
valoriemmm, was busy all day - @sgmoore is this my bug? or another03:18
sgmoorevalorie: pulseaudio upgrade one? yours yes07:59
BluesKajHi all12:44
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> arraybolt3, sgmoore: Tomorrow is Final Freeze. If you need sponsorship for something and haven't received it yet, this is the time to ping loudly. See my message in the Flavors Matrix for more details.15:14
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Is there anything we need to get in for release that isn't there yet?15:15
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> We are knee deep in branding. I think I got everything else in.15:16
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Status update? (re @sgmoore: We are knee deep in branding. I think I got everything else in.)15:21
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> What's left?15:21
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> we are discussing that now15:22
mmikowskisgmoore: See /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-light/icons/start.svgz. I assume you already have this, but just in case.17:44
mmikowskitsimonq2: I'm so sorry, I should have included you in the meeting invite. I knew I was missing someone important!17:45
sgmooreI compared mine to that one and they seem the same but mine does not work, still plasma start is showing up. ugh.17:46
sgmoorealso... fwiw no matter what face I use ( even if I choose cute lil konqi that white ring appears..17:47
mmikowskisgmoore: Working on kubuntu theme here.18:11
mmikowskiApplying nice blue hint to greys to match wallpapers.18:11
mmikowskiWe can ask Aaron to hunt down default icon for KDE user...18:11
mmikowskiarraybolt3 what say you? Please?18:12
arraybolt3sgmoore: which white ring are you looking at?18:13
arraybolt3I think the white ring is normal, the bug I pointed out before was an absence of white background.18:13
arraybolt3sgmoore: also with the weird icon, I've sometimes had it where applying a global theme didn't change my start menu button. To fix it, I just reapplied the exact same theme again. Sometimes it might take three times before Plasma finally gets it right IIRC, but eventually it should.18:18
mmikowskiYou might need to make the bug black because I think KDE may put a white circle behind the icon. 18:20
sgmooremmikowski: it is the .face.icon in /etc/skel I already got that sorted. just it still has white ring but the center is white so that should be good18:28
mmikowskiAh yes, the .face.icon. I remember. In fact, kfocus sets that for skel.18:29
sgmooreevidently we have 5 hours before freeze18:46
RikMillssgmoore: normally the freeze has been about 9pm on the freeze day, so you may have more time than that18:57
RikMillsworth asking in -release perhaps18:57
RikMillslets see19:00
mmikowskisgmoore I just pulled knbuntu-noble-archive branch. The launch bug is a bit out of proportion. I have the latest queued up to fix. ok?19:04
mmikowskiJust don't want to surprise you.19:04
mmikowskiThe launch bug was apparently the old one.19:05
sgmooremmikowski: I am working in kubuntu_noble_staging as that is where arraybolt3 was working.19:08
mmikowskiso the branch I pulled is OOD?19:08
arraybolt3which repo?19:08
arraybolt3kubuntu-wallpapers doesn't have a kubuntu_noble_archive branch I didn't see19:08
arraybolt3not branch, repo19:09
mmikowskiyeah, getting there.19:09
sgmoorekubuntu-settings? or kubuntu-wallpapers?19:09
mmikowski git remote -v19:09
mmikowskiorigin  https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-settings (fetch)19:09
arraybolt3ah shoot, then you do need to be using kubuntu_noble_staging19:09
mmikowskikfocus-settings :)19:09
mmikowskiMaybe if I had write access :\19:10
sgmoorekubuntu_noble_staging is the correct branch for kubuntu-settings19:10
mmikowskiok, so the repo is ok, branch needs to be staging, right?19:10
EickmeyerRikMills, sgmoore: Freeze day is tomorrow. No panic yet.19:12
* sgmoore breathes again19:12
sgmooreEickmeyer: tsimonq2 asked me if I would be ready by 12:00 UTC! hense the panic..19:16
valorieall: did anyone read my forward email to kub-devel yesterday?19:17
valorieIMO we should not have hibernate settings ON by default19:17
valoriefor starters , it turns off my IRC19:17
sgmooreyes, and I found no hibernate settings on by default on any machine19:17
sgmooreI don't even have a hibernate option19:18
valorieso it might be just that one user with an issue19:18
