
meena2024-04-16 21:09:39,991 - util.py[DEBUG]: resize_devices took 0.197 seconds21:11
meena2024-04-16 21:09:39,991 - cc_growpart.py[INFO]: '/' resized: changed (zroot/ROOT/default) from 4831838208 to 2201170739221:11
meena2024-04-16 21:09:39,991 - handlers.py[DEBUG]: finish: init-network/config-growpart: SUCCESS: config-growpart ran successfully21:11
meenathat's a success.21:11
meenaNow to fix the unit tests21:11
meenawell, down to three failures, and then I need to add a zfs test22:00
meenabut, not tonight, too tired.22:00

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