6 2.39 https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/libc619:08
lord_robOK thanks CosmicDJ19:08
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johnfghi guys19:15
johnfgremoving the oem-config didn't work.  I think it's a gnome thing that's affecting the console login wanting to reconfigure.19:16
johnfgAny ideas on how to fix it?19:16
johnfggnome-initial setup seems to be the culprit.  How do I disable that, when the login is already here?19:17
akikjohnfg: can you login from the virtual console and see if the account works?19:21
lord_robIn /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list I can see "# Do not edit this file manually, use Software Sources instead.". Could I still replace all occurences of "jammy" by "noble" by manually editing?19:22
plastikmanlord_rob: that will break so many things19:24
lord_robI was pretty sure of that plastikman19:24
lord_robso how could I do that?19:25
plastikmani got chastised last time i told someone to compile from source as its not the "ubuntu way", but if you want something that is outside of the repo, you will have to compile from sources.19:25
plastikmanbecause of the nature of a binary distro (nothing wrong with that) you cant take packages from a newer release and apply to an older one.  too many deps to worry about19:26
lord_robI see ...19:27
plastikmanunless someone has a PPA (Is that still a thing) for your release with newer wine release19:28
lord_robI see19:29
lord_robhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/     contains more recent versions of glibc, that's why I was asking19:31
CosmicDJlord_rob: you're not just going to install one of the newer debs on your machine, right?19:32
akikjohnfg: can you login from the virtual console and see if the account works?19:32
lord_robCosmicDJ: I'd prefer to have a feedback from official Ubuntu developers before killing my machine19:33
CosmicDJlord_rob: official support needs a subscription https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe19:36
plastikmanI would HIGHLY recomend against messing with glibc19:36
plastikmanthar be dragons.19:37
plastikmanjust compile wine from source, or install one of the 24.04 beta spins (if those exist) but then you need to go into ubuntu-next or w/e to get support19:37
lord_robI've been a Debian Sid user since 2002, but I didn't know Ubuntu was commercial19:38
plastikmanits not19:38
=== JanC is now known as Guest8501
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plastikmanUbuntu Pro is commercial19:38
leftyfblord_rob: what is it exactly you're trying to accomplish?19:39
plastikmanthat was going to be my next question ;)19:39
akikit's a camera trick when the esm apps are offered for everybody19:39
lord_robI want to be able to configure my machine so it suits my needs, like I've always done with debian sid19:40
leftyfbakik: pro is available for everyone for free as long as you aren't rolling it out enterprise-wide19:40
leftyfblord_rob: in what way exactly?19:40
lord_robhmm I did not know there was a Ubuntu pro19:41
akikand as long you have 5 ubuntu installations19:41
plastikmanUbuntu pro is not the point tho, that will not give you what you are looking for lord_rob19:41
leftyfbakik: more if you're an ubuntu member. Which is also free19:41
akikleftyfb: tell me more about that19:42
leftyfbakik: https://ubuntu.com/pro#:~:text=to%20an%20expert-,Personal,-Anyone%20can%20use19:42
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leftyfblord_rob: in what way exactly are you trying to configure your machine so it suits your needs?19:43
akik"Your application demonstrates that you have made sustained and significant contributions to Ubuntu."19:44
akiki don't think i have done that19:44
leftyfbakik: contributing to support on IRC since at least 201719:45
plastikmanlord_rob: I think it would be beneficial for you to tell us exactly what you are trying to do and then maybe we can figure out a way forward.19:46
lord_robplastikman: the point is when I issue "cat /etc/debian_version" I see bookworm/sid whereas latest testing is trixie, hence my problems I think19:46
leftyfblord_rob: this is ubuntu, not debian19:47
leftyfblord_rob: cat /etc/os-release19:47
leftyfblord_rob: ubuntu 22.04 was based on bookworm/sid when they pulled ferom source initially. After that first pull, it is no longer Debian.19:49
lord_robleftyfb: of course19:53
leftyfblord_rob: so again, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Please be specific19:53
CosmicDJhe wants to run wine-devel from the winehq repo, but it needs libc6 (>= 2.38)19:54
plastikmanWhich sounds to me like its not compiled for 23.10 or 22.0419:55
lord_robwell if I'm not specific that's because you're gonna kick me out of the channel, but well. I've installed linuxmint based on latest Ubuntu but I'm astonished that all the versions are soo old19:55
plastikmanUbuntu is not a rolling release19:56
leftyfblord_rob: are you running linux mint or ubuntu?19:56
lord_robmint just now, which downloads almost everything from ubuntu repos19:56
lord_rob(that's why I feared you were gonna kick me out)19:57
plastikmanHe wont kick you19:57
leftyfblord_rob: ok, so you're looking for help in #ubuntu with installing packages from a 3rd party on an OS that isn't even Ubuntu19:57
lord_robbut I am a good Debian user19:57
leftyfb!mint | lord_rob19:57
ubottulord_rob: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/19:57
plastikmanjust tell you to ask in another location.  Anyway, I would say your best bet is to just compile from sources.19:57
leftyfblord_rob: I would suggest seeking support from Mint or #winehq19:57
lord_robthat's what I feared the most of Debian derivatives, support is different20:00
leftyfblord_rob: correct. You get support from the distro you are running. not the uptream distro it was loosely based on20:00
lord_robwell tbh, I recently crashed my pc running SID and I did want to quickly reinstall something I could quickly use. Hence my installation of linuxmint20:02
leftyfblord_rob: let us know when you are running Ubuntu and we'll be glad to support you20:03
lord_robok thank you, that's why I did not show I was not running Ubuntu. But I think the solution for me is reinstalling Debian20:05
coderman1is there a free pen testing library i can use that generates a report at the end?21:10
coderman1for ubuntu (server) OS21:11
akikis this the level of cyber security now?21:11
coderman1for me, yes21:12
akikmetasploit is free but i don't know of any reports21:12
leftyfbcoderman1: maybe try #security to find the application you are looking for and then check the ubuntu repositories21:13
Guest95chat die 2024 rip πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ rip OMG!!21:49
leftyfbGuest95: this is a support channel21:49
Guest95my bad21:49
=== carlo is now known as Guest6887
=== miceiken84 is now known as miceiken8
Random6I have a question for you all23:54
Random6I am having issues with textures in pc games via steam. I have a gaming laptop that suddenly presents with issues on both Windows 10 and 11, as well as Linux / Debian.23:55
Random6^ The issue is in regards to quality of textures; Regardless of what setting I have in-game, or through nvidia control panel, or even messing with .ini config files, reinstalling operating systems, reinstalling steam, reinstalling games - makes absolutely no difference.23:56
Random6Does anyone know how to fix this issue?23:56
sarnoldmonitor cables are fickle and can have weird results when they go bad or get poor connections23:58
Random6Thanks for the suggestions sarnold. It is on a gaming laptop with a 1080p screen and 144hz23:58
Random6The issue suddenly started after 4 years of normal use.23:58
sarnoldyou'll probably need to post screenshots of the problems (clearly indicate what's wrong with them) on a site like askubuntu.com or your video card vendor's support websites etc23:58
Random6I can do that23:58
sarnoldbut if you're just stuck and out of ideas, the cables might be worth a shot23:59
Random6I have one actually. The issue is not graphical glitches, it is just as though the texture settings are stuck on low no matter what settings.23:59
Random6The cable inside the laptop?23:59
Random6Ribbon cable for monitor?23:59
sarnoldah no, i'm accustomed to folks having external monitors of some sort ;)23:59

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