
tomreyntelgareith: sudo efibootmgr -v00:06
tomreyntelgareith: then check which "Bootnnnn" record is the right one00:06
telgareithdual boot works, I just want to be able to tell the machine to reboot into windows without touching it00:07
tomreynthen: sudo efibootmgr -n nnnn00:07
tomreynand then reboot00:07
tomreynthe 'nnnn' are numbers00:07
tomreyni understood what you're trying to do.00:08
telgareithI misunderstood you then00:11
telgareithand checking, but windows decided now was good for updates00:11
tomreynwhile this is was a rather generic question, if you'll have questions regarding "noble" (to be 24.04 LTS), please ask in #ubuntu-next until release. thanks.00:16
=== jason is now known as jason_bourne
pycuriousOn 24.04lts - apt update - > Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of apt-news.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units. - any ideas on how to fix this?01:08
Bashing-om!next | pycurious01:09
ubottupycurious: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.01:09
pycurious@Bashing-om thanks01:15
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NERDhow is everyone01:31
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akiktelgareith: if you need to modify the uefi boot order while in windows, you can do it with bcdedit https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2023/12/04/how-to-change-uefi-boot-order-in-windows/04:57
akiktelgareith: there's also the possibility that the uefi firmware has its own mind which efi file to boot06:08
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
davidicusAnyone having problem tranferring files like backups to another drive? I have a drive that was partitioned and formatted during install to make sure I had a place to keep them. but I can't copy to that drive. I've done even "sudo dolphin" and get "Executing Dolphin with sudo is not possible due to unfixable security vulnerabilities." as a result. It doesn't make much sense to make backups if one can't store them safely on another drive.06:43
akikdavidicus: you just need to change the ownership on the another drive's dirs06:50
akikdavidicus: sudo chown -R $USER and_the_dir_here06:51
amosbirdHello, I'm trying to do install clang-18 on my arm ubuntu but get this error : clang-18 : Depends: libclang-common-18-dev (= 1:18.1.0~++20240302042201+461274b81d86-1~exp1~20240302162234.64) but 1:18.1.0~++20240220094926+390dcd4cbbf5-1~exp1~20240220214944.50 is to be installed.06:55
amosbirdDoes this mean the llvm upstream is broken?06:55
=== V1Acouch is now known as V1A
webchat64I am using ubuntu 23.04 rootfs for a phone device. The login interface appears on tty1 now. How to input? I have fbkeyboard and created a systemd service for it. It just didn't appear. It works on alpine with the following inittab line "tty1::respawn:/usr/bin/fbkeyboard -d /dev/input/event2"08:23
webchat64ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/fbkeyboard_1 -d /dev/input/event2  -f /usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf08:24
webchat64no human here?08:29
lotuspsychje!patience | webchat6408:31
ubottuwebchat64: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/08:31
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
younderIs there anybody out there?09:03
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BluesKajHi all11:34
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mdmbkrthe gddrescue package shows up in “apt search” on my 22.04 server but not on the bootable “try Ubuntu”, how do I gain access to that package12:29
mdmbkralternately is there a more appropriate data recovery environment I can boot from usb12:30
mdmbkr‘add-apt-repository universe’ made it available, yay12:42
pragmaticenigmamdmbkr: https://www.system-rescue.org/ might be a better tool overall with gddrescue and other recovery tools already included12:53
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mdmbkrnice! thank you13:50
mdmbkrso uh .. not really relevant to ubuntu but I had a drive act up and then seemingly rapidly deteriorate to a point where linux can't even connect to it as a block device13:51
mdmbkrI'm about to give up entirely on trying to recover anything from it but it's a failure mode I've never seen before, the drive doesn't seem like it's even attempting to respond to commands13:52
mdmbkrit spins up, the heads thrash for about 2 minutes, and then it keeps spinning but no further activity13:52
mdmbkrATA is able to get a device name from it, but then it either hangs indefinitely (ubuntu live) or errors out "too" rapidly, in any case it'll never show up eg in 'fdisk -l', ddrescue got 0 bytes (but spanned the whole drive in about 2 minutes)13:54
mdmbkrI guess I'm wonder aloud if there's some kind of firmware safe mode where the drive shuts itself down after enough errors to prevent further damage, or if perhaps the firmware itself got zapped13:55
mdmbkris it even a thing any more to swap the logic board from another disk?13:55
ravageTry #hardware13:58
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davidicusThis is a bit old-school but years ago whe all we had was mechanical drives, of one was failing bad, we'd wrap them up good in plastic  and stick them in the freezer for about 24 hours or so. It did something to them that allowwed them to be accee15:55
davidicus..ssable for a while until they warmed up15:55
lotuspsychjenot really a topic for here davidicus15:55
davidicusok, I was just trying to help15:56
mdmbkrdavidicus: thanks for sharing that =)16:00
=== Guest30 is now known as kok0
donofrio__Does anyone know why this sources.list is pointing to archive and shoudln't it point to somewhere else? https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/82a6f2212e9816:44
pragmaticenigmadonofrio__: that is normal16:48
JanCwhy should it point elsewhere?16:48
JanC(also, #ubuntu-next is a channel specific to the development release)16:51
