
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
MTecknologydbungert: Were you able to also replicate the disk overwrite prompt when autoinstall is provided?02:47
dbungertMTecknology: security or all> yea, those are the options, sorry.  overwrite prompt> I do a lot of autoinstall testing and I haven't seen that prompt in a long time except when I expect to.  This one is not at all clear to me.  All I can think of is to confirm on the system being installed that it's actually there?  Quoting issues somehow?02:52
MTecknologyI'm still typing out that line by hand on each installation attempt. I could be mistyping autoinstall, but I'd have to be doing it quite consistently02:53
MTecknologyeverything else seems to work as-if it's an autoinstall ...02:53
MTecknologydbungert: How much of your daily usage requires the user providing at least one piece of information but otherwise using autoinstall?02:55
dbungertmuch less common.  I'm usually testing something related to interactive behavior if I'm doing that.  Usually I automate everything so I can tab to the next window until test results are ready.02:59
MTecknologyI /want/ to automate everything except the hostname ...02:59
MTecknologythis installer doesn't seem to support that :(02:59
dbungertit's a solid feature request02:59
MTecknologyI still don't understand what actual issue this was meant to resolve in the first place. For all these added bugs/issues, what actual benefit is there?03:01
MTecknologydbungert: To be clear ... that's not even "a prompt for just the hostname" ... that would be lovely, but adding that specific extra step to documentation is easy enough -> "You must provide matching passwords, but this value is unused; provide 'a' for each field."   The problem is that the other bugs keep the rest from working the way it's supposed to.03:06
MTecknologyI'm also still having weird issues when I remove systemd-timesyncd as well. It gets flagged as removing a critical system package, even though that's definitely not critical and that's the *only* removal happening in that apt command.03:08
=== PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS
znfI keep wondering why did Ubuntu 22.04 change locale time to 12 hours time instead of 24 hours like it used to be in 20.04 and below15:58
rbasakznf: it depends on your locale setting. I'm not aware that there's a general change here. Are you sure you don't have a different locale setting to before?16:06
znfVery aware16:06
znfAll my servers since at least 12.04 had en_US.UTF-8 set everywhere16:07
znfAnd suddenly the 22.04 locale changed it to 12 hour time16:07
znfThere's a more thorough explanation/demo here: https://askubuntu.com/a/150047116:07
rbasakThe US uses 12 hour time though?16:14
rbasakIf you don't want that, change your time locale to something else?16:14
rbasakHere's the change:16:19
rbasak"At the end of 2018 it was adjusted to use 12H time (bug 24046) instead of 24H."16:19
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Bug 24046 in evolution (Ubuntu) "After upgrade, evolution frecuently crashes when sending email" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2404616:19
rbasak(2018 upstream - it'd take some time to filter through to an Ubuntu release)16:20
rbasakHere's the upstream bug that resulted in the change: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2404616:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- sourceware.org bug 24046 in glibc "en_US locale doesn't define date_fmt" [Normal, Resolved: Fixed]16:21
znfyeah, I do understand that it got changed because the US is 12 usually16:23
znfJust slightly annoying to fix a bug after 20+ years 16:23
sebokiehello, on Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS the settings in /etc/hdparm.conf are not applied upon boot, what do I have to do to have them applied?16:57
MTecknologyWTH? Which setting keeps causing my display to blank every few minutes?!21:03
MTecknologyIt feels like the terminal blanking timeout is getting into X, although I have absolutely no clue which setting it actually is. All the screensaver and other settings I can find are set to at least half an hour.21:08
rfmMTecknology, the settings that seem to get me are the X dpms (Power Management)  I seem to have to enable dpms but set all the timers to 0.22:22
MTecknologyrfm: Thanks!! It was enabled, so I'm super hopeful that this is it. :D22:33
=== alucardromero6 is now known as alucardromero
MTecknologyInteresting; after running "xset s off -dpms" and sitting for a while, I lost the ability to provide keyboard input and it was like the up arrow was stuck down, except none of the typical fixes worked and I had to hold the power button 30 seconds23:08
MTecknologyalso ... when did the default change to 30 seconds??23:08
trippehI've had it go to 30 seconds or so a few times, ignoring the gnome control panel setting, reboot "fixed" it23:10
* MTecknology is using cinnamon23:13
MTecknologyWhich setting is that? (where is it found?)23:14
trippehpower -> screen blank23:14
MTecknologyAh, that might be Power > Turn off the screen when inactive for:23:15
MTecknologyI have both power and battery set to never23:15
=== miceiken4 is now known as miceiken
trippehthere is def a bug somewhere23:15

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