=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [00:52] we're going to be too big Bashing-om .... or you already know we're too big? [00:54] guiverc: See that you like: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835-1/44180 :D [00:56] i do like all updates together in the .1.. "In this .1 Issue" I'm not sure about... to me it needs to be 'continued from' so maybe "In this 835.1 Issue" and maybe a brief sentence as to why (which can be added to skeleton in comments for re-use when required in future). [00:57] I'm aware the 835 issue hasn't had supports removed; or mention there is a .1 part yet. [00:57] In this 835.1 Appendix (appendix instead of issue ???) [01:01] guiverc: Was but a draft - make the edits as you prefer - I be happy with it :D [01:02] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Blanket, the Ambient Sounds App for Linux, Gets Visual Revamp @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/blanket-ambient-noise-app-update-new-ui [01:08] guiverc: Shower time for me - back in a bit :) [01:20] How about "In this ... (coughing fit... and i lost train of thought..) [01:21] last time we used 824.2 (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-824-2/41989) so we should be consistent [01:23] how about we just do what we did there.. though our first part in 824 didn't mention the 2nd part.. I think we should do that... I'll amend part 1 (current) as example (when I have idea, and aren't fighting coughing fits) [01:23] * guiverc 'playing' in uwn 835 (first part) [01:28] * guiverc renamed 835-1 to 835-2 (no change yet in content of file though) [01:28] * guiverc out of uwn 835 (first part) [01:29] * guiverc editing uwn835-2 [01:31] * guiverc out of uwn835-2 & switching to skeleton (adding comments only) [01:39] skeleton adjusted (in comment) as per my changes to 835... Please feel free to amend/change (even ignore) as required https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/uwn-skeleton-template/39501 [01:41] guiverc: Eyes back on - ^ looking. [02:02] guiverc: Me like - agreed we should be consistent. In just looking I have encountered "Draft is being edited in another window. Please reload this page." is it now safe to "reload" ? [02:05] I'd reload... which page shows in-use... (I've edited 3 recently 835/835.2/skeleton..) [02:06] I had them all on windows, as well as 824 & 824.1 & possible I missed closing some but edit only on current (others just view raw) [02:07] * guiverc would just abandon edit if not recent & thus was forgotten/incomplete.... I think it less risky to start again than potentially screw something up [02:12] guiverc: As you now have a -2 copy of my -1 .. and we are going with -2; I propose editing 835 to direct to the -2// can we then delete the -1 ? [02:12] is there a reason 835.2 has azure & gcp (can't recall what they're called; tags in wp) [02:13] I didn't attempt to create 835.2,, but rename 835.1 to 835.2 [02:13] if you had 835.1 open in a browser tab on your machine ; that may not have reflected the changes I made on server (ie. rename) [02:14] i see no 835.1 at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/uwn/124 [02:14] guiverc: No idea of what the azure & gcp tags are :( [02:14] we can just remove azure/gcp... [02:15] we've been missing 'news' tags I note for last couple issues, amending 833, 834 anyway [02:16] yep they're tags (azure, whatever other was ^) [02:17] are you in edit, or have worked out the -1/-2 issue (that I suspect is on your browser, as I don't see it.. unless I'm missing something which could be!) [02:19] guiverc: Now confused / currently I show "Due to excessive content these are abridged; The complete list is here: " should that not direct to issue-835-2 ? [02:22] On my screen it shows as "Updates and Security can be found in [Addendum for Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 835](https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835-2/44180)." and shows the 835-2 page as created by you (ie. i just renamed -1 to -2 and didn't create it).. What URL are you looking at or pasted ^ from? [02:23] * guiverc wonders if your browser is 'behind the 8-ball' because I renamed pages you were looking at earlier (ie. I created your issue..) [02:23] Maybe i need to ask you to close tab/windows prior to a rename in future?? [02:24] fyi.. my paste ^ was from https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835/44021 [02:25] presently: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835/44021 . // How about I back all the way out. close out my Discourse page - then reopen Discoure