=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:47] dbungert: Were you able to also replicate the disk overwrite prompt when autoinstall is provided? [02:52] MTecknology: security or all> yea, those are the options, sorry. overwrite prompt> I do a lot of autoinstall testing and I haven't seen that prompt in a long time except when I expect to. This one is not at all clear to me. All I can think of is to confirm on the system being installed that it's actually there? Quoting issues somehow? [02:53] I'm still typing out that line by hand on each installation attempt. I could be mistyping autoinstall, but I'd have to be doing it quite consistently [02:53] everything else seems to work as-if it's an autoinstall ... [02:55] dbungert: How much of your daily usage requires the user providing at least one piece of information but otherwise using autoinstall? [02:59] much less common. I'm usually testing something related to interactive behavior if I'm doing that. Usually I automate everything so I can tab to the next window until test results are ready. [02:59] I /want/ to automate everything except the hostname ... [02:59] this installer doesn't seem to support that :( [02:59] it's a solid feature request [03:01] I still don't understand what actual issue this was meant to resolve in the first place. For all these added bugs/issues, what actual benefit is there? [03:06] dbungert: To be clear ... that's not even "a prompt for just the hostname" ... that would be lovely, but adding that specific extra step to documentation is easy enough -> "You must provide matching passwords, but this value is unused; provide 'a' for each field." The problem is that the other bugs keep the rest from working the way it's supposed to. [03:08] I'm also still having weird issues when I remove systemd-timesyncd as well. It gets flagged as removing a critical system package, even though that's definitely not critical and that's the *only* removal happening in that apt command. === PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS [15:58] I keep wondering why did Ubuntu 22.04 change locale time to 12 hours time instead of 24 hours like it used to be in 20.04 and below [16:06] znf: it depends on your locale setting. I'm not aware that there's a general change here. Are you sure you don't have a different locale setting to before? [16:06] Very aware [16:07] All my servers since at least 12.04 had en_US.UTF-8 set everywhere [16:07] And suddenly the 22.04 locale changed it to 12 hour time [16:07] There's a more thorough explanation/demo here: https://askubuntu.com/a/1500471 [16:14] The US uses 12 hour time though? [16:14] If you don't want that, change your time locale to something else? [16:19] Here's the change: [16:19] https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/tree/localedata/locales/en_US#n123 [16:19] "At the end of 2018 it was adjusted to use 12H time (bug 24046) instead of 24H." [16:19] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Bug 24046 in evolution (Ubuntu) "After upgrade, evolution frecuently crashes when sending email" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24046 [16:20] (2018 upstream - it'd take some time to filter through to an Ubuntu release) [16:21] Here's the upstream bug that resulted in the change: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24046 [16:21] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- sourceware.org bug 24046 in glibc "en_US locale doesn't define date_fmt" [Normal, Resolved: Fixed] [16:23] yeah, I do understand that it got changed because the US is 12 usually [16:23] Just slightly annoying to fix a bug after 20+ years [16:57] hello, on Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS the settings in /etc/hdparm.conf are not applied upon boot, what do I have to do to have them applied? [21:03] WTH? Which setting keeps causing my display to blank every few minutes?! [21:08] It feels like the terminal blanking timeout is getting into X, although I have absolutely no clue which setting it actually is. All the screensaver and other settings I can find are set to at least half an hour. [22:22] MTecknology, the settings that seem to get me are the X dpms (Power Management) I seem to have to enable dpms but set all the timers to 0. [22:33] rfm: Thanks!! It was enabled, so I'm super hopeful that this is it. :D === alucardromero6 is now known as alucardromero [23:08] Interesting; after running "xset s off -dpms" and sitting for a while, I lost the ability to provide keyboard input and it was like the up arrow was stuck down, except none of the typical fixes worked and I had to hold the power button 30 seconds [23:08] also ... when did the default change to 30 seconds?? [23:08] s/default/delay/ [23:10] I've had it go to 30 seconds or so a few times, ignoring the gnome control panel setting, reboot "fixed" it [23:13] * MTecknology is using cinnamon [23:14] Which setting is that? (where is it found?) [23:14] power -> screen blank [23:15] Ah, that might be Power > Turn off the screen when inactive for: [23:15] I have both power and battery set to never === miceiken4 is now known as miceiken [23:15] there is def a bug somewhere