[05:23] https://launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/+archive/ubuntu/pkg-kde-tools-merge [13:02] Hi all [17:47] @Eickmeyer your systray issue identified @ got fixed with the latest update? [18:01] @Eickmeyer do you happen the systray issue identified @ got fixed with the latest update? [21:24] I filed my failed upgrade to the beta, and LP routed it to "upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [21:25] in particular, my son Thomas called out pulseaudio & pipeware both being installed, and said that probably I would be unable to purge one or both of them [21:26] before trying the upgrade again [21:27] if it is not fixed before release, I'll wait and if necessary do fresh install a week or two after release; it's just my travel computer, so the delay is not important [21:28] should I report the Bug# in the QA tracker? it is +bug/1015567 [21:29] I know we do not support upgrades the beta, but this should be fixed before release or it will bite us [21:30] apt log and main log I can send along if necessary [22:33] Hi all. I wonder why plasma session (plasma-workspace-wayland) is not installed by default on Noble images? [22:42] I think for the same reason that vim is not installed by default (or was not last I checked). If it is installed, it will present a drop-down on the SDDM screen. Better to avoid confusion for those who don't know what this is for. Those who know can simply install it. [22:44] Please do. Thanks! (re @IrcsomeBot: apt log and main log I can send along if necessary) [22:46] It is still not supported for us. Those that want to 'try' it are welcome to install it. We will be working on Wayland by default next release. (re @IrcsomeBot: Hi all. I wonder why plasma session (plasma-workspace-wayland) is not installed by default on Noble images?) [22:48] I see. I am asking because fractional scaling is not working under X11 and many users with newer machines will be confused. Maybe there should be a note on display settings or release notes. [22:51] It is already stated in our release notes [22:51] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NobleNumbat/Beta/Kubuntu#Plasma_Wayland_session [22:54] RikMills Great!. Thanks. [22:55] @sgmoore how about I write about it to the kub devel ML and attach the files there? Or would you rather I just send it to your email. [22:59] My email will work perfectly. I will look at fixing it when I am inevitability up in the middle of the night unable to sleep haha. Thank you! [23:04] Another topic. I've added systemd-boot support in calamares / calamares-settings-ubuntu. I understand that there are no immediate plans to use it in Kubuntu but I wonder if anyone is interested in taking a look for future reference? [23:23] Haven't checked. Driving home from Texas. (re @myfenris: @Eickmeyer do you happen the systray issue identified @ got fixed with the latest update?)