[19:10] Help, I can not get 23.10 to add my bluetooth speaker to the audio sink profiles, so I cant use it, It is connected just fine to my computer currently, I just can not send audio to it, I have tried everything under the sun, including doing 2 fresh installs of 23.10, it was working, but I tried to upgrade to 24 the other day, and well that broke my [19:10] system, I seem to have everything working but being able to send audio to bluetooth, any help would be great. FYI, I have done all the normal stuff one can find in searching hours on google [19:10] hi all [19:11] after reboot suddenly my monitors cannot be used to stream audio/ arent shown as output devices anymore [19:11] its version 22.04 [19:12] only remaining output is jack sink (Ppulse out) [19:12] pulse* [19:13] what im also missing on this version is the option to set different outputs for different applications/interfaces. i had that before i installed this version [19:26] !morehelp [19:26] #ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.