
RikMillsarraybolt3: ah, fonts-ibm-plex is in multiverse00:07
* RikMills wonders if an iso build enables that00:07
mmikowskisgmoore: We00:08
mmikowskihave lift-off. All theme elements now appear to work. Will diff and plug into settings. I think I was hampered by nasty plasma caching issues.00:09
RikMillsarraybolt3: did you check whether the livefs build env has access to multiverse packages?00:11
RikMillslooks like it does00:13
RikMillsthe actual live iso when run does not have multiverse enabled, which is why I got the dependency error00:16
arraybolt3Why on planet earth is fonts-ibm-plex in multiverse00:17
arraybolt3It's licensed under the Open Font License :-/00:17
arraybolt3do all OFL-licensed fonts fall into the multiverse category???00:17
RikMillsno idea00:18
arraybolt3https://wiki.debian.org/DFSGLicenses nope, it's DFSG-compliant according to Debian themselves00:18
arraybolt3or at least according to that one wiki page00:18
arraybolt3mmikowski: \o/ Thank you!!!00:20
arraybolt3RikMills: FWIW I know Eickmeyer ships an insane number of fonts in Ubuntu Studio. I bet many of them are from multiverse, and his ISOs build just fine.00:21
RikMillsthey should looking at our last build log00:22
RikMillsas said, it was the running live system that fooled me 00:23
RikMillsif I enable multiverse on that I can install kubuntu-settings00:23
arraybolt3ah ok00:29
* RikMills heads of to get sleep00:29
arraybolt3o/ ty for everything00:29
mmikowskiarraybolt3 valorie sgmoore RikMills tsimonq2 in case you want to review kubuntu style before I start committing. https://meet.google.com/tgo-mpsk-dfu01:48
mmikowskiThanks arraybolt3 for the review. Currently pushing changes. See https://invent.kde.org/teams/distribution-kubuntu/to-do-24.04/-/work_items/10 for details.03:34
mmikowskisgmoore all changes pushed. I tested in a VM and everything appears to work nicely.07:39
sgmoorewonderful :) I am merging in the changes now and uploading to both staging and archive. Thank you so very much for everything. I really can't thank you enough.07:40
sgmooremmikowski: ^07:42
mmikowskiHi Scarlett. Of course you are welcome, and thank you for all your help!07:44
mmikowskiI'm exhausted though, another 16 hour day.07:45
mmikowskiWe now have those wallpaper files and scripts set up, and it sure would seem to be a good idea to upstream them to KDE.07:45
sgmooreI bet. I fell asleep and now up in the middle of the night again. One day my sleep will normalize.07:46
sgmooreI can look into upstreaming them.07:46
mmikowskiThe Gimp files and scripts would result in much better wallpapers. I think the right way to upstream works be to include them with a creation guide on their theming tutorial site.07:55
mmikowskiWell it is time for me to sleep. You have a good night. Let me know if you see any issues. Otherwise I'm probably going to take it easy tomorrow.07:56
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Sleep well :) Sounds like a good plan. Thanks again for everything!07:57
RikMillssgmoore: thanks. looks like things are accepted and building10:49
RikMillsif these hit the release pocket soon enough I may be able to spin a new ISO before the release team freeze things10:50
RikMillsis the background of the installer prompt still breeze next wallpaper?11:22
BluesKajHi all11:34
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> It shouldn't be. arraybolt3 uploaded the new one, maybe got stuck? (re @IrcsomeBot: <RikMills> is the background of the installer prompt still breeze next wallpaper?)12:25
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#kubuntu-settings12:26
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> kubuntu-settings-desktop/amd64 in universe cannot depend on fonts-ibm-plex in multiverse12:26
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Impossible Depends: kubuntu-settings -> fonts-ibm-plex/6.1.1-1/amd6412:26
RikMillsarraybolt3: ^^12:27
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Doh. Fixing12:27
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Question is also how crucial is that font?12:27
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I wonder if it will allow a recommends?12:30
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> worth a shot?12:30
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I would say so12:31
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> britney doesn't normally get stressed about recommends no being available, so I would surmise a component mismatch like that would be the same12:36
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> britney doesn't normally get stressed about recommends not being available, so I would surmise a component mismatch like that would be the same12:36
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> if I am wrong we still have some time12:38
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> arraybolt3: looks like the installer prompt still has breeze?12:38
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I know they worked on it, I saw screen shots, it looks amazing12:39
