=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:38] https://www.reddit.com/r/zfs/comments/16nb9ep/how_to_install_zfs_ubuntu_2204_kernel_63/ has this been resolved? I'm not sure how to track the issue any further than the "kernel backported, but openZFS hasn't"---- I'm still showing zfs-dkms trying to provide zfs-2.1.5-1ubuntu6~22.04.04 and listing "compatible kernels: ?? - 5.19" when uname says [01:38] kernel 6.5.0.... [01:39] (still, as in I ran into this and what they said seems to be accurate) [01:39] telgareith: that guy isn't running ubuntu kernels and isn't running ubuntu zfs [01:39] telgareith: you might have better luck asking him if you intend to run the same kernels and same zfs that he's using [01:41] nope. this is a fresh ubuntu LTS install from about a week ago. Haven't done much besides... hrm. install/enable SSH and disable suspend when the laptop lid is closed? [01:41] and apt update; apt upgrade, of course [01:41] oh, install cifs-utils [01:42] ah, then I suggest pastebinning what you're doing, and what results you're getting :) [01:44] github gists work ok? [01:44] yeah [01:46] Greetings [01:47] My new monitor has speaker it has HDMI and VGA but still the sound doesn't work [01:48] casa: many problems like that can be solved by running pavucontrol and clicking around a bit [01:50] Where can I find that pavucontrol? [01:51] casa: oh, sorry; it's in the pavucontrol package [01:54] I am going to try it and see [01:55] Do I need to restart the computer sarnold? [01:55] casa: no [01:55] casa: in fact, once you do, you might need to run pavucontrol again and fiddle with things again :) [03:49] sarnold: 2hrs later: https://gist.github.com/telgareith/fa22323076a5ed79cd8e6ee3bb6a38f0 [06:28] welcome === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [08:02] hola [08:02] !es | ladybug_magnolia [08:02] ladybug_magnolia: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [08:05] Lol, I am english, but can speak a little spanish xD [08:07] ladybug_magnolia: welcome then [08:20] hey [08:20] welcome user1__ [09:04] is it really more secure to run apps in snap versus deb package? and why? [09:04] Confinement  [09:44] hi [10:48] hello. did a new installation on ubuntu 22.04 starting firefox windows is unreadable. maybe a amd issue "AMD/ATI Device 1506" driver thing. not driver updates available. do I have to install https://www.amd.com/de/support/linux-drivers manually? [10:55] any1 using ThinkPads with AMD 6850U processor? any wake up issues on battery? [10:55] official driver for graphics is supported for 22.04 https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-linux-23-40-2 [11:04] is there a problem you're trying to solve? [11:06] !amd | dreamon, hiya [11:06] dreamon, hiya: On Ubuntu, AMD's official Linux graphics driver "amdgpu" is automatically loaded for matching hardware. Very old cards use driver "radeon" (r300, r600) instead. See the !man pages for X options, "modinfo -p " for kernel parameters. Both drivers are open source and integrate with MESA and !DRI. Drivers "amdgpu-pro", "fglrx" and "ati" are not supported here. [11:07] tomreyn: Yes, my laptop won't wake up when I close the lid on battery, that being said, I am currently on Debian 12 [11:08] so I wonder if it is the same issue on Ubuntu [11:08] Hence asking if someone else is using the same processor + igpu combo here [11:09] i see. you could try a recent live/installer iso, I assume it should behave the same way as an installation. [11:10] tomreyn: even sleep / wake-up? [11:10] 24.04 LTS is coming soon, hence i am waiting for it [11:11] you can try the beta https://releases.ubuntu.com/noble/ [11:12] tomreyn, theoretisch. Darf ich auf -de schreiben.. [11:14] dreamon: not here, please, but in #ubuntu-de [11:15] tested the beta works great [11:18] Is there no way to get vanilla Ubuntu Gnome version any more? [13:02] Hi all [13:06] hiya: it's called fragmentation [13:06] hiya: i really much doubt you can get vanilla gnome on ubuntu [13:07] good day [13:07] well unless you compile it yourself [13:07] if you want mess with it [13:08] and the dependencies are probably defined so that it's impossible [13:09] i mean if you'd try to remove ubuntu gnome === PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS [13:23] akaWolf: Okay. [13:23] akik: Okay, thank you [13:23] Sorry for off-topic but there is Zorin [14:35] every login a popup appears to unlock the keyring because and app needs it however I already have "auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so"; so what should I do? [14:46] Updated to Ubuntu 24.04 beta, but the Gnome Camera App keeps giving the error: "Could not play camera stream" [14:46] Any ideas? [14:50] try #ubuntu-next [14:51] alright, thanks [14:57] can't seem to get the sudoers file to work with user NOPASWD entry [14:57] err NOPASSWD [14:59] I fllowed the instructions that I found online but they don't seem to apply [15:00] the same entries work on my laptop. but not my pc ...very starnge [15:29] hi === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw [16:58] hello, on Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS the settings in /etc/hdparm.conf are not applied upon boot, what do I have to do to have them applied? [17:09] Hello, I came back to my server after being away for a bit and monit was reporting smartd failing. After confirming the service was up I noticed there is no pid file being written. Is there a way to set this in the smartd.conf? I only see command line options [17:11] see what [17:12] oh set [17:12] set what [17:12] rbox: I see a way to set the pid file via command line switch, but can this be done via config? [17:13] the config file has a man page explaining all the options [17:20] It doesn't appear that I can set this via config. How would I reconfigure the service to add the command line switch? [17:22] if its a systemd service you can change the execstart with an override file [17:23] actually it looks like it uses /etc/default/smartmontools [17:23] so just edit that [17:38] rbox:Thank you, that worked. [17:49] 23,10 failed to install "steam-installer" <-Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have [17:49] requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable [17:49] distribution that some required packages have not yet been created [17:49] or been moved out of Incoming. [17:49] oh that was long, sorry. === lubuntu is now known as VerrNum [17:50] I have "held broken packages" it said. [17:50] luna_3: try to update your system to latest via apt, then !paste the errors you see in apt after installing steam [17:51] luna_3: sudo apt autoremove could help also [17:51] !paste [17:51] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:55] after update. (surprised I needed one 2 days after install of 23.10) same complaint from the seam-installer command. [17:55] steam-installer : Depends: steam (>= 1: [17:58] luna_3: did you add external ppa's of any kind to your system? [17:59] !info steam-installer [17:59] steam-installer (1:, mantic): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Built by steam-installer. Size 48 kB / 119 kB. (Only available for amd64.) [18:35] lotuspsychje, Iadded a natural scrolling repository at least [18:35] https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/zedtux/naturalscrolling/ubuntu [18:46] How do I find the contemporary way of listing added pp's by me. USTABE: /etc/apt/sources.list.d [18:47] I tried searching in the past year but no luck yet. lotuspsychje what would it matter -- The Problem is I cant install steam-installer [19:17] hi [19:17] allo [20:09] should I be concerned that the ureadahead service on my 22.04lts install has failed? [20:09] sudo systemctl status says "degraded" because of it [20:36] I guess it was meant to be removed with dist upgrade automatically but wasn't for whatever reason [20:36] apt remove ureadahead worked [20:42] Is there a way to get flameshot to work on wayland (or an alternative that works well on wayland)? [20:42] i'm on wayland and i just hit the print screen button [20:43] hmmm [20:44] RickyRat5005: hmmm dunno, didn't know it doesn't work on wayland, or at least that's your assumption [20:44] Right, but Flameshot has the ability to mark up a screenshot easily. [20:45] RickyRat5005: hmmm I'm not on Wayland, however I always use the systray button [20:46] and flameshot freaking rules!! not just for screenshot, but I use it a lot for multiple-screens reading === alucardromero6 is now known as alucardromero [23:12] if i install ubuntu 24.04 beta will i have to reinstall later when final comes out? or can i just do the updates? [23:13] no, you'll be fine [23:13] can you link me the download for it please oerheks [23:14] or i can find it its ok oerheks [23:15] daily build https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [23:15] and this doesnt have xz backdoor right? === miceiken4 is now known as miceiken [23:15] no, ubuntu was never affected. [23:15] ah cool [23:16] only rolling release version might have [23:16] ok [23:16] have fuN! [23:16] YAY! === docmax is now known as Guest3998 === docmax_ is now known as docmax [23:31] Hey, I am using Ubuntu 23.10 and have two unmounted SATA HDDs that keep making noises like they are spinning up/down randomly every few minutes. What could be causing this? [23:31] They are not mounted, and are currently empty so I can't see what would be accessing them [23:45] webchat24: hmmm you could try running an "lsof" on both devices, to see which process is accessing them [23:46] webchat24: check with "lsblk" the address of your HDDs, and use that to do an --> lsof /dev/DEVICENODE [23:46] they will never spinn down, afaik [23:47] spinning means, cluster seeking [23:49] ok, thanks - I'm doing a bunch of googling right now to understand everything you're saying because a lot of it is greek to me, but I'll try your suggestion [23:50] lsof: WARNING: can't stat() tracefs file system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing [23:50]       Output information may be incomplete. [23:51] webchat24: "lsof" in essence will show processes interacting with a file/directory/socket/else, so that tells you what kind of activity is going on with it [23:51] if I run with sudo I get: lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.portal file system /run/user/1000/doc [23:51]       Output information may be incomplete. [23:52] oerheks: when you say they will never spin down, why not? why are they doing anything if not even mounted? [23:52] webchat24: not mounted doesn't mean, no spinning per se btw [23:52] I'm worried about it lowering lifespan of drives for them to be randomly spinning all the time. they are intended to be long-term storage drives that are off most of the time [23:52] webchat24: but heavy spinning will mean cluster or location seeking [23:54] webchat24: hmmm you can always just unplug them and have them powered-down, that'd help with the life part :) [23:55] What is happening right now is that every few seconds, I can feel the "tapping/vibrating" (don't know better descriptive term) sound that drives make when being read from. Then every couple of minutes there is a longer more intensive noise like heavier read access is happening [23:55] webchat24: now, some usb-sata-hdd come with in an enclosure with a power switch as well [23:55] lol yeah, unplugging would be an option obviously, but I don't want to do that every time I need to use them [23:55] seems like there must be some system process that's regularly checking status of drives or something [23:56] I wonder if it's a bios issue ... it's a new build, and I haven't really messed around with HDD settings in BIOS [23:57] webchat24: well, not mounted is just not mounted, but the system has to be able to "see" them, so there's filesystem access to them at all times, even when unmounted [23:58] do you happen to know what system processes regularly interact with unmounted drives like this? I'll look into it, but just wondering if you know off the top of your head which processes to examine [23:58] webchat24: nope [23:59] webchat24: how do you know they're not mounted btw? [23:59] unplugging is your best option, it spins at some slow speed to serve fast response when you mount it [23:59] hdparm could stop it