[00:13] valorie, here is the improved theme IMO: [00:13] you gotta second to review? [00:14] arraybolt3 sgmoore RikMills also send your vote. But this will make transition to black-on-white much less jarring with the installer. Because it will match. [00:20] mmikowski: the link didn't come through [00:20] it's coming ... [00:22] https://i.imgur.com/nqrDYFa.png [00:24] I plan to tweak the buttons, possibly to be more white with a modestly lighter background. But this will fit nicely with the black-text-on-white calamares installer. [01:29] the gradient does look really good, mmikowski [01:30] sorry, was off eating dinner [01:30] sorry, was off eating dinner [01:30] no worries valorie. arraybolt3 and I have been working on this to get it just right. So does the white-steel look good? [01:31] yes, I said right before you pinged out: the gradient does look really good [01:32] I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing. Aaron brought up that the calamares is black-on-white, so anything we did that was white-on-black was going to clash. This will fit right in though. [01:32] ok, I'm finalizing it, and we'll get it in. [01:34] cool [02:03] Final: https://i.imgur.com/XGd79yr.png [02:04] valorie sgmoore RikMills arraybolt3 ^^ [02:05] \o/ [02:05] thanks for sticking with it, mmikowski [02:06] hey, no worries. First touch is hugely important. We did this last time in 22.04. We identified and fixed 4 major first-touch-experience issues. It's best for everyone! [02:41] that. is. awesome. [02:41] mmikowski: ^ [02:42] sorry to take so long to see it, got my head buried in Bash and C here [02:53] mmikowski: that's why I'm concerned with the upgrade issue I sent to @sgmoore [02:53] while lots of people do fresh installs, lots do upgrades as well [02:53] unless I'm testing, I usually do [02:54] and this is the first time I've ever been unsable to upgrade to the beta [02:55] first touch is critically important, which is why testing is so valuable [02:56] People really want easy upgrades, but moving to LTS can be trouble just because there are so many changes that can leave behind cruft that is hard or even impossible to clean out. At least in big version jumps. [03:13] well, this is important cruft to get removed automatically -- no system should have both pipewire and pulseaudio, which was the case on my travel lappy [03:13] IS [03:14] sgmoore might be able to tell me how to safely remove one or the other [03:14] if not, I have no problem with a clean install this time around [03:14] it's faster [03:14] I just dislike installing so many packages after [03:17] yeah, we have a guide for that which might help. [03:18] I'm certain this is stuff you've done plenty before, but here's the checkoff list I use. [03:19] https://kfocus.org/wf/backup#bkm_backup_for_clean [03:19] ... and avert working for hours without issue, gimp just crashed 😞 [03:20] avert = after [08:06] Oh WoW!! I just woke up to this thread of activity, scrolled up and Went "Oh Wow!"When I saw that installer screener. You guys are so AWESOME!! [09:12] I don't see your email with the issue. I will just try to reproduce it. (re @IrcsomeBot: mmikowski: that's why I'm concerned with the upgrade issue I sent to @sgmoore) [09:14] Wow, absolutely love it. (re @IrcsomeBot: Final: https://i.imgur.com/XGd79yr.png) [09:16] Sorry, Sundays are church day. I am available anytime today. Though I am not an artist or stylish, just been trying to follow the guide. (re @IrcsomeBot: sgmoore: You have time to get in sync on style with arraybolt3?) [09:20] I'm working my main paid job just now, but I'll be able to switch back the Slides, and Branding etc.. in about 8hours time. That's a little ahead of when Mike comes online for the start of his day, but I should be able to sync up with him and tie the rest of the stuff down. [09:21] Hooray! Thank you. Did you see the icon bug? A white outline appears on the .face icon on lockscreen [09:22] No, I hadn't do you have a link/ I can spin up the latest ISO in KubuQA later, so can take a look. [09:23] Sec [09:23] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/2061313 [12:16] Alright, so anyone know who did the kubuntu