=== JanC is now known as Guest310 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [04:41] When I installed the beta, on the set keyboard part there's a experiment keys field, it didn't assume my keyboard, but then when I installed ubuntu anyway all was fine. [07:45] this morning noble updates seem to have solved resizing in bug #2060352 and bug #2061132 [07:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2060352 in terminator (Ubuntu) "Terminator cannot resize window anymore" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060352 [07:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2061132 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "Hexchat cannot resize window anymore + freeze" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2061132 [07:45] LuckyMan: I had the same issue, English US international keyboard layout selected during installation, wasn't able to type any umlauts... but somehow it started to work after installation [07:45] marked them both as fixed [09:09] when launching gnome-snapshot the error now changed from no camera stream, to no camera found [09:10] so bug #2060390 [09:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2060390 in gnome-snapshot (Ubuntu) "Snapshot No Camera Found" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2060390 [10:35] the uninstall procedure on snap-store is pretty many clicks away to find for novice users [10:35] do you know if thats a work in progress ogra_ [10:36] clicking the 3 dots to find uninstall [11:50] lotuspsychje: one shell script? https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/config.sys/ubuntu-remove-snap-firefox [12:34] tarzeau, wow, the first 8 lines are utter nonsense since the 9th line will actually execute exactly that ... using the mozilla test PPA is insane since it can at any time be closed now that there are less and less backports needed to deb based FF versions ... you should find a more sane script 😛 [12:35] (and the hunspell hack is superfluous with the latest FF snap and will just make the script fail) [12:36] lotuspsychje, file a bug please ... (luckily changes to snaps can still happen easily after release, not sure there is an UX bug for this) [12:39] ogra_: patches welcome :) [12:40] Hello, anybody here ? [12:57] !ask | zakaria [12:57] zakaria: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [13:00] tarzeau, well, make the snap removal a one-liner (apt purge snapd) and use the official deb from the mozilla archive instead of the PPA ... (i'll not support such hacks to turn off snaps so dont expect PRs 🙂 ) [13:01] ogra_: ok thanks :) [13:09] Sorry, my issue is when I plug in power adapter, Ubuntu freezes, nothing responds, even the mouse... [13:13] I have uploaded them: https://pastebin.com/u/farhatizakaria/1/N9dC4CsZ [13:13] ogra_: thanks, i filed bug #2061835 should we change to wishlist? [13:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2061835 in snap-store-desktop "Make the uninstall of software easier" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2061835 [13:13] lotuspsychje, i'd leave that to the devs (or UX designers) --- [13:14] ok tnx [13:15] zakaria: you got some 'frozen' and timeout errors on ATA at the end of your dmesg there [13:16] I didn't know the correct way to bring the correct logs for you. You can suggest some commands to get the appropriate ones [13:17] zakaria: i wonder if its not your HD making the freeze? [13:18] I/O error, dev sda, sector 931065440 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 0 [13:18] Well that does not happen in Ubuntu 23.10 or older ones, even other distribution like Fedora... except Debain 12 [13:19] zakaria: ok, then lets try to boot a previous kernel as a test [13:20] zakaria: hold shift at booting to enter grub, then choose ubuntu previous kernel version, if you still have 6.5 that would be nice [13:21] Alright, I am going to reboot [13:26] I'm back, unfortunately I have only Kernel 6.8 [13:27] I have been on Kubuntu 23.10 everything works good for plugin/plugout power cable [13:32] zakaria: i suspect this is 6.8 specific bug, if you say 23.10 works fine [13:34] zakaria: do you know howto file a bug? [13:34] Yes, smooth experience for all Ubuntu versions and flavors also other distros like Fedora and OpenSUSE, except Ubuntu 24.04 BETA. I have got the same issue for Debian 12, I couldn't reach the support team to address that issue. [13:35] zakaria: can you recall wich kernel version you had on debian? [13:37] I am so sorry I can't remember , but maybe when it just released or the next fix bugs release maybe. [13:38] zakaria: final release of 24.04 will surely also have a 6.8 variant, so it might be important to file your bug [13:40] zakaria: ubuntu-bug linux (from your terminal) [13:43] Done, a website appeared, should I fill the summary and Further information only? or following the guides bellow them? [13:44] zakaria: yes, fill in a title then a description of what happens with your powercable/bug [13:51] Alright my friend, I report it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2061840 if there's any missing or incorrect information just tell me. [13:51] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Launchpad bug 2061840 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 24.04 freezes after plug in power cable" [Undecided, New] [13:51] checking [13:52] looking good to me zakaria thank you for reporting this, and make ubuntu better [13:53] zakaria: from this point developers might contact you, to try out things to do with your system [13:54] maybe someone else has an idea to pull kernel 6.5 on his system via an oem kernel perhaps? ^ [16:03] updated tomreyn ComputerTech << ty [16:03] Also facing severe screen glitching/flickering since i updated to Ubuntu 24.04 [16:03] * ComputerTech looks through the issues [16:04] ComputerTech: updated what? [16:04] lotuspsychje: Since i updated from Ubuntu 23.10 to Ubuntu 24.04 beta i've had screen flickering [16:05] ComputerTech: you did not mention that last question? you mentioned the gnome-snapshot issue last time right [16:07] Not sure, i was just copying what you said the other day that the issue was updated and i was thanking you for pinging me to mention it [16:09] ok ComputerTech [16:09] ComputerTech: what kind of graphics you have on the flickering machine, and can you describe what kind of flickering? [16:13] lotuspsychje: Like random coloured lines kinda, and lemme grab the graphics spec sec [16:14] lotuspsychje: https://paste.computertech.co/?80fc3577fb65bf16#6ngYVSz9PTTWvvBys3BDQwgJEtTYG19R5nPUiqexeZ8Y [16:15] output of lshw [16:17] ComputerTech: its possible UHD Graphics 620 is kernel itchy and starts flickering [16:17] yeah i was assuming it could be due to the kernel, guess i'll just wait it out for a kernel patch or something [16:18] ComputerTech: try to boot your kernel with parameter; i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 [16:18] oh [16:18] okay lets see [16:18] where do i attach those parameters? any specific file or just in the terminal upon loading? e.g grub [16:19] ComputerTech: yeah edit grub line; GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 [16:19] okay [16:20] ComputerTech: then update-grub and reboot [16:20] one sec [16:20] ComputerTech: if you solve the flickering with this parameter, you are affected by bug #1958191 [16:21] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 1958191 in linux-hwe-6.2 (Ubuntu) "[i915] Screen flickering in Ubuntu 22.04 (until i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 are added) (fixed in 5.17.7 and later)" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1958191 [16:23] ComputerTech: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2" forgot a " [16:24] gonna reboot now and see if this helps, lotuspsychje [16:25] cross fingers [16:25] ComputerTech: you can see if you done it right, after your reboot in your dmesg