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I have no clue what timezone he is in12:39
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> His LP page says US/Central (UTC-0500) (re @sgmoore: I have no clue what timezone he is in)12:47
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> ok, still kinda early.12:48
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I am an odd ball with my hours haha12:48
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I think a lot of us doing this are TBH ;)12:48
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> :)12:48
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore kubuntu-settings accepted :D14:49
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> saw that :) testing. seems gtk apps are ignoring the theme :(14:50
mmikowskisgmoore my guess is the GTK apps are ignoring the lights color adjustments?15:27
mmikowskiI have this discussion with Aaron yesterday about the saturating the wallpaper so that the window colors matched without modifying them. 15:27
mmikowskiWe went the other route of adjusting the colors because the installer had already shipped. However, these are the kind of rabbit holes that show up.15:28
mmikowskiI'll look to see if there's a way to update the color scheme in gtk to match. One thing that was nice about breeze is that was all taken care of for us.15:29
sgmooreyeah, so many bug reports about gtk theming in qt, everything looked wonderful till I launched firefox. Thanks for looking15:31
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- KDE bug 357524 in Breeze "GTK2 apps does not use custom color scheme" [Normal, Resolved: Wontfix]15:32
mmikowskiHonestly, I think the right thing to do is to desaturate the wallpaper and revert to the breeze theme. This moves all the management of this complex machinery upstream where it's already accomplished.15:33
sgmooreI love the new colors though. BLeh on breeze ones. I will look into the gtk colors15:34
mmikowskiIt will only cause us ongoing trouble if we don't revert to a supported KDE color scheme IMO. Can you try setting your theme to breeze and confirm it works?15:36
mmikowskiMaybe that's the best first step. Because if it does, then we know it's a viable option.15:36
mmikowskiAs for loving the color schemes, I should because I spent half a day working it out. Recoloring the wallpapers to match isn't that hard.15:38
sgmoorethis seems promising https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35600615:38
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- KDE bug 356006 in Breeze "Breeze GTK does not respect the color scheme" [Normal, Resolved: Fixed]15:38
mmikowskiOkay, let's hope. If we decide to use breeze directly, then it's managed upstream and we don't have to worry about it. To make it work, we would need to desaturate the wallpapers to match.15:39
mmikowskiAnd it would be desirable to adjust the installer coloration and wallpaper to match as well.15:39
mmikowskiBoth would look good, we would just lose some of the blue hint which wouldn't all be bad.15:39
mmikowskiThe benefit would be more neutral grays which are desirable for visual work, and fewer ongoing bugs and maintenance.15:40
mmikowskisgmoore arraybolt3 I can mock up a desaturate theme using breeze colors only. I think you will like the resuts, and that would alleviate this issue immediately and I'm the future. From my end, it's maybe 4 hours of work.15:45
mmikowskiFrom arraybolt3, it would be good to use the same wallpaper and colors with the installer if possible.15:47
mmikowskiI'm the future = in the future. Guess who's on a phone right now 🤪15:48
sgmooregive me 30 minutes to look into this gtk color exporter. I am so not into the breeze colors. also arraybolt3 the installer prompt didn't make it into archive. Not sure what happened there as the bug resolved as fixed.15:48
mmikowskisgmoore since Aaron needs to resubmit anyway, the breeze color option becomes more Even more viable.15:49
mmikowskiLet me do that mock-up right now and I'll send it over. Then you can see whether the color changes worth it. I want to see for myself too.15:50
mmikowskisgmoore: Actually, firefox looks great here!15:58
mmikowskiarraybolt3 ^^^15:59
sgmooreyeah? maybe I messed something up in my vm15:59
mmikowskiAnd I know why :)15:59
mmikowskionce sec, first for the proof ...15:59
mmikowskiLook at all them beautiful GTK apps, Firefox included!16:01
mmikowskiThis is on Kubuntu 22.04 LTS.16:02
sgmoorethat's what I want :)16:02
mmikowskiI developed here so I can actively test and use.16:02
mmikowskiBut, those are all native apps. No firefox snap 🤫16:03
mmikowski^^^ using that install method.16:03
sgmoorewell if snap theming is broken, it is what it is, as long as native apps work16:05
mmikowskiGimp too. https://i.imgur.com/qSnHmQI.png16:05
mmikowskiWorks, that is.16:06
sgmoorelove it16:06
mmikowskihere it is with the system theme ...16:06
mmikowskiWell, mostly there. At least the window borders are the right color.16:08
