
guiverca xubuntu install of noble allows me to select multiple partitions for / install  (not remove an incorrect mount of /) ...   https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2060896  03:24
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2060896 in subiquity "xubuntu noble install - multiple / partitions selected???" [Undecided, New]03:24
guivercalso  maybe of note.. a dual boot install on BIOS/legacy box & no grub scan of other installs was done (this is not xubuntu specific; lubuntu too as grub default .. maybe warrants note in release notes for older hardware.. still monitoring this issue; consequence is no dual boot option offered after new noble install)03:26
Unit193knome_: Seems you have system mail on the Xubuntu dev server from 2016-02-11. :P04:24
knome_Unit193, yeaaaaah....08:26
=== knome_ is now known as knome
Unit193You fix?! :o08:52
knomewhat me fix?08:53
Unit193Reeead maaail!08:53
Unit193...And make nagios stop nagging me. :(08:53
Unit193Every time I login now, I think "Wasn't this server going away?" then remember contests...08:54
knomeall deleted08:57
knomehad to read a damn manpage...08:57
Unit193rm -v /var/mail/knome08:58
knomed :o08:58
knomelike a poem that08:58
Unit193Ah, I tend to d1-22 then q.  Didn't know that one.08:59
knomeAll old messages (any not in state read or new). 09:00
knomei guess d * could also work09:00
knomebeing all messages09:00
Unit193Dang.  I'm going to forget that before I can use it...09:01
knomejust read the manpage..09:01

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