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mason_this is interesting03:03
mason_what os you on?03:03
mason_ahh, im on lubuntu03:04
shoesboth good choices03:04
mason_i had lubuntu 18.04 on a 32 bit 1gb of ram 1ghz intel atom03:05
mason_not currently03:05
mason_but i did03:05
mason_suprisingly, it ran fine03:05
shoesnging in there03:06
mason_i have xp on that now03:06
mason_so theres a bunch of other people, are they just not gonna chat?03:06
shoestheyre logged on but not necessarily here03:07
shoesnah its cmmon03:08
SofSdepends on what you call common, for IRC it is03:08
mason_im on a 12 year old laptop, i recently upgraded to 8gb of ram03:09
shoesirc is not so popular anymore03:09
mason_oh another person03:09
SofSit still is the best linux support channel03:09
SofSIt survived the freenode drama.03:10
mason_freenode drama?03:10
SofSbefore libera03:10
shoeslong story03:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
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utsweetyfishis upload.ubuntu.com publicly accessible?04:13
utsweetyfishcurl ftp://upload.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/04:14
utsweetyfishcurl: (19) RETR response: 50204:14
arraybolt3what are you trying to do?04:14
utsweetyfisharraybolt3: try to seek for newly uploaded .dsc04:15
utsweetyfishjust like incoming.debian.org04:15
arraybolt3mmm, didn't know about either of those until just now04:16
arraybolt3If you're looking for newly uploaded source packages, you probably want to inspect the NEW queues.04:16
utsweetyfisharraybolt3: where are they?04:17
arraybolt3trying to find them04:17
arraybolt3found it04:18
arraybolt3utsweetyfish: ^04:18
arraybolt3you can change `jammy` to another release codename to see the queues for those04:18
utsweetyfishexactly what i want, thanks04:18
utsweetyfishnoble is the next LTS?04:19
utsweetyfishi guess04:19
arraybolt3and you can also see recently accepted source packages there (there are several queues)04:19
arraybolt3Yes, Noble is intended to be 24.04 LTS.04:19
utsweetyfishthanks a lot arraybolt304:19
arraybolt3Keep in mind that NEW packages may or may not be accepted into the archive, and after a package is accepted it may or may not end up in the archive in a timely fashion (if at all) depending on whether it passes testing or not.04:19
arraybolt3So not everything you see there will end up released, but it's where things go on their way to getting released.04:20
utsweetyfishyes i know that04:20
arraybolt3ah ok04:21
utsweetyfishis there a RSS for queue?04:21
utsweetyfishor something similar04:21
arraybolt3...ish... there's a bot called `queuebot` present in one of the Ubuntu channels that gives you that sort of info. Lemme try something...04:21
utsweetyfishcan i use this?04:22
arraybolt3ah, that should work04:22
utsweetyfishthank you so much!04:22
arraybolt3glad to help! Though you found that last one :P04:22
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davidicusHI. I have the newest Ubuntu-Studio on a new PC. Everything is working fine except qjackl. I give me an error saying it cannot connect to jack server when I hit the start button. I'm new to all this. I'm trying to get a usb midi keyboard set up10:45
lotuspsychj3davidicus: wich studio release version is this please10:53
davidicusUbuntu Studio 22.0410:54
lotuspsychj3davidicus: tnx, can you see if these solutions resolve: https://askubuntu.com/questions/224151/jack-server-could-not-be-started-when-using-qjackctl10:55
davidicusOMG THANK YOU!11:02
lotuspsychj3davidicus: what solved it?11:03
davidicusI went into setup on jack on the advanced tab and set the imput and output device and applied. I still have to figure out how to get the keyboard and all running so I can paly and make music but I have to settle with this for now. I can try to figure the rest out after I've had some sleep. Thank you11:05
lotuspsychj3good luck davidicus11:06
davidicusThank you lotus. you too11:06
ximonI have a question12:11
ximonso I installed arch linux because I thought it is good, it just wrecked my connection to mouse and keyboard within 3 reboots12:11