mmikowskiSo I think the issue now goes to snap packages. There may be something broken with all of them in receiving the system themes. You know, because, well, snaps.16:09
sgmooreok, yep, verified snap issue. I say we leave things then. snap theming is out of scope and a known long time issue.16:11
sgmooreso really now all we are missing is that installer-prompt16:13
mmikowskiok, then I'm back to being lazy today!16:21
mmikowskiEating regular meals, exercising, lining up our next-get models...16:21
mmikowskiWorking less than 16 hours...16:21
arraybolt3well I have some catchinng up to do I see.16:21
sgmoorenice :)16:22
mmikowskihey arraybolt3, sgmoore ran into theming problems with GTK apps. But it turns out to be theming problems for snaps.16:22
arraybolt3sgmoore: The installer prompt *should* have the new wallpaper, I could have sworn I uploaded it.16:23
mmikowskiSo nothing new. GTK apps actually look great on my 22.04 LTS with the new theme installed. See images above.16:23
mmikowskiarraybolt3 it got blocked due to required fonts? or was that a different package?16:23
sgmoorearraybolt3: I know you did! I explicitly remember seeing the launchpad bug being close. but it is breeze, and some other fella did a rebuild on it..16:24
sgmooremmikowski: different package16:24
arraybolt3dang it. OK, lemme do some digging...16:24
arraybolt3This is why it's Final *Freeze* and not Final "go-to-bed-the-release-is-done"16:24
arraybolt3ah :facepalm: I uploaded it **to Git.**16:25
mmikowskiI'll tell you guys, I know I did the theme, but I'm running it here and absolutely loving it. The subtle color hinting and lower dynamic range wallpaper really puts it over the top. I'm having trouble reaching my own back to pat it 😁16:25
arraybolt3Very different.16:25
sgmooreyep, been very busy today, last minute bugs and changes...16:25
arraybolt3It's still there in the repo, in all of its UNRELEASED glory :P16:25
arraybolt3mmikowski, sgmoore: are we redoing the colors again or is it OK to just upload what I've got and call it good?16:26
mmikowskiarraybolt3: Maybe update the wallpaper to the latest?16:26
sgmooreor that16:26
mmikowskiPlease keep the colors.16:26
arraybolt3mmikowski: where's the latest wallpaper with colors?16:26
mmikowskiI could send you the wallpapers without the wordmark.16:26
sgmooremmikowski: I am soooooo happy we get to keep the colors and theme.16:26
sgmooreI absolutely love it16:26
mmikowskiYeah, I was looking at it and was kinda sad, but then opening the gtk apps made me feel better.16:27
arraybolt3mmikowski: that would be nice since the wordmark is already in the installer prompt elsewhere16:27
arraybolt3but I think I have that already?16:27
arraybolt3though you color-adjusted the image again after that I'm guessing16:27
arraybolt3And it sounds like the kubuntu-settings issue with the mismatched Depends went as expected?16:28
arraybolt3(We really need it to be able to pull in fonts-ibm-plex since the installer prompt uses that font and Depends: on kubuntu-settings to get it.)16:28
sgmooreI moved it to Recommends and it passed to archive successfully16:29
mmikowskiarraybolt3: What size do you need? Can you grab it off gdrive?16:29
arraybolt3mmikowski: 4k landscape would be best16:29
mmikowskiI can put it there, then swap it out, then submit.16:29
arraybolt3perfect, ty16:29
* arraybolt3 checks in with the archive team about the fonts stuff16:30
mmikowskiarraybolt3: 3840 x 2400 (16:10 preferred)?16:30
arraybolt316:9 would be better16:30
mmikowskiok, done16:31
mmikowskiwell done soon.16:31
mmikowskiCan you snag MediaLibrary/NobleDev/noble-installer-wallpaper-final.png?16:33
mmikowskiwait one minute.16:33
mmikowskiStill exporting and uploading.16:34
arraybolt3Looks like we may not be totally out of the woods with the fonts yet, we may need someone to do some Magic(TM) to make it work.16:34
mmikowskiWhat's the font problem?16:34
mmikowskiHonestly, shipping without, or as a suggest or recommends is good enough for me.16:34
arraybolt3The issue is that fonts-ibm-plex is in the multiverse repo for <reasons unknown> and so it's hard to pull it in.16:35
arraybolt3I have that font hardcoded into the new installer prompt.16:35
mmikowskiWe're not using them. They're handy to have around.16:35
arraybolt3It's *possible* to pull it in, currently exploring how though.16:35
mmikowskiarraybolt3: Noto sans.16:35
arraybolt3mmikowski: we are using them, in the installer prompt.16:35
mmikowskiAh, yes.16:35
arraybolt3And since this is the artistic first-time experience, we should use them even if the rest of the OS doesn't use them IMO, just like how we use Space Grotesk.16:36
arraybolt3anyways, cloning livecd-rootfs since Eickmeyer mentioned it as a potential way of fixing things16:36
arraybolt3(He's able to pull multiverse fonts into Studio somehow so I'm sure this isn't impossible)16:36
mmikowskiWell, we /are/ using Space Grotesk in the logo.16:36
arraybolt3and in the buttons too16:36
