
=== miceiken80 is now known as miceiken8
Random6I have ruled out just about everything I can think of, but the problem persists. :(00:00
Random6I'll show you screenshot one sec00:00
Random6The issue is in the texture quality seen in the spotlight in this image00:01
Random6This level of texture quality is on MANY textures.00:01
Random6in every game I play the texture quality is similar.00:02
Random6Unfortunately I do now have a screenshot from before the issue startd.00:02
sarnoldheh I was afraid of that :(00:02
Random6You can imagine the texture quality being much more detailed, sharp, and having more depth.00:03
Random6Do you think this could be a hardware issue if it persists everywhere?00:03
Random6So far my laptop hasn't shown any signs of failing devices.00:03
Random6It is an MSI GS65 stealth thin 8RE. It is quite robust and designed for gaming.00:04
sarnoldit happening in windows is part of why I thought cables :) that's easier to explain than software updates or config changes etc00:04
Random6I agree .00:04
Random6OH, the issue persists on the integrated Intel GPU, as well as the dedicated GTX 1060 6GB00:06
Random6^ I figured this would also rule out GPU issue00:06
Random6Some forums allude to correlations with data transfer and processing between the SSD / RAM and CPU00:06
Random6But that would mean a motherboard / RAM / CPU issue.00:07
sarnoldmaybe bios settings?00:07
sarnoldperhaps there used to be 20gigs set aside for the video ram and now there's one gig?00:07
Random6I haven't checked that yet00:07
Random6I think it was set to 16 GB last I saw.00:08
Random6I hard reset the bios, defaults, as well as custom settings, made no difference.00:08
Random6Steam I reinstalled from scratch, as well as the game - so as to wipe profiles and steam settings.00:08
Random6I have thunderbolt 3, so I could test with an external GPU someday, to rule out hardware issues.00:09
Random6Is there a possibility the video card bios could be impacted somehow sarnold ?00:18
Random6I did update it years ago without issue,.00:19
Random6I wonder if reflashing the vbios might fix that.00:19
sarnoldRandom6: it's possible; I think the intel firmwares are in linux-firmware https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+changelog and the nvidia firmwares are scattered in dozens of packages that are a challenge to discover .. try dpkg -l '*nvidia*' | grep ^ii00:22
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johnfgSorry, was at the 2nd job.  Yes, I'm at tty2, having logged in, no problems and typing this.01:27
johnfggnome-initial setup seems to be the culprit.  How do I disable that, when the login is already here?01:27
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Guest55Hello. Any guess why nemo doesn't show video thumbnails?04:56
Guest55Nemo has a really small default file size limit for thumbnails (I think it's 1MB).05:07
Guest55To change it, go to Edit > Preferences > Preview tab and under "Other Previewable Files", set "Only for files smaller than" to the value you want.05:07
Guest55omfg that's stupid lol05:07
quazimodois there a high level overview or architecture of snapcraft to show how it actually works, what it's components are & how they fit together etc05:12
quazimodoi still don't get how it achieves isolation, or how it's interfaces even work05:12
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belen1hi! i am sorry to bother! I am an ubuntu user but not well versed on how it works beyond some commands, and I have printer problems :)05:18
belen1i would appreciate any help05:18
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jclsnWhat is the best way to create my own Ubuntu image in a pipeline? I found this guide https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/build-an-image08:08
jclsnbut it says you need a Raspberry Pi. I want to build an x86 image though, which should be based on the latest LTS version08:08
pflanzeWhere do GUI application logs go? e.g. Slack or Intellij.08:14
vltpflanze: I’d say that depends heavily on the GUI application.08:17
pflanzeIn the past stdout+err would go to ~/.xsession-errors; now that's gone, probably because of the move to Wayland.08:19
srevecan I fix not working reverse lookup by using the hosts-file?08:43
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pavel_это чат?11:06
ogra_jclsn, this is for ubuntu-core (the fully snap based OS) .. to build one for a PC you'd just change the architecture field to amd64 and replace pi with pc for the gadget in the model assertion and pi-kernel with pc-kernel (with their respecting snap IDs)11:41
ogra_the rest of the process is the same everywhere for ubuntu core11:42
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BkuesKajHi all12:40
lisbeths$24.88 four core 2 ghz ubuntu chroot upgradable to 512 gb storage https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2B9KHO0v/Screenshot_2024-04-09-00-03-09-550.jpg12:50
leftyfblibcat: can we help you with something?12:50
leftyfblisbeths: ^12:51
leftyfblisbeths: please don't spam here. It's a support channel12:52
chilverscHow do I get a list of packages (specifically old linux-image-*) that would be candidates for autoremove when my dependencies are broken?13:13
chilverscHow do I unbreak this? "You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.", specifically the packages in question are linux-image-* and its because the boot disk is full13:18
chilverscI suspect the auto-updater has once again being running updates without me wanting it to and has filled the boot disk with pointless images13:19
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
chilverscbah, cleared out some old images, ran --fix-broken and now its gone and filled the disk with -100, -101, -102, what is wrong with this thing13:35
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fwehtis it expected that ubuntu server takes forever to boot?16:48
plastikmandefine forever16:49
fweht2min 146ms systemd-networkd-wait-online.service16:51
plastikmanAFAIK that is a forever target16:51
plastikmanso taht means you have no network connectivity16:51
fwehtah ok!  ill try disabling the service..  its just a pc, not a real server, i just wanted a minimal install16:52
leftyfbit means 1 or more network interfaces are not configured as optional and do not have network connectivity. It should time out after 5 minutes16:52
leftyfbyou don't need to touch any services, jsut fix up your /etc/netplan/ file16:52
fwehtah thank you!16:54
=== JanC is now known as Guest3202
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teppersoni was looking for the systemd-creds binary and didn't find it in my ubuntu 22.04.2 installation, should it exist?17:55
leftyfbtepperson: I'm pretty sure that isn't available in 22.04, only 23.10 and the upcoming18:07
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NoiseEeehey folks, you figure it's OK to go right into production with the next LTS the day after its released?  Usually I hold off on software that is just released, but does the LTS suggest I can forgo that?19:58
leftyfbNoiseEee: A popular opinion is to wait till the .1 release in August20:00
OldGr3gHi, so I'm new here. I am having issues trying to install Ubuntu onto my 4tb SSD from WD Blue. is there anyway to get it installed without any issues?20:01
NoiseEeethanks leftyfb20:01
leftyfbOldGr3g: it might help to detail the issue you ran into20:01
bpromptOldGr3g: a 4Tb SSD external through an USB port, or just an SSD internal?20:03
OldGr3gWhenever I use this drive which is in a Docking station, I get prompted with gnu grub.20:03
OldGr3gI've had different OS's on this drive but I have no clue to what exactly I am doing.20:04
OldGr3gI'm trying to install Ubuntu right as we speak and hopefully that works.20:06
OldGr3gthe 4tb is internal but hooked up into my docking station.20:08
OldGr3gI am just lazy20:08
OldGr3gwell, tbh I did have issues with the drive ever since I first got the drive. there's that and it didn't want to work with my other system.20:09
=== Rahoul0 is now known as Rahoul
Guest12Hello all,21:40
shoesfellow ubuntuer21:44
Guest12Does anyone where to ask for xauth type issues?21:46
sarnoldGuest12: here's fine21:50
akikmaybe he learned it22:24
maknassios super léger pour un pentium d x64 bits et 2 Go de RAM23:27
leftyfb!fr | maknassi23:29
ubottumaknassi: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci.23:29

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