[11:55] I had a usb drive plugged in that I use to backup my VM', I noticed there were a bunch of "duplicity-*-pgp" files. I speculate they were created using the "backup" utility within ubuntu-mate. I never use any backup util on this system. Now, when I tested the backup utility, it asked for a pw but never a destination or of what to backup..... [11:56] ... I'm really confused on how these files got generated, and how/where to find the settings of what to back. Any thoughts? [11:58] I'm guessing someone inadvertanly right-clicked in caja, then on backup. But where are the settings stored? [13:15] Depends what is running duplicity. I don't really use it. Deja dup/backups will use duplicity. [17:47] sixwheeledbeast That is what I'm trying to determine. I never even heard of duplicity, I never created any keys, I'm just trying to figure out what created those files and disable it. [17:49] AFAIK it's CLI, the only thing with a GUI I can think of would be deja-dup [17:54] sixwheeledbeast Is there any settings/config in Deja backups (which calls duplicity)? [17:55] If you open deja is it set to backup automatically? where are these gpg files located? [17:57] Maybe they are old backups, is it still creating new ones? [18:12] Not until I clicked on BACKUP yesterday, lol. The thing is that it's on a 4TB USB ssd which is literally only used to manually backup a specific VM and nothing else on a remote machine. [18:36] So I imagine it maybe a single backup you made not on a schedule [19:35] sixwheeledbeast I or someone COULD of accidentally right-clicked on a folder and hit "Backup...", but the funny thing is that one would have needed to select the backup destination. But wouldn't they have needed to generate the key pair? [20:00] I don't have a backup option, probably have any caja plugins disabled. Maybe you can have a blank passphrase. [20:20] disable plugins... I didn't know there was plugins to begin with, good idea.