to the Newsletter - see then what I have ? [02:25] yep.. sounds good to me... [02:25] doing a re-do :P [02:32] guiverc: :( "Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 835" remains with unchanged. Still reflects "Due to excessive content these are abridged". If just my cache we can live with it - so long as your edits stuck. [02:33] have you viewed private (incognito etc)? and same? I'll do some checks of pages here (my usual firefox in private; chromium & maybe opera too) [02:34] guiverc: viewed private (incognito etc): never been there before - no idea of what/how to do so :( [02:35] right click three-bar top right & select 'new private window'... you won't be logged into site there (ie. hopefully see what others see) [02:36] ack [02:36] ^ is for firefox, chromium just uses incognito instead of word private but essentially identical [02:38] I'm getting same here on firefox/chromium/opena on main AND private/incognito (didn't use alternate view-mode on opera).. [02:38] did not have "Due to excessive content these are abridged" appear on any here [02:39] I'll have to be careful (not just quickly rename) with page open on your system in future... Sorry for issue here [02:40] guiverc: I do not have those private/incognito options in the menu drop down - yukkie ! [02:40] what browser? [02:41] slimjet - a chromium spin. [02:42] okay... not a user of it so I cannot help... I'm booting up a recent lubuntu beta install on box ... it's browser won't have been used so checking there.. [02:44] * guiverc nope... it was a minimal install.. no browser, not even snapd infrastructure... will use another box [02:45] * guiverc changes mind... maybe worthwile for purposes of QA on noble.. persisting on that thingy [03:01] * guiverc now wonders if battery will be enough for firefox snap install.... [03:06] guiverc: Oh what a can of worms I have opened :P [03:07] I'd have blamed my renaming 835.1 to 835.2 [03:09] firefox snap installed (finally) & I'm seeing same on that device as I see on primary machine in firefox/chromium/opera.. though all will be using my IP address.. I believe we're fine & can use what we have.. [03:11] * guiverc starting my read thru of 835.. [03:13] guiverc: Sounds wonderful :D [03:13] s/. links are/. Links are/ (24.04 released) [03:15] guiverc: fixing. [03:16] there maybe others... i'm currently just listing what i see (as I scan... I'll pause & go make drink in a few secs anyway) [03:18] guiverc: I have it open for edits -- and will edit as we go. Links done. [03:21] first on the hub needs some TLC... "can be improved t so advise" [03:22] k [03:23] 24.04 beta testing... "we can test, many screenshots" reads awkwardly... I think we need an "and" before the 'main screenshots'. agree? or okay? [03:24] guiverc: looking. [03:28] first in blogo... I suggest we change 'warehouse' to be 'Warehouse'... it'll then match usage of Flatseal... OP in article uses both lower & upper case (upper case mostly in sub-headings) so I think change is okay; you agree? or don't matter (it is petty) [03:28] guiverc: "with many screenshots" >> "or if we need to learn more" // done. [03:29] guiverc: proper name should be capital. [03:29] * guiverc doesn't use flatpaks, thus isn't aware if case is significant (lower case being the more accurate to OP I believe due to upper being headings mostly) [03:30] on that flatpak one.. I think the "its not" should be "it's not" - you agree? [03:32] agreed "it's". [03:32] the second link under nouveau.gsp doesn't have a -listing- type format.. unlike say ubuntu.maker a few below it.. URL stands out as looking inconsistent [03:34] linux 6.5, suggest s/another post from Michael Larabel he here/another post from Michael Larabel, he here/ ie. suggesting pause via comma... (or is that just me/my-writing?) [03:39] aaahh... I finally see the "Due to excessive content these are abridged; The complete list is here:" I didn't see before... !!!!!!!! [03:39] (me is sure I did searches for text here... in each browser too.. but never mind). [03:40] on prior issue.. we just removed all reference to UPDATES in first.. I suggest we do same here... and my changes assumed Security was also moved to .2 also; so we maybe should move that OR we may need to tweak my wording (I suspsect will have to look) [03:42] does ^ make sense... or should I reword.. ie. remove all the 'Ubuntu 20.04 Updates" ref in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835/44021 so "Due to excessive content these are abridged; The" will be gone.. [03:43] guiverc: Agreed - in this case best to move the security updates