=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [21:52] How to install Presonus Studio one in ubuntustudio? [21:53] Helmut73: I'm fairly certain that's third-party proprietary software. Your best bet would be to follow the isntructions provided by Presonus. [21:54] You may need to log in to the Wayland session in order for it to work, as I believe Presonus Studio One requires Wayland. Depending on your Ubuntu Studio version, you might need to install the Wayland session first. [21:54] thanks ;) i tried that, but it didn't work [21:55] Not sure what else to try then sadly. We don't use Studio One (or at least if we do, I certainly haven't seen anyone who does), and so we don't know what to do to make it work either. [21:56] you might need a newer version of Ubuntu. [21:57] well, have the newest installed, but thanks anyway