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: https://git.launchpad.net/livecd-rootfs/tree/live-build/auto/config#n62316:37
arraybolt3aHA perfect!!!16:37
EickmeyerSo MP that sucker away.16:38
arraybolt3now we just have to hope that a Recommends will pull it in. (Or we change the Kubuntu seed if needed but that's doable too)16:38
mmikowskiAnd Eickmeyer swoops in to save the day and then carries on for other battles!16:38
EickmeyerAnd bug the living junk out of #ubuntu-release to get the MP through.16:38
mmikowskiOh, forgot that part. 16:39
* mmikowski looks for cliffs notes16:39
Eickmeyermmikowski: That part was for arraybolt3 :)16:39
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: Just a matter of moving kubuntu down from line 627 to line 630 and you're golden.16:40
mmikowskiThanks Erich.16:40
arraybolt3sgmoore: do you think we should seed the font in question too just for good measure?16:41
sgmooreI will do that now16:42
arraybolt3thanks, and I almost have the MP in-flight.16:43
arraybolt3just a matter of moving Kubuntu to the "we allow multiverse" section.16:43
arraybolt3mmikowski: wallpaper is there right?16:46
mmikowskibtw guys, I am looking at the options of using breeze as the default color scheme.16:46
arraybolt3awesome, plugging in now16:46
sgmooremmikowski: umm, but why? I thought we were good16:47
mmikowskiBreeze is already slightly blue, so just pulling down the saturation might mean we can use it without trouble.16:47
mmikowskiBreeze will always be the best supported color scheme.16:47
sgmooreno it isn't , I don't like it. I thought we settled on our lovely colors16:48
arraybolt3and we're a bit late to change all of the wallpapers16:48
mmikowskiScarlett, I agree. But this takes 5 minutes to compare. Due diligence and all that :)16:48
arraybolt3Final Freeze could hit in minutes or seconds.16:48
arraybolt3Hopefully not seconds, but I need to get that upload done16:49
RikMillsit most likely won't be until gone 9pm UTC16:49
RikMillsgiven the past n+10 release cycles....16:50
arraybolt3what's the name of the person who won the Kubuntu design contest again?16:50
RikMillseven if it does, release team can still let things through16:50
arraybolt3I'm realizing the copyright data here is badly out of date and I need to fix it16:50
RikMillsin fact, they usually given the archive several days to settle down and don't start doing ISOs for several days16:51
arraybolt3nvm I think I found it16:52
arraybolt3oh fine, "couldn't load user". Thanks Google Drive.16:52
sgmooreYeah bdmurray said 4PM US pacific, which conveniently I am the same timezone right now. We have 6ish hours16:55
arraybolt3so I found the owner, any clue what *license* the branding is udner?16:55
arraybolt3I'm realizing I don't see any official declaration of "CC-BY-SA-4.0" or anything in here.16:55
mmikowskifyi, 5 minutes later-ish, here's is a color-matched wallpaper with breeze. https://i.imgur.com/lqfhAV6.jpeg16:55
mmikowskiAnd now to compare to the blue:16:56
sgmooreI like the blue 1000 times better, Kubuntu and blue go hand in hand. My humble opinion.16:57
mmikowskiThere's the blue. sgmoore I prefer the blue too, but this was so inexpensive to test, I think it's important to see the alternative if that's a viable option.16:59
mmikowskiComparing them, I prefer the blue too. And it's the easier way to go. So I think we are in agreement. But if we have an issue, we have a plan to rollback that is I think is quite good.17:03
sgmoorealright, I just love the blue so much sorry17:03
arraybolt3mmikowski: you done went and did too good of a job, no one wants to go back now :D17:05
arraybolt3I initially didn't even like the idea of changing the colors and even I'm like "NOOOOO GIVE US THE BLUE" now :P17:06
sgmoorelol it's true :)17:06
mmikowskiI'm just worried about technical debt and upkeep. No matter how many hours I put into this, I'd rather spend another 8 or even 12 hours today rolling back to breeze colors IF it avoids dozens or hundred of support and usability issues over the next 3 years.17:07
mmikowskiBut it doesn't appear that is an issue. Colors are working. Snaps grabbing the current theme appears to be a snap issue.17:08
mmikowski*snaps *NOT* grabbing ...17:08
arraybolt3yep. I think those blue tinted colors will look great anywhere. The Snaps are a bummer, but Snaps in general are a bummer with so many things.17:09
arraybolt3though hey...17:09
arraybolt3I have an idea17:09
arraybolt3sgmoore: is Firefox not picking up the color on 24.04?17:09
arraybolt3And if so, could you install the snapd from I think the edge channel, reboot, then try again?17:09
arraybolt3There was a bug breaking the communication between snapd and plasmashell that was fixed and I wonder if that might do the trick.17:10
sgmooreyes, and ok will do17:10
arraybolt3I'm pleased to announce the new wallpaper automatically takes effect upon upgrade \o/17:11
mmikowskiFantastic. I did test that last night with a hand-load. Great to it made it through packaging!17:16
mmikowskisgmoore I updated debian/control to pull in the color schemes, so you want to make sure that is working too.17:17