ximonwould I have similiar issues on rolling ubuntu12:12
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BluesKajHi all12:44
meustationximon, I've been using ubuntu since 2006, never broke something so fundamental as mouse and keyboard12:55
meustationinstall wise I'd say it requires even less technical knowledge than the horrible os they brew in redmond12:56
meustationif you stick to LTS versions, and perhaps don't update straight away but wait for the xx.yy.03 or xx.yy.04 lts release, it's gonna be smooth sailing12:59
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falzwhat are people using to keep 'config standards' in place and update certain files? ie snmpd.conf, ufw firewall rules. ansible? puppet? something else?13:55
akikansible is good14:00
* ogra_ knows people that simply make their whole /etc a git tree 14:01
akiki know of a man who puts systemd, sshd and xpra in a docker container14:11
younderI enter sudo apt install <whatever< and it tells me The following packages will be removed ubuntu-realtime which fails. How to I stop apt from insisting on this remove14:15
tomreynyounder: fix the broken package. sometimes reinstalling helps.14:17
rudratrivediyounder: is this a custom package? i can't see it in the repos14:26
rudratrivedithere are probably some conflicts between what you're trying to install and this package14:27
tomreynit's part of ubuntu pro https://canonical-ubuntu-pro-client.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/v29/howtoguides/enable_realtime_kernel.html14:27
rudratrivediI see it, my bad14:27
rudratrivedistill, it's probably a conflict. would be helpful to know what's trying to be installed.14:29
younderwhwre are ubuntu post removal scripts stored?14:41
ravagePost-removal scripts are located in /var/lib/dpkg/info/. Each package has its own script, if applicable, named in the format <package_name>.postrm.14:43
xvxDoes this work for anyone? (says doesn't exist for me):  sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar15:48
ioriaxvx, what 's your release ? cat /etc/issue15:49
xvx24.04 (beta)15:51
ioriaxvx, the last supported ver is for 20.0415:51
rudratrivedixvx, you shoud probably be installing that from extensions.gnome.org15:58
rudratrivedialthough, the extension isn't updated for gnome46 yet. there is a pending PR.15:59
mdmbkrthe hddtemp package seems to have disappeared, what's the command line replacement?17:56
mdmbkrmodprobe drivetemp ; sensors18:01
mdmbkrthat shows me temperatures but doesn't identify which drive is which18:02
jwashtomreyn continuing from yesterday, i installed a radeon card and successfully blacklisted nouveau,snd_hda_intel and the hardware for my geforce 960. it added to the virtual machines config. but it won't show in windows device manager.18:19
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tomreynjwash: if you were able to add it to the KVM guest configuration and KVM was able to pass it through fine to the guest then it's a matter of the guest OS, which is not ubuntu. ;-)18:26
jwashi don't know it was passed through18:26
jwashit's weird18:26
jwashit looks like it was paassed through correctly18:26
tomreynyou could double check these steps https://askubuntu.com/questions/1406888/ubuntu-22-04-gpu-passthrough-qemu18:30
mcphailjwash: maybe not relevant but I've been playing with PCI passthrough for a WiFi card today. I had to pass it through as PCIe rather than PCI for the guest to access it, and passing as PCIe required selecting q35 as my machine type. Worth a try?18:31
jwashhow did you make the distinction?18:32
jwashsounds like what i need to do18:32
jwashwhat is the q35 machine type18:33
jwashi see it, i'm dumb18:34
jwashi was already set to Q35, but the firmware version is different\18:35
mcphailI was also reading that if you're running uefi rather than seabios in the guest you may need to go in and switch off secure boot for passthrough to work. But I haven't explored that as I was using seabios as default. This stuff is arcane18:40
jwashdid you get it to pass through properly?18:42
mcphailYes, but it was just a WiFi card, not a graphics card, so probably much simpler18:42
