
pelpsiScheduled maintenance started! Expected downtime: 30 mins. PPA service will be affected.12:32
athosis this still ongoing?13:22
pelpsiathos, yep13:31
Guest36hey! has the expected downtime been extended? we are still unable to connect to ppa14:01
tolecnalExpected downtime was 30 minutes, which was announced nearly 90 minutes ago. So my guess is that they've run into some issues.14:02
pelpsiMaintenance still ongoing, sorry for the inconvenience.14:04
cjwatsonIt might be nice to explain a little bit about what's gone wrong14:05
cjwatsonGood for transparency and helps to set expectations14:05
pelpsicjwatson: Sure, we have a maintenance of a node where the PPA service is running. Unfortunately, after the BIOS upgrade, the node is stuck on Boot screen. We are working to fix that.14:09
cjwatsonRight, so cloud-level14:11
tolecnalhttps://status.canonical.com/ is showing green across the board, and I was just able to complete an update that failed during the maintenance. So I reckon pelpsi and the PPA team was able to resolve the boot issue :)14:24
pelpsiMaintenance completed and PPA service is up again! Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience and understanding.14:26
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