=== Exterminador is now known as Exterminador2 === Exterminador2 is now known as Exterminador [01:04] Mmike: which image are you booting and how are you invoking kvm? [01:09] ooooh ... maybe the next iteration of *ubiquity is going to be systemd-cloudinitd === znf_ is now known as znf [07:39] mitchdz, I'm using virt-install to create a vm. When I feed it 'normal' cloud image it boots fine, cloudinit starts (although I don't see an output of cloudinit on the console, but that's separate issue, probably just PEBKAC), but with ubuntu minimal cloud image I get that GRUB message and it stalls there [07:40] This stalls: virt-install --name cl-test-minimal --memory 4096 --vcpus=4 --osinfo ubuntu22.04 --disk path=./cl-test-minimal.qcow2 --disk ~/cloudimages/cloudinit-data.iso,device=cdrom --import [07:40] This works: virt-install --name cl-test --memory 4096 --vcpus=4 --osinfo ubuntu22.04 --disk path=./cl-test.qcow2 --disk ~/cloudimages/cloudinit-data.iso,device=cdrom --import [07:42] cl-test-minimal.qcow2 and cl-test.qcow2 are .img files downloaded from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/ [08:15] " When launching the download image from KVM, you will need to specify the virtio network driver. "? === xispita is now known as Guest9311 === xispita_ is now known as xispita === xispita is now known as Guest4161 === xispita_ is now known as xispita [13:52] mirespace: coordination pad> Looks like my browser decided to mangle things >_< looking to see if I can revert, but it's just styling changes. [13:53] tsimonq2: i see it blocked [13:53] np [13:54] tsimonq2: could you sponsor telegraf? it is outside od the server set and i need sponsorship [13:55] (jasking just in case) [13:55] s/jas/as/ [13:57] mirespace: sure :) have a link handy? [13:57] Ah I see [13:57] oh, it seems sergiodj is doing it [13:57] sorry for bother you [13:59] mirespace: No worries :) [14:00] sergiodj: LGTM fwiw ;) [14:00] thanks [14:05] tsimonq2: sergiodj: thank you both :) [14:05] Happy to help :) [17:42] Mmike: where are you getting the minimal image? That's image isn't in https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/ [17:42] also there is a #ubuntu-cloud server that may be more appropriate to have this discussion :) === JanC is now known as Guest4570 [20:54] mitchdz, eh, correct, minimal image is here: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/jammy/release/ [20:55] * Mmike goes to #ubuntu-cloud :) thnx [21:18] I figured it was that link, but just wanted to be sure :) [21:51] mitchdz, I updated my notes on pmdk in the pad. Other than disabling more tests I'm not sure what can be done. [21:53] bryceh: I'll take a look [21:54] yeah I'm not a fan of just disabling tests until it builds [21:55] seeing the emojis in the buildlog is kind-of funny to see