sgmooreThey are listed in the colors kcm17:17
mmikowskiPlease also check the theme previews, those have been updated. I'm certainly fine with you swapping those out as desired.17:18
rick-timmisWell I say that wallpaper looks superb!17:18
arraybolt3if someone sees a botched upload to the staging PPA, it's because I fumbled with Kubuntu Automation and cancelled it midway through :P17:18
arraybolt3It shouldn't actually have gotten into the PPA, but there may be rejected email17:18
mmikowskiWell, that's a good sign. Also if the windows look colored, that would be a good sign too. Is the correct color theme applied and selected in the KCM directly after install? Could you just check quickly for me (1 minute, I promise!)17:20
arraybolt3mmikowski: the new colors are uploaded right? Lemme check17:20
mmikowskibtw, I'm paranoid and needy. Bad combination. sgmoore <<17:20
arraybolt3it doesn't look like they're here yet17:21
mmikowskiarraybolt3: yes, I put /everything/ into settings and wallpapers and the control and install files. The ideas is as of this morning, theming should be done for the desktop.17:21
mmikowskiIs it in the install file? I'm pretty certain it is. 17:21
* mmikowski checks...17:22
sgmooretheme previews are right17:22
arraybolt3oh there, reapplying the theme did it I think17:22
mmikowskiKubuntu settings install file: desktop/color-schemes/*         usr/share/color-schemes/17:23
sgmoorearraybolt3: seems sill me doesn't know how to install snapd from edge, it says snapd is already installed and won't let me remove because I have installed snaps17:23
arraybolt3mmm, I'll try and figure it out17:23
mmikowskiok, I have to help with a multi-disk setup.17:23
arraybolt3but anyway I'm seeing blue now :D17:23
mmikowskiafk for a bit.17:23
mmikowskithat's better than seeing red ....17:23
arraybolt3sgmoore: sudo snap refresh --edge snapd17:24
arraybolt3if this doesn't fix it, we should file a bug report.17:25
arraybolt3can confirm here that it doesn't theme the Snap.17:28
arraybolt3It's not horrible, but it is noticeable, and it is something that would be nice to fix if at all possible.17:28
arraybolt3OK, so filing that bug...17:31
arraybolt3I'm pretty sure we're all at semi-fire stage :P17:32
arraybolt3Between the largest transition in history and a full-on cyberattack, this has been rough17:32
RikMillsyear considerint t64 and xz-utils, I was amazed we seemed to be heading for final freeze on schedule17:33
RikMillsand that is just from me be mostly an observer this time17:34
RikMillsanother mass rebuild, so final freeze certainly won't be set in stone if it happens :P18:04
RikMillsit's not that set in stone any way. multiple candidate iso rebuilds for important fixes is normal18:06
RikMillswell, can be normal18:06
RikMillsarraybolt3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/24.04.6518:10
EickmeyerAnybody else having trouble getting Discover to open?20:38
sgmoorejust opened on my vm with latest updates20:38
eugenesanI've found a couple of issues with recent installer. The issues are livefs (squahsfs) related. Where should I report the issues?20:39
Eickmeyereugenesan: To start with, `ubuntu-bug calamares`20:42
eugenesanEickmeyer: It's not calamares related. It's related to livefs formation like default kubuntu user settings and missing packages.20:43
Eickmeyereugenesan: Be more specific. What packages are missing?20:44
sgmooreuh yeah what packages?20:45
sgmooreI am thinking adding fonts-ibm-plex bit us?20:46
arraybolt3might need another rebuild of the ISO to make it work, with a new livecd-rootfs20:47
eugenesanEickmeyer: 1. Installer crashes/hangs on system with less then 3GB (Kernel OOM killer) which would require zram-config in livefs. 2. Default kubuntu user has screen timout/lock set to 1 minute and lockscreen do not accept empty password hence making install impossible unless you constantly "wave" the mouse.20:47
Eickmeyersgmoore: Yeah, but with arraybolt3's recent change to ... ^ what he said.20:47
Eickmeyereugenesan: Did you consider that it can't be installed to a system with less than 3 GB?20:48
arraybolt3mhh, I wondered if leaving zram-config out was going to cause problems...20:48
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: I mean it should be able to work, my VM is sitting at 1.8 GiB used now.20:48
sgmoorethe screen lock issue should be set to notlockonresume on live20:48
eugenesanEickmeyer: Why not? It runs perfectly fine with 2GB after install.20:49
arraybolt3eugenesan: If you could file a bug about the zram-config thing, that would be great. Please file it against the package calamares-settings-kubuntu, and we'll see if we can get it fixed.20:49
Eickmeyereugenesan: Installation and running are two different things.20:49
EickmeyerTwo different requirements.20:49
sgmooreand it is set to 15 minutes on installed20:49
eugenesanEickmeyer: The OOM issue is not consistent. It fails randomly.20:49
Eickmeyer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:49
