
IrcsomeBot<Derek> New Kubuntu Beta installed fine in a VM. Just had graphics’s while installing of Lubuntu.04:31
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> But this is not the same scenario as mine. Have you installed encrypted? (re @Derek: New Kubuntu Beta installed fine in a VM. Just had graphics’s while installing of Lubuntu.)05:29
=== alucardromero1 is now known as alucardromero
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all12:09
IrcsomeBot<Derek> I did not (re @Zebraherz: But this is not the same scenario as mine. Have you installed encrypted?)12:38
user|49Hi.  What are the recommended systems requirements for latest release of kubuntu?13:33
=== tim is now known as Guest7806
guruprasadI installed Kubuntu 24.04 and have been working on setting it up. One issue that I am noticing is that non-KDE apps that have been configured to minimize to system tray and/or show a system tray icon do not appear in the system tray area no matter what. Is this a known issue?14:45
arraybolt3guruprasad: are these apps all Snaps?14:51
arraybolt3If so, there might be a known issue there, though I *thought* that was fixed. It might only have a fix in the pipeline though.14:51
guruprasadarraybolt3, yes, the ones that I tried are snaps. Bitwarden and Mattermost desktop snaps are the ones that I have tried so far.15:07
guruprasadIs there any additional information that I can provide for investigation?15:07
arraybolt3lemme find the bug report, this is a known issue.15:07
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2056696 in snapd "All Snaps are denied the ability to use DBus for notifications and apptray indicators in KDE-based flavors" [Undecided, In Progress]15:08
arraybolt3and the fix is still in the pipeline, not released yet.15:08
guruprasadAh, a snapd bug. I only checked the bugs with the "kubuntu" tag. It is good that I asked here instead of reporting a bug directly.15:08
vibbeHi how can I use nouveau drivers in linux can't seem to be able to use my gpu when playing games in ex steam?16:41
IrcsomeBot<Liu> must have gotten something else wrong16:44
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=== mzoo is now known as JOHOGOSLO
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> /join #ubuntu-fr19:45
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> </join #ubuntu-fr>19:47
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> «/join #ubuntu-qc»19:48
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> /join #ubuntu-qc19:48
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> join #ubuntu-qc19:49
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> #notes19:50
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> /commands@join_captcha_bot19:50
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> I try to join french canal (re @IrcsomeBot: <bprompt> ?)19:51
bpromptohh okj19:51
bpromptBradcompagnie:   many channels are using +r mode( registered nicks only ), meaning you have to have a nickname that's already registered, assuming you're not making it to the channel, otherwise your commands are correct19:53
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> I can't do it 😁, what is the right command? (re @IrcsomeBot: <bprompt> ohh okj)19:54
oerheksand not all channels have a telegram bridge?19:55
IrcsomeBot<Bradcompagnie> I don't know, what do you mean about "meaning a nickname that's already registred" ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> and not all channels have a telegram bridge?)19:57

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