
arraybolt3sgmoore: So I tried to daily-drive my system with the new primary font (IBM Plex Sans). At first it felt nice, but after a few days I noticed eyestrain - the fonts are just not as readable as Noto Sans. Additionally I tried changing the color scheme and it caused visibility issues and just looked ugly. I think we're probably better off not changing the fonts or colors - they make the OS04:13
arraybolt3less pleasant to use when changed.04:13
arraybolt3I just switched back to Noto Sans from IBM Plex Sans and my eyes immediately felt the difference and appreciated it.04:13
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Good Morning, I just switched to IBM Plex Sans, I'll try it out for todays work sessions and report back this evening (UTC)06:36
sgmooreupgrade from jammy -> noble was a success12:58
sgmoorevalorie: you should be able to try again on your do-release-upgrade :)12:59
mmikowskisgmoore arraybolt3 valorie rick-timmis RikMills Good morning! Since our last meeting I've been working full time on branding.  We are at a tipping point on wallpaper that I think requires buy-in.  Might we video meet today again to discuss? Sorry about the short notice. 14:12
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I'd be very happy to Mike, Good Morning, and thank you for all of your wonderful efforts14:13
sgmooregood morning, sure thing14:20
mmikowskiHow about in a half an hour?  I sent a calendar invitation. We are down to the wire,  and not sure if tomorrow is acceptable as we might need a day to finalize decisions today. 14:27
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Yep 16:00 UTC World14:27
mmikowskiHi sgmoore and Rick. Here's the videos14:28
sgmooreI am available in 3014:29
mmikowskiMeet link: Branding status and decisions14:29
mmikowskiVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/hqd-vvxa-wdo14:29
mmikowskiCool,  I'll get ready to show wallpapers then too. 14:30
mmikowskirick-timmisso your good with that time too? 14:32
mmikowskirick-timmis ^^14:35
mmikowskiOK folks,  I'll be afk for a bit,  see you then. 14:39
arraybolt3I'm around finally15:56
mmikowskiscarlett, can you come back?16:03
mmikowskijust about implementation?16:03
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> ah jeez I am sorry I didn't see this16:36
valoriesounds like I am hours later than the meeting19:14
valoriewill try again my upgrade on my travel lappy19:15
valoriethanks so much sgmoore19:15
valorie@rick_timmis kudos on the new slides!19:15
valoriea few more commas than I would have used, but that is a nitpick19:15
sgmoorewelcome :)19:16

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