=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [16:11] is noble currently missing clang-tidy package? [16:11] I'm getting missing dependecy error on LP [16:11] Missing build dependencies: clang-tidy [16:13] me confuse [16:13] https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/clang-tidy ? [16:13] yes this one [16:18] is it possible you don't have universe enabled? [16:22] rather sbuild deps resolver [20:27] So... I just discovered while testing the Kubuntu beta RC that the package customization module isn't actually set up for Kubuntu at all :P Just got to fixing that. [20:27] For the minimal install option, what does everyone here think about purging the following list of packages: [20:27] kmahjongg kmines kpat ksudoku skanlite skanpage okular libreoffice* kdeconnec t krdc konversation neochat elisa haruna vim snapd partitionmanager usb-creator* plasma-welcome kde-config-tablet plasma-welcome [20:27] ? [20:28] (hmm, vim seems to have made my "kdeconnect" look weird) [20:28] sgmoore: ^ [20:37] arraybolt3: um why? [20:37] oh minimal. sure thats fine [20:51] sgmoore RikMills arraybolt3: Something to watch out for: On 22.04.4 LTS, when installing Gimp, the package wslu got pulled to "provide www-browser" per 'ubiquity why wslu'. This is /extremely/ bad, as it breaks OEM mode, sound, and spams the syslog. [20:52] s/ubiquity/aptitude/ [20:52] mmikowski: ^ ? [20:53] I discovered this in Cubic when creating the OEM image with a few apps like this installed. haha, yes, you're right aaron. s/ubiquity/aptitude/g. :) [20:54] I'm going to start fresh again today and will report what I see. But until then, FYI and you might want to keep an eye out :) [20:56] ah firefox as a snap bites again [20:57] https://kfocus.org/wf/browsers#bkm_firefox <= succinct, how to replace. [20:58] Just updated yesterday and tested. [21:07] sgmoore ^^, if that's of any help. [21:08] arraybolt3: purging all those is OK by me [21:08] Firefox snap worked so well last time, they decided to move Thunderbird there too I guess. It will be interesting to see how that works. [21:08] libreoffice is enormous [21:08] errr, not vim? [21:09] that is a religion with some.... [21:14] valorie: I mean the user can always install Vim again. [21:14] of course [21:14] And for probably 70% of people it won't be used (assuming half of everyone who uses Kubuntu is a developer and over half of developers use Vim) [21:14] I personally do not use [21:26] valorie: vim is expected everywhere for a minimal install. The difference between vim.tiny and vim.nox is negligible. [21:28] At least by developers :) [21:29] I use vim... [21:29] Even developers who don't normally use vim normally expect it to be available in some form. [21:30] though I admit I am used to installing it immediately after install and kicking nano out [21:31] I think all developers here (arraybolt3, mmikowski, sgmoore) all use vim. I think Rik does too. [21:31] mmikowski: well `vi` (vim-tiny) is still there, it's only the fully-fledged somewhat bloated Vim that I was considering non-minimal. [21:32] sounds like it could safely get the boot [21:32] Yeah, well compressed, vim-nox comes in at, wait for it, 1.5 MB. [21:32] There are images in libreoffice that are larger. [21:33] Actually, it's 1.9 MB. Whoops. [21:33] what is vim-nox? [21:33] (generally a `sudo apt install vim` pulls in 40+ MiB of stuff in my experience) [21:33] full-fledged vim without the gui stuff, iirc. [21:34] there is a vim with a gui? [21:34] vim-gtk3, yes [21:34] `Description-en: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with scripting languages support [21:34] Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.` [21:34] hahaha! Scarlett! lol! [21:34] hah neat [21:34] gvim. [21:34] I think kate supports vim with a plugin [21:35] it has a Vi mode in it, it isn't *awesome* but it's not terrible either. [21:35] it has vim key bindings. but it doesn't support your .vimrc. I found it quite limited last time I tried it. [21:36] Now IntelliJ vim support is almost complete. I run macros in there all the time. C-J to format Json, etc. all work. [21:37] sgmoore: You might want to look at the default .vimrc on kfocus. Lots of neat macros there with key bindings. like ;k to clean up all trailing white space, or C-j to format JSON. [21:38] see /usr/lib/kfocus/skel/.vimrc. [21:38] oh! nice! whitespace bites me all the time in changelogs lol [21:38] this laptop is my daily driver, will make use of them, thanks! [21:39] alright, been up since 1am, I am off for the day, see you all tomorrow for another day of testing and fixes. [21:39] There's bindings to convert from snake_case to camelCase and vice versa, or round numbers too. [21:39] See you scarlett! [21:43] sorry that my comment stirred up the Cult of VIM [21:44] lol [22:00] valorie: no worries :) It could have been worse: the cult of NANO! (shrieks of horror!) [22:23] https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.en.html