
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
seb128sorry, unsure who is around?19:05
seb128I did a dmb ping on the devel channel, let's wait a few minutes19:05
seb128nobody declined the calendar invite at least...19:06
tewardi will not be able to stick around here, i've got a NASTY illness right now and am barely awake19:06
tewardso consider me unavailable19:06
seb128bandali, sorry but it looks we most members aren't there but didn't reflect that on the calendar :-/19:09
seb128kanashiro, I guess it doesn't make sense to have the meeting with only us right?19:09
bandaliseb128, ack.. would it make sense to wait another 5-10 mins in case folks do show up?19:10
seb128bandali, we can sure, it's already 10min in though19:11
* bandali nods19:11
bdmurrayI'm around but buried in release work.19:13
seb128let's skip then19:17
seb128bandali, sorry, let's try again after release...19:17
bandaliindeed, looks like my great DMB luck has struck again :)19:17
bandali*DMB meeting luck19:17
bandalii'll update my agenda reservation to 2024-04-29 then19:20
utkarsh2102sorry, I am late19:42
utkarsh2102oh there's no meeting, I suppose?19:43
utkarsh2102I see nothing on the agenda19:43
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
bandalii did have a reservation on the agenda for today, but most folks didn't show, so i moved it to next meeting :)19:47
utkarsh2102ah, okay19:48
utkarsh2102thanks for letting me know19:48

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