glow for plymouth. I have tried to recreate it with our new logo with epic amounts of failure. Mine always looks like any ugly blog of ugliness. Running the original file results in an error, so I am guessing something changed in GIMP since it was originally made and as stated before I am no artist and can't seem to recreate it. [12:57] sgmoore: I just know that it was from Jonathan and Sitters time [12:57] Well, 90% sure [12:59] oof. okay, not sure how to proceed there, maybe one of our current talented folks can create a new one. [13:00] I am on the pulseaudio upgrade failure now, we have no pulseaudio entries in seed or meta, is there a way to 'blacklist' it so it would get unintalled before upgrade proceeds? [13:06] Yes, this is with do-release-upgrade? (re @sgmoore: I am on the pulseaudio upgrade failure now, we have no pulseaudio entries in seed or meta, is there a way to 'blacklist' it so it would get unintalled before upgrade proceeds?) [13:06] alright it looks like blacklist is the right way to go, yeah [13:07] /me finds bug :) [13:07] I need the logs to see exactly what package caused the failure. valorie filed it, also looking [13:20] This is an upgrade failure, adding to the seed blacklist may not DTRT :) (re @sgmoore: alright it looks like blacklist is the right way to go, yeah) [13:20] Unless do-release-upgrade has some Special Magic I'm not aware of in that respect [13:22] Ok, I can't find the bug. valorie I guess has pulseaudio and the do-release-upgrade fails. I am not sure exaclty how it fails. package conflicts I think.. I can't find the email she said she sent me. I guess moving on for now. Apt sources being populated with duplicates.. [13:23] https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-upgrader/tree/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py would probably be the right place [13:23] sources.list and deb822? (re @sgmoore: Ok, I can't find the bug. valorie I guess has pulseaudio and the do-release-upgrade fails. I am not sure exaclty how it fails. package conflicts I think.. I can't find the email she said she sent me. I guess moving on for now. Apt sources being populated with duplicates..) [13:24] You mean .sources? The future awaits! [13:25] Duplicate sources ~= sources.list + deb822-style .sources :D (re @ahoneybun: You mean .sources? The future awaits!) [13:25] You mean sources.list.d directory? [13:25] I don't know, blueskaj reported in kubuntu-devel. I can't find a bug for it either, but it appears my bug searching skills on launchpad are terrible [13:25] X-Repolib-Name: Pop_OS System Sources [13:25] Enabled: yes [13:25] Types: deb deb-src [13:25] URIs: http://apt.pop-os.org/ubuntu [13:25] Suites: jammy jammy-security jammy-updates jammy-backports [13:25] Components: main restricted universe multiverse [13:25] X-Repolib-ID: system [13:25] X-Repolib-Default-Mirror: http://apt.pop-os.org/ubuntu [14:23] https://blog.neon.kde.org/2024/04/15/kde-neon-open-door-chat/ [14:33] sgmoore rick-timmis I'm around. [14:33] morning mmikowski [14:34] sgmoore, the glow was done by @eeickmeyer [14:34] You guys have artistic folks that could remake the plymouth logo? Oh ?! [14:35] As part of his KFocus job. [14:36] It needs redone with the new logo [14:36] That's part of my background :) I have design degree. [14:36] I tried. I failed. [14:36] ooooh, nice! [14:36] Erich did the glow though. [14:36] Plymouth is something even I need to learn this cycle... let me know what you find heh [14:36] mmikowski: the original kubuntu glow was not Erich [14:36] he just fixed it [14:36] Mine ended up an ugly blob of ugliness. [14:37] RikMills that's what I meant. [14:38] In that context, I agree he might be the one to ask [14:39] If you recall, we audited all the first touch issues and resolved them that we saw. One big one was the Plymouth screen 1) not being responsible and 2) logo placement interfered with OEM logo placement. [14:39] * RikMills thinks the original glow was about lucid lynx [14:39] * responsible = resizable [14:40] So Erich did that work mostly. [14:41] I got my hands dirty a bit on the disk unlock screen too. [14:42] sgmoore there's a bleed-through issue on the