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: It could be made to install though, and it sounds like making it do so is easy.20:49
arraybolt3Lubuntu uses zram-config, so we know it works. I was leery of putting it in, but if leaving it out is causing real problems, then let's not leave it out.20:50
* Eickmeyer tries to help and is wrong again *sigh*20:50
arraybolt3As for the screen locker issue, I think we at least tried to fix that.A daily ISO might have the fix? sgmoore you did upload the fix for that already right?20:51
sgmooreyep and the beta tracker finally says casper migration finished, but that was super recent20:51
eugenesanI think zram-config is required. There is a reason why most livecd distros enable it by default. I believe kernel prefers overlayfs caching over userspace.20:51
eugenesanI tested on latest build from 3 hours ago.20:52
sgmoorethe most recent I can find is the beta. Is there more recent ones hidden somewhere?20:52
arraybolt3and I think it even was part of Kubuntu at some point so yeah, it should be in there.20:52
arraybolt3sgmoore: in the daily image pending folder?20:52
arraybolt3On another note, I just spotted a System Monitor bug:20:53
arraybolt3Look at the connection speeds.20:54
arraybolt3I do **not** have 24 gigabit internet here.20:54
arraybolt3that might be an issue with my VM though I guess, as I've seen Windows do this exact same thing. Can someone reproduce on physical hardware?20:54
eugenesanarraybolt3: As of 3 hours ago. pending had the same build as current. And that's the one I am testing.20:55
sgmooreI don't understand the lockout then. It isn't suppose to lock on resume according to upstream docs /cry20:56
arraybolt3it doesn't lock on resume, it's auto-locking I think.20:57
arraybolt3Two different things.20:57
sgmooreok, our autolock in kcreenlockerrc is set to 15 though21:03
eugenesanAnother topic. Something is wrong with plymouth themes.21:09
eugenesanI reported a LUKS prompt issue (missing locale name) with default plymouth theme.21:09
eugenesanAlso KCM config fails to switch the theme to anything except BGRT. Choosing anything else results in one time shutdown sequence with selected theme and after reboot it reverts to default.21:09
sgmooreI can't reproduce the plymouth theme. Selected Kubuntu-Logo - rebooted and it is still selected on reboot21:24
sgmooresame with spinner21:26
eugenesansgmoore: I tested all "graphic" themes. Only BGRT works. I guess Canonical fixed something in BGRT for 24.04 cycle since all themes worked on 23.10.21:30
arraybolt3eugenesan: where's the missing locale name bug?21:31
eugenesanarraybolt3: Under the prompt line it should display for example 'US".21:37
eugenesanBut, kubuntu-logo displays 'no' instead.21:38
eugenesanAlso I was unable to switch the locale after a adding second one in Plasma.21:38
eugenesanTo be honest, I was unable to switch locale with BGRT on both Kubuntu and Ubuntu instalsl.21:38
eugenesanSo either it's an issue of testing the switching in VM or the issue of switching is not unique to Kubuntu.21:38
sgmooreok the bug I fixed is fixed... it doesn't lock after sleep. This is new, it is indeed set to 1 min21:39
arraybolt3eugenesan: I need a bug number or link if you filed one, that would be quite helpful.21:40
arraybolt3But yes, I've seen that odd bug with the localization indicator, I don't know why it happens (and I did a lot of work to make sure the real layout was correct even if the displayed one was messed up). I'll have to dig into that.21:40
eugenesanarraybolt3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/206167621:40
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2061676 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "plymouth luks input prompt fails to display current locale and" [Undecided, New]21:40
arraybolt3thank you21:40
arraybolt3And now I get what you mean about the BGRT theme more, that will be very handy for chasing this down.21:41
arraybolt3Thank you so much!21:41
eugenesanarraybolt3: My assumption 'BGRT' is the default theme of Ubuntu.21:45
eugenesanThe same theme is available as plymouth-theme-spinner package on 23.10.21:45
eugenesanNot sure why KCM displays two seemingly identical themes as BGRT and spinner.21:45
eugenesanarraybolt3: Also, I have no idea why BGRT theme works and spinner work only once during shutdown...21:47
arraybolt3mmm, I found a clue21:49
arraybolt3going to add it to the bug report21:49
sgmooreAlright, I broke screenlocker fixing another bug. I have the fix here: https://code.launchpad.net/~scarlettmoore/ubuntu/+source/casper/+git/casper/+merge/464651 trying to poke some folks, not sure I can get it in this late.21:52
Eickmeyersgmoore: Diff is empty?21:58
sgmoorelol https://code.launchpad.net/~scarlettmoore/casper/+git/casper/+merge/46465222:08
eugenesanI have a question regarding defaults for BTRFS in https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/tree/common/modules/mount.conf22:18
