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jadeiaMy steam game cloud saves don't seem to be working. Is this a known SNAP behaviour or fixable?00:56
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pycuriouswhat is a good way to install cuda these days on ubuntu 20.04lts?02:17
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kj758Is it worth to download and install Ubuntu Unity 24 (beta)? is it stable?10:23
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vincejvpackages.ubuntu.com down??11:33
stennohooray i was able to configure ubuntu as a mail relay server and it finally works11:33
stennothanks mailutils i guess11:33
vincejvnvm working now11:33
BluesKajHi all12:01
genericumgot one of them me906e 4g "gobi" radios ... found a site that said it works on ubuntu out of the box. unfortunately it doesnt on the jammy jellyfish :( I'm out of ideas the things works out of the box on windows12:41
ogra_genericum, should just work with the qcserial kernel module ... but you might need to do some tinkering in the modem-manager or network-manager settings12:43
genericumogra_ i so far i followed directions here https://www.paoli.cz/out/media/HUAWEI_ME906E_LTE_M2_Module_AT_Command_Interface_SpecificationV100R002_02.pdf ... the kernel finds it the at commands show its even connected to the network but no ip12:45
ogra_perhaps there is a firmware blob missing or some such ...12:46
genericumogra_ i updated the firmware on windows ...12:46
genericumlatest version12:46
ioriagenericum, nmcli connection show12:46
ogra_that wont help ... i'm talking about the firmware the driver loads oin startup ... from /lib/firmware usually12:46
genericumogra_ oh the kernel says its fine12:46
ogra_not some firmware that sits in the device ...12:46
genericumloads the qcserial ..12:47
genericumok gonna take a look at nmcli modem-manager/network-manager will be back later12:48
pycuriousWhen installing cuda inside a lxd container on both ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04lts guests, I'm getting this error: https://dpaste.org/n1fDU - any ideas on how to fix this?13:02
ogra_404 ...13:04
genericummodem-manager doesnt seem to be installed13:32
genericumall I got is nm-connection-editor which lets you create a connection13:32
genericumhowever nm-applet only shows the ethernet-connection altough I deleted it13:33
genericumi cant set a device however13:34
genericumqcserial 3-2.1:1.0: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected13:34
genericumusb 3-2.1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB013:34
ioriagenericum, is gobi-loader installed ?14:47
genericumioria it wasnt ...14:55
genericumgonna try again14:55
ioriagenericum, also paste the pciid of the device14:55
genericumiora its on usb14:55
ioriagenericum, lsusb14:56
genericumBus 003 Device 005: ID 05c6:9008 Qualcomm, Inc. Gobi Wireless Modem (QDL mode)14:57
ioriagenericum, dmesg | grep usb | nc termbin.com 999914:58
younderThat's a new one 'termbin.com'15:01
genericumhad to cut out a few pieces ....15:03
genericumnot everyone needs to know what cellphone i use15:03
genericumioria before i try to switch again .. do I have to restart dbus ?15:04
ioriagenericum, ok, you probably need the firmware: the last 3 files here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gobi-firmware15:05
ioriagenericum, amss.mbn apps.mbn UQCN.mbn15:05
ioriagenericum, sudo mkdir /lib/firmware/gobi   then copy the 3 files in there15:06
genericumthere's no binary in there15:07
ioriagenericum, ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ModemManager/libmm-plugin-gobi.so ?15:07
genericummodemmanager is not installed so far15:07
ogra_no, but the data bits are ... seems morde-manager was split15:08
genericumoh it is ..15:08
ogra_mobile-broadband-provider-info is holding the data now15:08
genericumgobi.so is not there15:08
genericumit has quectel15:09
genericumwrong link :(15:10
tomreyn!info gobi-loader15:11
ubottugobi-loader (0.7-0ubuntu5, mantic): Firmware loader for Qualcom GobiUSB chipsets. In component main, is optional. Built by gobi-loader. Size 9 kB / 37 kB15:11
tomreynis this related?15:11
genericumwell its more or less a gobiusb chipset .. its a module on a usb adapter board15:12
ogra_"gobi_loader is a firmware loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB chipsets. These15:12
ogra_ devices appear in an uninitialised state when power is applied and require15:12
ogra_ firmware to be loaded before they can be used as modems."15:12
tomreynthe package contains the firmware loade rbut not the firmware, but you seem to have downloaded the firmware already15:14