images iirc. Basically, one needs to create a bunch of images for the animation. Are you using the Plymouth previewer? [14:43] Btw, hi RikMills! :) [14:45] No I was using gimp. I can't even run the original gimp file, it errors out. As I said, I am no artist, as such my gimp skills also lack. [14:45] Well you'll need both. Gimp to create, Plymouth preview not to waste time rebooting constantly :) [14:46] I recreated the logo layers like the original, with the lighter edges but when I try to animate it is one big blob. /shrug [14:47] I wasted the whole weekend on it. If someone with leet gimp skills can do it faster, I can spend time on bugs. [14:47] So you want to do a video call. I can see where your at and probably help fix our take it over if you want. [14:48] All the stuff you saw this weekend i did on Gimp. [14:48] take over please. I have some critical bugs to work on. [14:48] So I can almost certainly do it. [14:48] thanks :) [14:49] So meet to hand off? [14:49] sure [14:49] I don't know where to pick up. [14:49] Ok, can I ping you in about 30 minutes? [14:49] I can send you the file I made. Though it doesn't work. sounds good [14:50] Kk, it's a plan. [14:51] Hey RikMills no offense about the glow. Whoever did it originally, it looked great! [14:52] mmikowski: np, I just forgot it had been reworked [14:59] Btw, the 3rd issue we fixed was Plymouth was the disk unlock screen had text lying over the top of visual elements. [15:25] Folks, I am available too, might worth me jumping on that call, to align on Calamares slides, and get a steer from Mike [15:43] rick-timmis: I [15:43] am here. https://meet.google.com/kdt-atxe-epz [15:44] Please join! [15:44] On my way [16:32] BTW, the old glow works just fine in VMware on an normal install, but on an encrypted install, I see a plain text Kubuntu 14.04 with dots underneath. [16:44] Last I checked the website didn't go live. [16:45] I checked earlier today, and it was there on the Front page [16:45] The website is the same [16:46] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/8b75f491/image_2024_04_15_17_46_10.png [16:46] That's how it looks for me [16:46] That is the old website, where is the new nicer one? [16:47] Not finished yet, and has a dependancy on rt.ubuntu.com for hosting [16:47] You can see the latest build on Github though [16:47] Still needs a bunch of work. [16:47] The email made it sound like it launhced. [16:50] Ha ha, Yes that's right you did [16:50] lol [16:50] Sorry wrong window [17:35] sgmoore: I just resent the email [17:35] w/logs attached [17:42] ty [17:43] see it? [17:43] I don't [17:43] it's from valorie.zimmerman@gmail.com [17:44] hmmm [17:44] & I sent to sgmoore@gmail.com [17:45] scarlett.gately.moore@gmail.com or sgmoore@kde.org or sgmoore@debian.org [17:46] sent to scarlett.gately.moore@gmail.com [17:47] I'll change that in my contacts [17:47] sorry [17:47] np [17:47] odd, that is what I have in my contacts [17:47] gmail fail [17:47] boo [17:48] wow, and we had a conversation going too lol [17:48] well, got a (volunteer) work day ahead [17:48] fiddlesticks on gmail [17:48] ttyl, sorry [20:09] valorie, sgmoore, mmikowski, Rick_Timmis: OK so I have an interesting idea for you all. I think there's a pretty decent chance that the Release Team is *not* going to accept the font packages due to the work they're buried under... so how about I vendor the fonts in the kubuntu-settings package? [20:09] Yes, it's hacky, yes, it's not ideal, but it may be our only hope of getting the fonts into the final system. [20:31] arraybolt3 you can make an argument for that. [20:45] Right Folks, I have to wrap up, time for bed.. I've got Slides 1-4 done, will work through the rest tomorrow. I've also added the work so far to the Kubuntu-Branding repo in a directory called Calamares-Installer, along with a README.md.. Night all xx [20:53] I think it's probably the best solution for now. [21:10] Alright, the fonts are now incoming. vorlon even helped me figure out *how* to safely package them in this situation, so I think this is finally a solution that should make everyone happy. [21:11] I am *very* glad to hear that :) [21:11] excellent Aaron!