valorieodd tho19:18
sgmoorethey are using light-locker which is xfce or something19:18
sgmooreI responded as did several others.19:19
sgmoorethere is more to their machine than a kubuntu install. in fact I think it was originally something else and they installed kubuntu-desktop19:20
valoriewhen they mentioned actually using another flavor, my ??? went up, but thought we still should investigate19:22
sgmooreWe investigated :) better safe then sorry, thanks for the forward.19:22
mmikowskiYeah, that post on hibernate was a person using a complete franken system. Loads kubuntu, then switches to a completely different desktop (XFCE, iirc). And that's just the tip of the iceberg.19:23
mmikowskisgmoore: but is still the old one in staging. Have you pushed?19:23
sgmooreI have pushed so many attempts if you are talking about start.svgz I went back to old because it is better than the plasma launcher.19:25
mmikowskibut = bug. start.svgz. It's also black, which I think is fine.19:25
mmikowskiOh, well I have a new with the right proportions :)19:25
mmikowskiI'll update then ok?19:25
sgmooreyou're my hero. again lol19:25
sgmooreplease do19:26
mmikowskino worries!19:26
sgmoorethank you :)19:26
mmikowskiI'm sorting out the colors now. We have a nice scheme that adds a little blue into all the light greys. Looks good with the default wallpaper.19:26
sgmooregreat. I just clicked the same as wallpaper box on colors kcm, if you have better, please do update. 19:27
mmikowskisgmoore question about colors. We have Kubuntu.colors and color under desktop theme. There are exactly the same except Kubuntu.colors has two additional sections. Do we need both?19:42
mmikowskiAlso [General]19:42
mmikowskiif that is saying "this is BreezeLight color scheme" or "use color scheme BreezeLight". Lemme compare.19:43
sgmooremmikowski: no it seems I forgot to git rm the Kubuntu.colors19:56
mmikowskiyeah, I thought so. Got it here.19:57
mmikowskiI'm working through it, a few changes here. I will update preview images too once colors are set.19:59
mmikowskiAlso will finalize Wallpaper in it...19:59
Eickmeyersgmoore: tsimonq2 is a fearmongerer *ducks*20:00
RikMillssgmoore: in kubuntu-settings git, there are unuploaded commits in bothe the archive and staging branchs. Is that intentional?20:00
mmikowskiok, so scarlet, "The color scheme 'kubuntu' is not installed. Selecting the default theme instead."20:01
mmikowskiThat's deployed to /usr/share/plasma/...20:01
valoriemy noble upgrade is progressing! \o/20:18
valoriethanks to you all and special thanks to sgmoore for fixing the upgrade bug20:18
sgmooreyou bet! glad it was caught before release! So thank you for being daring and upgrading to beta lol20:25
sgmooreRikMills: The archive commits are merged into staging. I was working in archive and uploading until I saw arraybolt3 was working in staging. SO I merged all my work into staging. It was jolly fun. 20:27
sgmoorein hind sight I should have been in staging, I had no idea theming was so intense and not just a few config files haha.20:28
sgmooremmikowski: yes I admit I am confused on the ColorScheme directive. Maybe it should be Kubuntu?20:30
sgmooreEickmeyer: lol20:30
mmikowskisgmoore: trying it now...20:31
mmikowskiAlso, twilight colors are not working. Appears to be default file which requires differentl plasmarc theme vs. general color scheme.20:32
mmikowskiI'm diffing with plasmatwilight to get the goods.20:33
mmikowskiahah! Twilight is BACK!20:34
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Woohoo20:34
mmikowskiColors are still an issue. It's picking them up, but the id or name is wrong somewhere. Still getting "The Color scheme "Kubuntu" is not installed. Selecting the default theme instead."20:35
valorieha, it's not daring; it's only my travel lappy. Daring is do-release-upgrade -d the week after a new LTS release!20:43
valoriewhich I've done with that lappy too, in the past20:43
valorielooks like it's finished, so I'm gonna check it out20:44
mmikowskisgmoore: looks like the color scheme is getting fixed ...21:00
mmikowskiarraybolt3 ^^ We now have "Kubuntu Light" color scheme.21:01
tsimonq2sgmoore: Midnight UTC == 00:00 UTC ;)21:01
* tsimonq2 slaps Eickmeyer with a wet fish21:01
valorieI did find a "bug" - the login screen does not yet have the new branding21:04
arraybolt3mmikowski: woohoo!21:05
valorieerrr, while it's loading21:05
valoriethe login has the mountain21:05
