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WalexThe ESM repo subscription (without support) is just $25 per host.10:42
Walexit is also free for individuals up top 5 hosts IIRC.10:42
WalexThe ESM repo subscription (without support) is just $25 per host per year. Looks quite excellent value to me. Hardly worth bothering rebuilding the binaries unless one has dozens of thousands of systems, in which case I guess Canonical would offer a fixed-price deal.10:43
FH_thecatwhere do I get the "linux" and "initrd.gz" files, so that I can install Ubuntu 22.04 from my tftp server ?10:59
FH_thecatpreviously, for 20.04, i could use: wget http://debian.ethz.ch/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/{initrd.gz,linux}10:59
FH_thecatbut these files don't exist for 22.0410:59
tomreynah sorry, this looks outdated11:05
FH_thecatI actually did try that. Downloaded the live-server-amd64.iso, extracted vmlinuz and initrd11:09
FH_thecatbut these files do not work11:09
FH_thecatthe installation starts, but then gets stuck at the beginning11:09
FH_thecatso I concluded, these files are not meant to be booted from tftp11:10
tomreynhttps://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html seems to have succeeded with this approach11:11
tomreynsee also the official documentation (amd64 here) https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/how-to-netboot-the-server-installer-on-amd6411:12
FH_thecatthose links do not even work: wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/focal-live-server-amd64.iso11:14
FH_thecatERROR 404: Not Found11:14
FH_thecatam I the only one who wants to install from tftp ?11:16
FH_thecatwhy does Ubuntu bend over backwards, to make this difficult ?11:16
tomreynyes, this must have been working before 'focal' (20.04) was released. https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/ now points to 'numble' - what will be 24.04) daily images. i guess you'd rather use 22.04 images, though11:16
FH_thecatI don't know. Is 24.04 alredy usable ?11:17
FH_thecatI can try 24.04, just to see if anything works at all11:18
tomreynhttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/jammy/daily-live/current/ has the current focal server installer images11:18
tomreyn24.04 is currently in alpha stage, the beta release was delayed11:20
FH_thecatso I have extracted the  files form the iso, and now have same problem as before: the installation starts, but gets stuck at the beginning: https://paste.pics/10bfad5bde49766d5469eba0928424f1 11:40
tomreynhmm, i'm /guessing/ (not an ubuntu dev) that ingo molnar's grub.cfg would work better.11:53
tomreynthe "We need to make this section possible to write sanely" note on the official docs don't inherit a lot of trust for me. maybe some of the notes on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/how-to-netboot-the-server-installer-on-amd64/16620/10 help11:55
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miceikenIs there any way to know why "*** System restart required ***" ?14:43
tomreyncat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs14:50
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MTecknologytomreyn: Are you saying discourse is "official docs"?15:36
tomreynit's the source for them15:36
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com is where the generated docs are15:37
MTecknologyThat documentation is built from discourse??15:52
MTecknologyI can't even interact with the server docs site without enabling javascript and reducing browser security. :/15:52
tomreynactually, just some of the docs are built from discourse, specifically https://ubuntu.com/server/docs - some of the others seem to be assembled differently.15:58
MTecknologyThat seems like an absurdly ridiculous documentation design16:01
MTecknologywow ...16:04
MTecknologywell, at least they've provided evidence that this model doesn't work! :P16:05
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