[02:20] P7XK [02:54] JJy6 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [06:01] How to make Plasma remeber the position of windows even during standby? I open windows on display 1 and display 2. Go shopping for about 30 minutes. And when I'm back home, all windows are on display 1. That's quite annoying... [07:10] skramer, i don't know.. but that could be a side-effect of your actual 2nd screen which turns off due to lack of use.. the desktop then adjusts for a single screen (moving all windows to only screen it detects is connected).. thus on your return they're all on display 1... you may find a workaround via screen 2 power setting (monitor settings)... just a thought [07:26] guiverc: Thanks for that hint, I'll try to find such workaround [12:03] I tried to install kubuntu 24.04 beta and got these issues https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1c7ueso/kubuntu_installation_issue/      if  anyone can suggest a fix it would be great help [12:54] Hi nice to meet you all [12:55] I think this channel is not active, just forwarded message from IRC forum [13:12] Hi all [13:31] Yeap, it looks like it just do that (re @lecturerif: I think this channel is not active, just forwarded message from IRC forum) [15:24] Is the new nvk drivers,mesa available in 24.04 beta release? [15:24] *mesa drivers === alucardromero3 is now known as alucardromero [15:50] greetings, my desktops suddenly black and my panel is gone. I can still use cairo-dock but it seems plasma apps don't work. I can launch most apps from the command line but I get an additional message: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was reached === jcea1 is now known as jcea === jcea1 is now known as jcea === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [22:29] Kubuntu beta is looking nice === jcea1 is now known as jcea