mmikowskivalorie when did you last update? It should be the light gear bg.21:06
arraybolt3I've changed backgrounds for the SDDM screen in Lubuntu, it should be easy enough...21:08
valorieI updated right before the upgrade, of course21:15
valorieand once again once the upgrade was done21:15
valoriethe shutdown also has the old branding21:15
valorieI hope we can keep the pulsing effect that harald created; I really love that21:16
valoriekeep in mind this was an upgrade, not a fresh install21:16
valoriethis machine will be a fresh install in conjunction with our LFNW trip21:17
valoriewrestling with the canonical travel team a bit - they ignored what I wrote in my request and booked me another room, twice as expensive!21:18
valoriemine is non-refundable, so.... we'll be staying there, son & I21:18
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> The sddm login screen is fixed in staging, not yet uploaded to archive21:20
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> The next upload to archive will be an awesome pack of awesomeness :)21:47
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> All coming together with a minute to spare. A huge thank you to everyone for some spectacular team work. Couldn't have done it without you.21:49
mmikowskisgmoore: Wallpapers go into kubuntu-settings?22:01
mmikowskianyone? arraybolt3? Please let me know and I will place accordingly.22:04
arraybolt3kubuntu-wallpapers I thought...22:05
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> kubuntu-wallpapers22:06
arraybolt3mmikowski: ^22:06
mmikowskiwallpapers are still defaulting to next.22:26
mmikowskiThanks Rik22:26
mmikowskiOtherwise, it's looking good.22:26
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> There is one location in kubuntu-settings that needs a wallpaper. One sec22:27
sgmooremmikowski: https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-settings/tree/desktop/wallpapers/Kubuntu/contents/images22:32
sgmoorethat is the default desktop wallpaper22:32
sgmoorewhich wallpapers? what branch are you on? I have tested staging on two seperate instances, one VM and one hardware. 22:34
mmikowskisgmoore: The problem is when applying the kubuntu theme, it doesn't work. Not with wallpapers manually installed. It might /default/ to the wallpaper on initial install, but when switching themes, it defaults back to 'Next'.22:52
mmikowskiI've done this before, and will likely need to apply a wallpaper value for each active desktop.22:53
RikMillsarraybolt3: where is fonts-ibm-plex existing?23:01
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Oh. I just followed what was done before. If you don't get it I will look in the morning. I am spent, been up since 11 last night.23:02
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Kubuntu-settings in staging branch (re @IrcsomeBot: <RikMills> arraybolt3: where is fonts-ibm-plex existing?)23:02
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> So there shouldn't be a Depends: fonts-ibm-plex in debian/control now? (re @sgmoore: Kubuntu-settings in staging branch)23:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> as there is23:04
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Oh, that I don't know. Probably not I reckon. We decided to stay with Noto23:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Well the package fonts-ibm-plex doesn't exist yet in the archive, so that dep will have to be removed from kubuntu-settings23:05
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Correct23:06
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Just pointing it out. Would hate someone to do an upload and get it blocked on being uninstallable23:07
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> arraybolt3 ^23:08
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> If not I can do it in the morning.23:08
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> 👍23:09
arraybolt3RikMills: It's already in the archive and there is a Depends: on it in kubuntu-settings.23:58
arraybolt3RikMills: fonts-ibm-plex *is* in the archive.23:58
arraybolt3I didn't have to add it myself because it already exists and has existed since at least Jammy.23:59
arraybolt3sgmoore: ^23:59
arraybolt3The only fonts that weren't already there were Space Grotesk and DM Mono, both of which are now part of kubuntu-settings.23:59

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