[01:12] @sgmoore - email sent [03:15] drive safe (re @Eickmeyer: Haven't checked. Driving home from Texas.) [03:17] eugenesan: Fractional scaling does work well with X11, I used it everyday. In fact, my experience is that it is superior in display quality compared to Wayland. However, where Wayland *is* superior is the ability to set scaling per display. X11 can't do that. Is that what you are referring to? [03:34] mmikowski Yesterday, I installed fresh build on older MacbookPro with retina display and the scaling just wouldn't work. It accepted different values but scaled only small portion of UI. Switching to Wayland fixed the issue. Today I tried the same on my XPS13 with 23.10 and it behaved similarly. It scaled only X apps like Firefox. Plasma wouldn't [03:34] scale at all. [03:36] eugenesan: Ah, so there are a few ways. One way with X11 is not to use global scaling but set the font DPI. In 5.24 and 5.27, that works quite well. Fonts and display is very crisp. [03:37] For the Kubuntu Focus, we use that method for HDPI displays using system sensing. [03:38] So if you need to use X because wayland is still causing issues, you might give that a go. I use that technique all the time without issue. [03:39] system settings > global themes > fonts then [x] Force Font DPI [ 180 ] or similar for your display . I hope that is useful. [03:41] mmikowski Thanks for the tip. Luckily except a single app not exporting global menus, I am using Wayland/X interchangeably. I wasn't planning on switching to Wayland but it works so well I have to use HTOP to see what I am running ;-) [03:46] eugenesan: This was my experience that last time I switched into it as well. It's things like screen recording and video calls and (of course) remote access where things start to show up. So if and when that happens, you'll have something to fall back on hopefully. [03:50] mmikowski Good catch. I do not usually use those but it's good to know I have a backup. Thanks. [03:50] sgmoore RikMills arraybolt3 tsimonq2 Are we full-steam ahead with the new design language? Logo, title fonts, etc? [03:51] You're welcome eugenesan! Good luck! [03:53] Changing the system fonts I think is a really bad and risky move for Breeze, but for graphics and logos and stuff, I've been using the new bug and fonts, and they look nice. Does that work for everyone? [12:09] Hi all [16:18] @sgmoore @Eickmeyer https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=474605 -> maybe this is something related to what me and @Eickmeyer facing now .. [16:18] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- KDE bug 474605 in neon "Icon in systray does not appear when installed as a snap" [Normal, Confirmed] [16:38] @sgmoore https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=474605 -> maybe this is something related to what me and @Eickmeyer facing now .. [16:38] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- KDE bug 474605 in neon "Icon in systray does not appear when installed as a snap" [Normal, Confirmed] [16:42] @myfenris I'm fairly certain it's a combined apparmor/snapd issue. snapd is supposed to create apparmor profiles for items installed, but it's failing. [17:38] That's the one I thought was related. Unfortunately, it is something upstream has to fix and not a distribution level issue. (re @myfenris: @sgmoore https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=474605 -> maybe this is something related to what me and @Eickmeyer facing now ..) [17:38] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- KDE bug 474605 in neon "Icon in systray does not appear when installed as a snap" [Normal, Confirmed] [17:56] will try to find the bugs created for it (re @IrcsomeBot: @myfenris I'm fairly certain it's a combined apparmor/snapd issue. snapd is supposed to create apparmor profiles for items installed, but it's failing.) [17:58] https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/2056696 [17:58] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2056696 in snapd "All Snaps are denied the ability to use DBus for notifications and apptray indicators in KDE-based flavors" [Undecided, In Progress] [18:06] how can i missed the bugs .. change snapd to channel edge fixed it \0/ [18:16] /me now need to wait for the 6.1 to be available in nobat [18:17] /me now need to wait for the 6.1 to be available in nobat ☺️ [18:17] /me now need to wait for the 6.1 to be available in/for nobat ☺️ [18:19] but 1st need to wait for qt6 :) [18:25] now i might need to join this discussion too as facing weird scaling issue on my portable monitor resolution (extended screen) (re @IrcsomeBot: mmikowski Yesterday, I installed fresh build on older MacbookPro with retina display and the scaling just wouldn't work. It accepted different values but scaled only small portion of UI. Switching to Wayland fixed the issue. Today I tried the same on my XPS13 with 23.10 and it behav [18:26] @eugenesan , any bug filed? [18:28] will this work on wayland? (re @IrcsomeBot: system settings > global themes > fonts then [x] Force Font DPI [ 180 ] or similar for your display . I hope that is useful.) [18:43] hmm, branding bug: https://i.imgur.com/EsPE78W.png [19:07] Now filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/2061313 [19:07] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2061313 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "New Kubuntu icon's transparent background looks broken in some areas" [Undecided, New] [19:09] Is that a graphic bug? All I did was replace the icons. [19:14] It is a bug with the graphic itself.