also ( space permitting - we may then run into the same issue in the addendum). [03:45] guiverc: we should also note in "in this issue" table of contents that these are now in the addendum. I think. [03:46] I thought about that, but the "Updates and Security can be found in" is just after end of list, a couple of lines away which is why I didn't do it. [03:47] good deal - will move security and see what happens. // [03:50] * guiverc away from keyboard ~5 mins [03:50] guiverc: will save 835 - edit -2 // then reopen 835 and do the removals so I have only one instance open at a time ! [03:51] I don't see any issue with having both open (may improve workflow..) [03:52] the https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835-1/44180 link went to -2 page due to 44180 page.detail on URL.. it viewed page 44180 [04:00] guiverc: All done - rather now to feel safe as to worry/feel sorry that I was not safe. [04:02] sorry about my delay in finding "Due to excessive content these are abridged" ... I may have made a typo as didn't copy/paste that.. and then copy/pasted my typo into each browser & thus didn't find it (until post-full-read-thru) [04:09] looks good, thanks Bashing-om [04:09] * guiverc adding 'news' tag (removing azure.. too on .2) [04:13] guiverc: Great - I too will try and remember to add news' tag at publishing. [04:14] we both missed the last two issues... i didn't notice either (except for today) [04:19] guiverc: I have it in my check list - just a failure on my part to read :P [19:50] UWN: Pulling WIP/Comments/WIKI and adding the News tag - log checked and no further edits are known. === fabiomirmar_ is now known as fabiomirmar [20:30] UWN: M/L is away - Doing at the Forums posting next. [20:42] UWN: Forums posting completed - making up a Mastodon blog next. [21:29] Mastodon blogged - setting up issue836 next. [21:41] UWN: Issue836 off and running. [22:13] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/04/15/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-835/ [22:27] Bashing-om, Question on dealing with comment (feedback on noble)... I'd like to re-post it somewhere, but unsure where (I don't think I can approve it on fridge..).. Post follows [22:27] I am going to test out the ubuntu mate beta, however testing of the daily image from monday tells me that accessibility support is lacking, the buttons appear to be unlabled in the installer and there’s no audible way of seeing how well the installation is progressing, also, you used to be able to have orca save its settings for you and copy them to the installed system. only option for me going forward is to install ubuntu 24.04 as a [22:27] n upgrade from 22.04 if I want to do a clean install, this isn’t ideal and it looks like the ubuntu team could do with a few more accessibility testers, such as myself [22:27] in your opinion, is it feedback on Ubuntu Desktop, or Ubuntu-MATE Desktop?? and do you think I should re-post somewhere so it's read (if so where??) [22:28] actually I'll post to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-beta-testing/44040 (seems appropriate there) [22:28] any thoughts welcome of course [22:29] guiverc: re-reading for possible penetration :D [22:34] copy/pasted here - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-beta-testing/44040/29 [22:35] (originally had it pasted into ubuntu-mate discourse.. but community hub will get more users regardless .. and covers if it was Ubuntu Desktop that was being reviewed) [22:39] posted uwn 835 to twitter, telegram, (mewe) [22:40] guiverc: Will get the visibility on Discourse - How about on the /Testing/QATracker ? [22:41] ~impossible (meaingfully anyway) there as needs to be filed against an ISO, that daily will be archived now & I couldn't be sure what ISO it was with what was given anyway [22:41] iso report without a bug being filed won't gain attention anyway.. it's the bug report linked that gets printed on report(s) [22:42] when I first asked ^ I hadn't recalled there was a beta tested post on discourse.. remembered it AFTER I asked you... thus that 'jump' [22:43] :D [22:45] & a nice-user posted a solution to [my] torbrowser-(apparmor)-issue so I don't have to wait till using a debian box to paste to fb... so logging in currently [22:46] guiverc: A silver linning :P [22:48] just saves me turning my secondary box on twice... first time to use it normally; then after I turn it off and suddenly remember I forgot to paste UWN.. having to turn it on again.... yeah :) [22:52] & pasted to fb... (~12 hours earlier than last number of weeks) [22:54] \o/ !