eugenesan1. What is the rational behind enabling compression only on SSD? Wouldn't it make more sense to add compression for spinning drives or both?22:18
eugenesan2. Why LZO? IMHO Zstd would be a much better option.22:18
eugenesanAlso, in https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/tree/common/modules/fstab.conf we do not enable discard fro LUKS making discard option useless with encryption.22:18
arraybolt3eugenesan: good questions, I'll look into those more.22:28
arraybolt3Also eugenesan I just found the fix for the keyboard layout bug, thank you SO MUCH for testing the other themes!22:32
arraybolt3(Knowing that bgrt worked ended up being what let me crack the nut. Our keymap render image is out of date, we just need to copy a new one in place.)22:33
sgmoorelooks like my hotfix for casper and the screenlock bug will make it in. Thank you for reporting eugenesan !22:34
mmikowskisgmoore is that the bad logo fix?22:35
sgmoorebad logo? no the autolock was set to 1 min rather than disabled22:35
sgmoorewhat bad logo? missed than one in my desperation to fix lockscreen22:36
sgmooremmikowski: ^22:36
mmikowskiI was looking at the round logo on the Reddit post. See "The shutdown prompt with the updated logo".22:36
arraybolt3Doing one more test on the keyboard layout fix before pushing it.22:37
mmikowskiIt's blue and dark.22:37
mmikowskiI thought we were going with a white logo there and on login by default?22:37
arraybolt3I thought we were going with a blue logo with a white background :P22:38
sgmoorewe absolutely are. looking now to see what happened..22:38
mmikowskiAlthough maybe that's something you've already fixed, and it's just in the last public build.22:38
mmikowskiWell we discussed it yesterday and documented on the ticket. 22:38
arraybolt3kk, I'm just missing context then. Nevermind, carry on :)22:38
mmikowskiIt's related to the face icon.22:39
eugenesanBTW, while installing I've noticed that "Slide Show" images in calamares were scaled only to ~75% if available window size.22:39
eugenesanIs the installer theming still work in progress?22:39
arraybolt3it was supposed to be done...22:39
arraybolt3I never noticed the scaling and thought it was bad.22:40
arraybolt3now that you mention it, I'm not sure how to change it either though22:40
arraybolt3I *think* there's a Calamares upstream bug that might prevent it but it's definitely worth a shot fiddling with the QML.22:40
valoriejust running updates to the beta, and get one warning from dpkg: unable to delete old directory `/etc/skel/.config` : directory not empty22:42
valoriein case it is of interest22:42
arraybolt3eugenesan: Thank you so much for all of this testing and pointing out issues, this is realy helping things move forward in time.22:43
valorienice, new logo in the startup22:43
valorieand the pulsing is there \o/22:43
eugenesanarraybolt3: My pleasure. I was testing it for my systemd-boot install procedure anyways ;-)22:44
arraybolt3Confirmed that the displayed keyboard layout fix works as intended, uploading now.22:45
valorieand I get the new wallpaper! \o/22:45
valorieabsolutely fabu!22:45
mmikowskiarraybolt3 sgmoore we discussed the face icons early on. IMO white > blue on white > blue on dark. Only the last one is truly problematic. 22:47
mmikowskiSorry, bad link.22:47
sgmooreyes I know! turns out sddm theme has its own. I am working on fix now22:47
arraybolt3sgmoore: also can you push to Git your upload of the last kubuntu-settings? I don't have all the history here and I need to change the Plymouth theme22:49
mmikowskisgmoore do you need help? I've done sddm before.22:49
sgmooreI just pushed to archive.22:49
arraybolt3ohhh I see it. I just need to merge back to staging.22:50
sgmooreI don't. fix is being uploaded. I just didn't know it didn't use the same one as everything else22:50
mmikowskiOoh! Nice! With white updated Logos? That would really bring it to the next level IMO!22:50
sgmoorearraybolt3: I need to fix my version, I make stupid mistakes rushing22:51
arraybolt3do you need to push anything before I make changes to staging and merge back to archive?22:51
arraybolt3Just making sure so we don't have a midair collision22:51
sgmooreyeah I had to update the version in changelog, so sorry22:52
arraybolt3no problem22:52
arraybolt3I'm just going to work directly in _archive since I risk diverging branches otherwise22:53
sgmoorearraybolt3: alright go ahead and do your thing22:53
sgmooreyeah sorry, didn't know you had stuff to do and was rushing to get uploaded, but you may as well upload after your fixes.22:54
arraybolt3sgmoore: pushed my fix, if you want me to upload now I'm happy to, otherwise it's ready for you to change if needed22:55
sgmoorego ahead and upload, sddm face.icon is now matched to the others22:56
mmikowskiOoh, nice!22:57
arraybolt3ugh, KA is so *picky* sometimes :P22:57
sgmoorelol, glad someone noticed22:57
valoriegoogle spoils us22:57
arraybolt3like "won't work, you didn't put your name in the changelog". Sigh, ok, dch -r. "Nope, still won't work, I want the release to be UNRELEASED". Alright, `/no<ENTER>d1iUNRELEASED<Esc>:wq`. "Oh no you don't, now there's a git tag in the way!" Oh. Come. On. Really.22:58
