
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjehateball: seems like your bug got assigned07:30
hateballlotuspsychje: Yeah I saw07:30
WalexSO I "brute-upgraded" ULTS 20 to ULTS24 by adding the 24 repos and manually fixing a number of complications (most hairy those related to "usrmerge" and the ELF loader).08:41
WalexBut I was surprised that there are some issues with the 6.8.0-22 kernel such that I switched back to the 5.15-102.08:42
WalexBut still even the kernel is "mostly OK".08:42
lotuspsychjeWalex: upgrading by sources switching is not really reccomended way to go08:43
lotuspsychjeand what kind of 'issues' did you get on 6.8?08:44
Walexlotuspsychje: let's say I am very experienced with package management :-)08:46
Walexreally weird one: I have a laptop with an RTW8821CE WiFi and the WiFi modules do not load because of "version incompatiblity" with the 'mac80211' modules. This both for the built-in RTW88 modules and freshly compiled from sources modules frrom a GitHub repo ("lwfinger")08:48
Walexalso some issues with the 'i915' driver not enabling by default the external HDMI port in console mode.08:48
WalexThe RTW88 issue seems to indicate something went wrong in the building/packaging of 6.8.0-22 kernel08:49
Walexah other major issue: 'autofs' consistently crashes with a malloc detected buffer overflow.08:49
WalexBut overall pretty nice.08:50
WalexWhich tracker should I use to report these?08:50
lotuspsychjeWalex: ubuntu-bug linux08:51
lotuspsychjekeep the intel and realtek bug seperated08:52
Walexlotuspsychje: OK, thanks.08:52
WalexI don't think that the realtek bug is a realtek bug, more a kernel packaging bug.08:53
lotuspsychjeWalex: see also the latest bugs against the kernel; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=008:53
kj758Is it worth to download and install Ubuntu Unity 24 (beta)? is it stable?10:26
farhatizakaria01Hello, I find it difficult to reach this place to communicate12:55
lotuspsychjewhy's that farhatizakaria01 12:56
farhatizakaria01Anyway, I'm not sure if I can be able to do that again, it's my first time to use libera chat I have installed Ubuntu 24.04 beta, when I plug in power cable it just freezes12:56
farhatizakaria01The only distro that occurred this issue to me is Debian 12, and now Ubuntu 24.0412:57
farhatizakaria01My laptop is Dell Latitude E745012:57
lotuspsychjefarhatizakaria01: try a journalctl -f from a terminal, then plug in your powercable and see if you can catch any errors12:58
farhatizakaria01Well I can't because it'll freeze12:59
lotuspsychjemaybe youl see an error just in front of the freeze13:00
ogra_yeah, journalctl might print something right before the freeze ... 13:01
farhatizakaria01When I came back home I'll try. How can I rejoin this channel again ? (Sorry for the stupid question, it's my first try)13:02
lotuspsychjeremember to /join #ubuntu-next13:03
lotuspsychjethats the fixed channel for the development releases always13:03
ogra_or use https://web.libera.chat/ through a browser13:03
farhatizakaria01Is there a way to create like an account permanently just to for easy access to the channel?13:04
ogra_yes, but for that you need to use an actual IRC client app ... like hexchat 13:05
ogra_(anmd use some IRC commands to register the nickname)13:05
farhatizakaria01Emm with a password and email, right?13:06
lotuspsychje!register | farhatizakaria01 13:07
ubottufarhatizakaria01: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera13:07
lotuspsychjefarhatizakaria01: most irc clients can autojoin your favorite channels 13:07
farhatizakaria01Alright, thank you all for your time and your explaining. I really appreciate it 🙏 I'll do my best to keep my communication with you to solve my Ubuntu's issue13:09
ogra_this is what we are here for 😉13:09
JanCyou can also use journalctl after a reboot, of course, hoping that even if the display freezes maybe it got to disk somehow...14:06
=== zakaria is now known as ziko
zakaria_Hello guys, I came back to the room, I'm the guy who faced the issue of freezing due to plug in power supply to my laptop18:55
zakaria_what should I do? (how to brings the appropriate logs for you)18:55
zakariaHello, I'm the guy who was in this channel around 2PM, I'm facing a freezing issue for Ubuntu 24.0420:05
=== fabiomirmar_ is now known as fabiomirmar
zakariaI have collected some logs using dmesg and journalctl, how can I send it to you for reviewing it ?20:11
zakariaI have uploaded them, I hope you can access these log files: https://pastebin.com/u/farhatizakaria/1/N9dC4CsZ20:18
hateballoh they left... looks like some issues with their drive20:44

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