ioriawe have the firmware, but idk why  libmm-plugin-gobi.so is not thereù15:14
ioriagenericum, try to install gir1.2-modemmanager-1.015:15
tomreyna file named *libmm-plugin-gobi* does not appear to exist in any supported ubuntu version15:17
tomreyni would just try installing gobi-loader + rebooting15:17
tomreynor actually just reconnect the device15:18
ioriagenericum, try a reboot15:18
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genericumioria placed the firmware +installed gobi-loader+gir1.2-modemmanager-1.015:22
ioriawhy ?15:23
genericumwell the firmware isnt really necessary .. i have connection over minicom15:23
ioriaok, did you reboot  ?15:23
genericumnot yet ..15:24
tomreynso you're brute forcing AT commands right now? ;)15:24
genericumtomreyn i tried before .. but not on ubuntu15:25
genericumgot  a connection .. but cant get the ip15:25
genericumlets see if modemmanager can do it15:25
ioriaif you installed it ...15:26
bunjeenewbie here - please help me update snap-store....reads: cannot refresh snap-store has running apps(ubuntu-software), pids:246515:26
ioriagenericum, check with nmcli connection show and then nmcli connection up <connection-uuid>15:26
tomreynfwiw, i have *not* checked whether the gobi-loader udev rules match the device IDs15:26
genericumthey match .. i just checked15:27
genericumATTRS{idVendor}=="05c6", ATTRS{idProduct}=="9008", RUN+="gobi_loader $env{DEVNAME} /lib/firmware/gobi"15:27
genericumBus 003 Device 005: ID 05c6:9008 Qualcomm, Inc. Gobi Wireless Modem (QDL mode)15:27
genericumlets give it a shot .. brb15:28
bunjeenewbie here - please help me update snap-store....reads: cannot refresh snap-store has running apps(ubuntu-software), pids:246515:31
genericumnmcli shows a line with the connection i created but the device field is empty15:34
tomreynbunjee: killall ubuntu-software && sudo snap refresh snap-store15:37
bunjeetomreyn-I'll give it a try.15:38
tomreynbunjee: which ubuntu release are you running by the way? lsb_release -ds15:39
bunjeetomreyn - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS15:40
tomreynhmm, i don't think this has ubuntu-software available as a package. are you using a flatpak or something?15:40
genericumcan't access /dev/ttyUSB0 over minicom15:41
bunjeetomreyn - do not understand. flatpak or something?15:42
tomreynbunjee: please ignore what i said for now. did the workaround i suggested help, though?15:43
bunjeetomreyn - no.15:43
tomreynbunjee: hmm, was there an error message, though?15:45
bunjeetomreyn - I just did the kill all and then refresh - got the answer from ask Ubuntu....it worked.15:45
tomreyngenericum: "you need to blacklist qmi_wwan and cdc_wdm modules" https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gobi_Broadband_Modems#Manage_Connection_in_Network_Manager15:47
tomreynalso mode switching maybe involved, i'm not familiar with QDL vs EDL mode15:49
genericumit says modemmanager needs to be started15:51
genericumhow do i do that15:51
genericumsystemctl ?15:52
tomreynsystemctl restart modemmanager.service    probably15:52
genericumno such thing15:53
ioriagenericum,  sudo systemctl restart ModemManager.service15:54
xrandrHi there. I am using Kubuntu 23.10. Is there a way to permenantly disable pipewire and just use Pulse Audio? Using pipewire... my CPU jumps to almost 100% when playing any kind of audio15:55
genericumenable doesn't do the trick15:55
preachapt purge pipewire15:56
xrandrpreach: Thanks.15:59
xrandrIs there a way to permenantly disable it without uninstalling it? I have an app that relies on it. I just don't care if that app doesn't have audio16:00
ioriagenericum, systemctl status ModemManager | nctermbin.com 999916:00
ioriagenericum, systemctl status ModemManager | nc termbin.com 999916:00
genericumiora its not online ..16:01
ioriagenericum, can you read the output ?16:02
ioriawithout the nc ... , i mean16:02
genericumsays active running16:03
genericumi restarted it16:03
ioriano errors at bottom ?16:03
genericumno errors, nmcli c show still shows -- at device16:04
ioriagenericum, sudo rfkill list16:06
ioriagenericum, sudo mmcli -L16:08
genericumno modems found16:10
ioriagenericum, idk, maybe a wrong udev rule16:12
genericumioria dmesg shows its going on and off all the time16:13
ioriagenericum, reverse what we did; backup /lib/firmware/gobi ; sudo mv /lib/firmware/gobi /lib/firmware/back-gobi16:15
ioriagenericum, and edit again the udev rule16:16
genericumfirmware gone seems to be better now16:16
genericum the device is open again16:20
genericumbut rfkill or mmcli doesnt wsaz so16:20
ioriagenericum, wsaz so ?16:22
