
cpetesarnold: I didn't quite catch the context yesterday on your comment about the speeds. I'm a little confused on why the Malaysia mirror is pointing to the Singapore mirror in the first place...17:32
zhongfucpete: perhaps you could email ossmirror@onboard.cloud (from https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg1933967.html)18:10
cpetezhongfu: Great idea, thanks!18:13
zhongfuand i suppose singapore is close enough to malaysia that having a higher-capacity and more stable mirror serve malaysia makes more sense18:14
zhongfuthan sending the load to the ~2Gbps worth of mirrors registered in malaysia18:14
cpeteI suppose that makes more sense, but I was just surprised to see the lower capacity mirrors registered at all then18:19
zhongfui think those can still get selected at install, or if you're using apt's mirror method18:26
zhongfueg `deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt nobel main restricted` 18:26
sarnolddoes that work at all on ubuntu?19:54

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