jwashcan you share a screenshot of your card's attachment in the settings?18:43
jwashi'm not seeing a specific pcie option18:44
mcphailI'm not at the machine, but I'm pretty sure I had to add "pcie=1" to the qemu settings next to the rombar option18:45
mcphailOh, the other thing to ensure is you've enabled iommu on the kernel command line. I'd forgotten about that and lost an evening swearing about things18:49
jwashiommu is ogod18:50
jwashwhere is the rombar option18:50
mcphailYou can see it in your screenshot, but I was doing this from the command line.18:51
jwashdid you add it to the xml?18:52
mcphailNo, I was passing flags to qemu directly. But I'm sure it could go somewhere in the XML if you're using virt-manager or virsh18:55
jwashsomething like this:  /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64  -machine q35,kernel-irqchip=split,accel=kvm -smp 4 -m 2G -device intel-iommu,intremap=on,caching-mode=on -nographic /home/fastlinq/centos-7.8.qcow218:58
mcphailAye, I'll try to dig out my command line when I get back in tomorrow19:01
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Guest26hello, any idea why in this ssh -D 2022 -J root@my-ipv6 -p 2003 root@my-ipv4 i get stdio forwarding failed error? i already AllowTcpForwarding to yes.19:02
Guest26is it because of ipv6?19:02
tomreynGuest26: no, unless there is a lack of ipv6 connectivity between client host and jump host.19:09
tomreyni would try to reduce complexity first and try it that way, do the single connections first, wsee whether those work19:10
jwashmcphail the xml file for your virtual machine would be very helpful too19:11
tomreynGuest26: firewalls could get in your way there, also lack of PermitOpen on the jump host19:12
tomreynthe jump hosts's sshD, that is19:13
mcphailGuest26: shot in the dark, but do you need to configure sysctl for ipv4 or 6 forwarding for this to work?19:16
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neachdainnWhat's the correct way to manage cgroups (a la `cgconfig.conf`) on an Ubuntu system? Everything I'm finding online recommends writing a bash script with manipulates the cgroupfs mount, which I just can't believe is the official way to create cgroups on boot20:13
NrmlHowdy, having an issue with gocryptfs on Jammy: https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs/issues/84120:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 841 in rfjakob/gocryptfs "REPRODUCIBLE: gocryptfs reverse generating files that gocryptfs can't decrypt?" [Open]20:48
NrmlAFAICS there's no gocryptfs channel, so I'm asking here. Anyone familiar with it?20:48
mdmbkrI have a failing hard drive attached to an HBA using the mpt2sas driver .. the disk doesn't show up in fdisk -l, for example .. is there any way to ask the HBA what it's seeing20:57
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mdmbkraha, MegaCli21:01
mdmbkrhm, I guess that might not work after all, because the HBA is flashed to a non-raid bios21:04
Apachezany date set yet for release of 24.04 LTS ?21:04
mdmbkrI think april 25th21:12
indyZHi guys. Checking out 24.04 beta. Nice, but I have a problem: Every time I use Gnome I want to slam my face into the keyboard. How do I see what applications are installed? There does not seem to be an Applications menu. (No grid of dots)22:06
shadow255indyZ: you may want to ask that in #ubuntu-next rather than here.22:08
indyZshadow255: thanks22:27
indyZshadow255: and my apologies for not reading the /topic first22:28
xvxIs Nautilis the default file browser? I'm trying to find my file browser but it seems to have disappeared22:40
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tomreynxvx: On Gnome, which is the default Ubuntu desktop? yes. Also known as Gnome Files.23:40
telgareithI"m trying to reboot a Ubuntu 24.04 LTS desktop install directly into windows remotely. However, many articles like: https://askubuntu.com/questions/18170/how-to-reboot-into-windows-from-ubuntu say "edit the windows line in grub config" However, this machine doesn't have a windows boot manager line in the config23:56

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