genericumoh my keyboard layout is wrong ... android ...16:23
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genericumgonna switch to my laptop again .. its running arch16:36
genericumlets see if that article does any good16:37
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genericumioria well same behaviour on arch ... if I place the firmware there it resets all the time18:08
genericumioria i cant get it to work on windows anymore :(18:09
genericumioria firmware doesnt seem to load ..18:09
genericumioria although its not a very complicated process ... its just sending the data to serial port18:09
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genericumthe firmware in the aur is very old18:29
genericumand I dont even know if its the right one18:29
tortuguitoI'm having problems with my xubuntu, the resolution goes back to 1024, I need the resolution to be 1366x768 I'm using vga.18:43
genericumi dont have a clue how to get a working firmware out of the windows driver18:44
genericumtortuguito xrandr vga-0 --mode 1366x76818:46
genericumvga 0 could be wrong18:46
genericumjust type xrandr and see what it says18:46
tortuguitoxrandr: unrecognized option 'vga-0'18:47
tortuguitoTry 'xrandr --help' for more information.18:47
SatoruGojoi think ubuntu should add option to install snap or not18:47
tortuguitoScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 16384 x 1638418:48
tortuguitoVGA-1 connected primary 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm18:48
tortuguito   1024x768      60.00*18:48
tortuguito   800x600       60.32    56.2518:48
tortuguito   848x480       60.0018:48
tortuguito   640x480       59.9418:48
pragmaticenigmaSatoruGojo: the best place to voice that concern is to open a bug ticket on launchpad, or contribute to the many that are already there.18:48
SatoruGojoit will make ubuntu way make better18:48
SatoruGojohow can i do18:48
pragmaticenigma!bug | SatoruGojo18:48
ubottuSatoruGojo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:48
pragmaticenigmaah... that's not it18:49
SatoruGojoits not a bug18:49
SatoruGojoits suggestion18:49
pragmaticenigmaSatoruGojo: many projects use a bug tracking system for both18:49
pragmaticenigmabut hold on a second as those aren't the right instructions18:49
pragmaticenigma!launchpad | SatoruGojo18:50
ubottuSatoruGojo: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:50
genericumtortuguito you can set 1366x768 as virtual resolution18:50
SatoruGojoi am using ubuntu and i like it but snaps made my experience worse18:50
SatoruGojobut i did mange to remove snaps18:50
tortuguitohow do I do that?18:50
SatoruGojoremove snaps?18:51
plastikmanI would not recomend doing that.18:51
SatoruGojothey are bad for desktop18:51
plastikmanthat is the "way of the future for Ubuntu"18:51
SatoruGojoi mean i don't like theme18:51
SatoruGojoi am good with deb packages18:51
pragmaticenigmaokay... this is not the place for a debate on snaps18:52
genericumtortuguito xrandr --newmode 123x12318:52
plastikmanIf you want to remove them, just do it and move on.  ez to find in google search.  Just know taht when you come asking for help you will have made core functional changes.18:52
SatoruGojoyoutube help me18:53
plastikmanbut as stated by pragmaticenigma dont discuss it here.18:53
SatoruGojoalso i am using debian repos18:53
genericumtortuguito of course you have to use the real numbers18:53
genericumtortuguito oh you have to give it the whole modeline18:55
genericum xrandr --newmode "800x600_60.00"   38.25  800 832 912 1024  600 603 607 624 -hsync +vsync like this but I dont exactly know the modeline for your resolution18:55
pragmaticenigmaxrandr will only make a change the change for the active session. on reboot, the machine will revert to the OPs original problem of a lower resolution.18:56
genericumpragmaticenigma true18:56
genericumpragmaticenigma but its not exactly a virtual resolution too if you write the whole modeline18:57
pragmaticenigmaI get that too... usually you can specify the dimensions and xrandr can estimate out the rest. What I think the problem here really is, is using VGA which doesn't natively support wide screen formats. So the issue could also be a really crappy VGA cable that doesn't support the pin for the monitor telling the graphics what resolutions are supported, or the monitor it self not reporting the sizes18:59
genericumpragmaticenigma oh he sent me the whole xrandr output19:01
genericumits running 1366x768 over hdmi19:01
genericumand now he's gone19:01
pragmaticenigmawell... specificying vga-0 doesn't seem like the right port for HDMI19:02