donofrio__JanC, ok tnx17:03
JanCdonofrio__: if you were confused about the word "archive", it just means a place where files are stored here17:05
pragmaticenigmaor more simply... someone needed a name/label... that's what they choose.17:06
JanCthe "archive" for *old* (no-longer-supported) Ubuntu releases is at https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/17:06
JanCwell, the reason why it's called "archive" is almost certainly because someone chose that name in Debian a long time ago  :)17:08
pragmaticenigmano idea... I tend not to read too much into these things. I assume if the default configuaration from the maker of the software did that, they had a reason and all that matters to me is the software works17:10
JanCI don't think it's a software default, just that it has traditionally been called that17:10
JanCso more like a cultural thing17:10
pragmaticenigmadefault as in, as provided by the publisher17:11
JanCI'm not sure what you mean by "publisher" here; it's just a DNS subdomain choice, and most mirrors use different subdomains probably17:12
pragmaticenigmathat absolutely nothing at all with what I was getting at17:13
pragmaticenigmaThe publisher, Canonical, choose a domain name, put that domain into a configuration file as the default location to look for things17:14
younderDid they?17:19
younderSimplifying a install... How evil!17:19
=== ch0ps3y is now known as Guest7098
echelonhi, has anyone seen this error before? https://i.imgur.com/oxKk8i0.png17:55
echeloni'm able to curl the InRelease file just fine17:55
falzis your clock off?17:56
echelonfalz: yup, was set to 2023, thanks!17:59
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echeloncan /boot partition be added to LVM now?19:30
tomreynechelon: i'm not sure whether the installers can, but other than that i don't see why not (and that's not a recent change).19:33
echelonyeah, my question was about the installer19:55
bunjeeplease help newbie here setup HP printer...19:55
tomreynbunjee: which printer model exactly? what have you tried, yet (if anything)?20:00
=== bigred is now known as fuzion
bunjeetomreyn: HP 2700 deskjet all in one.....I've gone as far as installing HPLIP....just can't get it to connect wirelessly.20:03
bunjeeAnyone help - HP 2700 deskjet all in one.....I've gone as far as installing HPLIP....just can't get it to connect wirelessly.20:17
kawalreset the printer20:19
kawaland connect to the printers' wifi again.20:19
kawalwithout password.20:19
kawaldirect wifi connect.20:19
kawalbunjee !20:19
kawalthe graphic way as root: system-config-printer, then add with the printer IP, the model is listed , though with direct wifi connect you can't connec to the internet but it works anyway.20:23
JanCHP printers are super expensive & user-hostile these days20:27
bunjeestill need help installing HP printer....20:45
=== davidicus is now known as Archer
tomreynbunjee: did you see what kawal wrote?20:47
tomreynbasic setup instructions https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_3872876-3834337-1620:49
tomreynanother guide https://support.hp.com/us-en/printer-setup/hp-deskjet-2700-all-in-one-printer-series/2937815720:50
tomreynbunjee: you will also need to install package 'hplip' if it's not already installed.20:55
bunjeetomreyn: I'm just reading now....20:58
bunjeetomreyn: I have had the HP connected wirelessly for a couple years now.....I need to connect using Kubuntu 23.0421:02
bunjeetomreyn: hplip is already the newest version (3.23.12+dfsg0-0ubuntu5).21:05
tomreyn!next | bunjee21:07
ubottubunjee: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.21:07
bunjeeubottu: I have no idea how to execute #ubuntu-next or #ubuntu-quality.21:09
tomreynyou type: /join #ubuntu-next21:10
tomreynright here21:10
webchat68hello guys22:41
webchat56hello guys22:43
jasonQuery:  Real talkative bunch.22:53
jason1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1s 789ms/step22:53
jason [{'intent': 'greetings', 'probability': '0.34231463'}, {'intent': 'invalid', 'probability': '0.30237132'}, {'intent': 'funny', 'probability': '0.2974037'}]22:53
jasonJENNY:  Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.22:53
jasonit's called Internet Relay Chat for a reason22:53
Guest52I just finished renaming a few folders and moving a few files in my home directory. Now for some reason, when I open my web browser all my bookmarks, search history and other data is missing. Likewsie when I launch Joplin, all my notes are gone. How should I go about remedying this?23:14
sarnoldput them back? :)23:14
Guest52Is there a way to list recent file modification history via teminal?23:15
jason"This is Unix. It gives you enough rope to hang yourself." --- Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels at http://cistron.nl>23:15
sarnoldGuest52: not really. renaming a directory or file will change the *parent* directory modification time, not the file's .. moving it somewhere else might show up23:16
jasoneasier way? uninstall the browser and reinstall first thing it willask is toimport23:16
sarnoldbut if the terminal no longer exists and you can't just scroll up, it's pretty hard to find out what you did23:17
Guest52Think I figured out how to list recently modified files:23:25
Guest52find . -maxdepth 1 -newermt "04-18-2024"23:25
Guest52It outputs this list of folders: https://termbin.com/hcrn23:25
jasonfor future such case you may want to look at Back in Yime23:40
jasonBack in Time23:41
jasonthere'salso awidget that does automaticebackups23:44
jasonexport the favorites file when you get it running and keep it in your backups23:51
Guest52Thanks for the advice. Now I notice that somehow there ended up being a ./snap and a ./Snap dir. Can I safely move the files from the latter to the former and then delete the former?23:54

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