[00:29] UWN: Opening 835 shortly for the Saturday thingies :D [02:15] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Paul Tagliamonte: Domo Arigato, Mr. debugfs @ https://notes.pault.ag/debugfs/ [03:01] UWN: Saturday wrap-up completed - 3 items added to the normals. [05:02] s/we3 are/we are/ sometime before publish [05:04] guiverc: me fat fingering again ! :( [05:05] * guiverc only quickly scanned.. only just home (and not got my chocki milk yet, then dog will demand walk etc)... [05:10] guiverc: All in the day's To-Do's // chocolate first - (I jut polished off chocolate chip cookies // gonna be a sad day tomorrow) :P [19:08] UWN: Opening 835 to add stats and such. [20:03] Awww shucks looks like I got to create a 835.1 :( [20:39] UWN: issue835 up for review and final edits - see that the .1 work-a-round is acceptable. [20:41] ^ https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835/44021 .