genericumif anyone has an idea where the firmware in this file is https://file.io/SptrucL0EN2Z I am all ears19:17
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Beladonacan ubuntu be installed with lvm encryption AND zfs ?19:46
plastikmanYou mean LUKS?19:48
plastikmanAFAIK zfs is similar to lvm as a virtial disk manager.19:49
plastikmanso you shuold likley be looking to use LUKS with ZFS and it seems like a quick google search says in 22.04 its disabled as tehre was a bug.  looks like you *can* but im not an expert19:50
Beladonayes LUKS. plastikman zfs is a filesystem (that may have encryption in it) but I was talking about zfs + linux Luks at ubuntu install time19:50
plastikmanthat is the first hit on google, so unless thats fixed i would say not right now19:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1993318 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "ZFS + Encryption installations of Ubuntu Desktop do not come up correctly on first boot, systemd unmounts many of the zfs volumes" [High, Triaged]19:55
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younderit sais 'This bug was fixed in the package ubiquity - 22.10.10'19:57
harisokanovicHi, I'm having trouble downloading packages on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS running on AWS Graviton/arm64 instances. The mirror of us-east-1.ec2.ports.ubuntu.com seems to ~10x slower than all others. Is this a known issue?20:06
plastikmanAWS runs their own VPC mirrors20:07
plastikmanI would open a support case with AWS20:07
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xrandrhaha, i was wondering why I was being mentioned so many times in this chat roflmao :D20:47
akikare the ubuntu devs so over-worked that they are not able to fix package dependencies even though they have info what needs to be fixed?20:55
arraybolt3akik: No, the number of packages they have to fix is extraordinary and despite working almost incessantly on it, it's taking a while.20:56
arraybolt3It's a development release, and it's not ready for production use.20:56
akikarraybolt3: i mean i provided the info 9 months ago20:57
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025684 in glmark2 (Ubuntu) "glmark2 packages are missing dependencies on GL libraries" [Low, Triaged]20:57
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GrandPa-GIf I make my system an access point, how can I see the name via command line on the same system?21:42
BarnabasDKif you are logged in21:47
BarnabasDKuname -a21:47
GrandPa-Gthat just gives me the hostname. I need the access point name others would see as a ssid21:49
plastikmanI assume taht wpa-supplicant is doing that work?21:50
BarnabasDKGrandPa-G, thats more of a naming of the wlan hotspot21:51
GrandPa-Gno, not at all. Again, I have set this up as an access point. I am not trying to connect to some wifi21:51
plastikmanare you using hostapd?21:52
GrandPa-GSomeone else set it up. I am trying to write a python program to get that name and display it on a display device. I don't see a hostapd conf file21:53
plastikmancheck in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf21:53
GrandPa-GTo be fair, this is on a Raspberry with Raspberry OS.21:54
GrandPa-Git is not there, nor the folder21:54
plastikmanprobably uses nmcli21:55
GrandPa-GMaybe I was told wrong. I was told it was setup.21:55
plastikmancheck in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections21:57
GrandPa-GI can get it out of nmcli dev wifi and match mac address21:57
TheAvatarHello, when trying to upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04, I get this in the dist-upgrade/main.log: DEBUG Not an UEFI system - DEBUG abort called. Is it the uefi error that's causing the abort or? I can't seem to find any reason to why it would abort (I tried removing snapd and screen as some people suggested)22:27
preachlol why would those matter22:28
preachmakes no sense22:28
TheAvatarpreach, not sure - but several people suggested it made it proceed, so I figured I'd give that a go22:30
TheAvatarnone the less, no effect here - but I can't figure out if that uefi is an error or not. Doesn't say it is - but nothing else does either22:33
TheAvatarso it seems to rollback for no apparent reason - but I am pretty sure it does it for a reason tho :)22:33
preachif it were me I'd wait a few days for 24.04 and then just reinstall fresh22:35
TheAvatarpreach, only 22.04 is supported in the setup, so no can do22:41
preachTheAvatar: what setup? installing from scratch doesn't require a previous version of anything22:59
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