valorieKA just needs an LLM assistant22:58
mmikowskivalorie buy some ads at $3 per fraudulent click some time. I promise you won't feel so spoiled after that 😁22:59
sgmooreoh hahaha yeah it gets really fun22:59
valoriewell I mean their correction tech22:59
arraybolt3Uploaded the new kubuntu-settings.22:59
arraybolt3and I merged everything from _archive back to _staging and pushed.22:59
sgmoorehooray! 22:59
valorieevery time I feel like I spelled something wrong, I just copy/paste it into google23:00
arraybolt3I rely on Google as my Boggle word challenge resolver.23:00
valorieit's pretty much 100% correct23:00
valoriethat doesn't make it not EVIL23:00
arraybolt3A lot of times me or my friend will write a word not knowing for sure if it's a wor,d and then find out that indeed it is, but it didn't mean at all what we expected :P23:00
valorienor does GSoC23:00
mmikowskivalorie I know 😃. But man, those guys know how to take your money for nothing.23:01
* arraybolt3 admits to owning and actually liking a Chromebook23:01
mmikowskiAds are instantly expensive these days. 23:01
sgmooreI own 2!23:01
arraybolt3the pressure-sensitive pen broke when I stepped on it, and the keyboard broke from being taken off and put back on too many times (?! it's supposed to be like an MS Surface, that shouldn't have broken it), but it's still a great tablet :P23:01
arraybolt3(it's an HP Chromebook x2 11)23:01
arraybolt3alright, with that fire put out, I shall now pivot to slideshow shenanigans.23:02
* mmikowski typing on an Android phone. Loved our Acer 14 Chromebook with the Tegra 4.23:02
arraybolt3this is a great time to fix the oversized Kubuntu gear in the upper-left corner anyways.23:02
sgmooreI think my fires are out. I will keep an eye on telegram though to make sure no more creep up. Been another long night/day lol so worht it though if we keep getting super reviews :)23:04
mmikowskiYeah, that looked too tight to the top arraybolt3. Are you going to fix that too?23:04
arraybolt3that's my intention, yes23:05
arraybolt3and then I am going to probably take a break (maybe a long one) and try to learn SysRPL programming once this is taken care of, my brain is turning into charcoal and for some reason I think learning a new programming language is going to fix it...?23:06
* arraybolt3 's mind may work strangely in some ways23:07
valoriesometimes a new part of the brain being exercized does work23:07
valoriewhich is why I keep tackling Hard Stuff23:08
arraybolt3Low-level programming language for the HP 50g graphing calculator.23:08
arraybolt3I own one, it's really neat. Has a whole half-megabyte of RAM :P23:08
mmikowskiOy, RPN comes to me naturally. Check last name.23:10
mmikowskiI also designed the rear 2/3 of our University solar car on a handheld radio shack computer running basic back in the day.23:10
arraybolt3heh :)23:10
mmikowskiYeah I think I'll learn rust instead.23:11
mmikowskiFunny story: in my JavaScript book, used RPN to duck-type variable names. Reviewers absolutely hated it with a passion. 23:13
mmikowskiRevised it to put duct types at the end, and reviewers absolutely loved it with a passion.23:13
eugenesanarraybolt3: I've file zram-cnfig related bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+bug/206242823:14
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2062428 in calamares-settings-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Install randomely crashes/fails/hangs on systems with 3GB or less" [Undecided, New]23:14
* mmikowski ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:14
arraybolt3eugenesan: awesome, I'm fiddling with that package now so this is a perfect time to fix that too.23:14
eugenesanarraybolt3: BTW, while you are dealing with livefs. Would it be possible to add HTOP?23:17
mmikowskiNn sgmoore. Ping me if you need help.23:18
eugenesanarraybolt3: It might be helpful to have htop when installing/testing offline.23:19
arraybolt3eugenesan: I mean... technically we could, but there's already plasma's system monitor and of coure usual `top`.23:19
arraybolt3(I love htop too though and if we weren't a week from release and hours from Final Freeze I'd be all for this.)23:19
eugenesanarraybolt3: I understand. Next release then ;-)23:20
arraybolt3Aha! I got the images to blow up bigger!!23:31
arraybolt3Had to read some of Calamares's source code to figure out how but there's a convenient "masterHeight" and "masterWidth" property I can use to "break out" of the slide sandbox and make the image however big I want.23:32
arraybolt3eugenesan, mmikowski ^ ?23:36
arraybolt3(It's still smallish since I'm having to dodge the bottom of the screen as Calamares' architecture seems to not allow me to put the image directly in the center of the visible box.)23:37
arraybolt3trying to see if I can shift it23:41
arraybolt3sigh, I can, but I don't have the algo quite right...23:44

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